i have a friend that is a contractor for conoco and had the opportunity to be relocated to iraq. i think that by seeing this video he may think
twice. so im asking my friends at ats for a link that will show the full potential of the group that killed one ( we more ) of our american citizens
in an effort to stop.............. the horror.
I don't think that you really want to see that video. I haven't seen it myself simply because I don't really want to watch such a thing. Here
this thread might have it: www.abovetopsecret.com...
i have mixed feelings about the video and not much time to research.
your right i don't want to see the video of the behedding, i want my friend to see it so that he won't go. even though the group performing may or
may not have been who the claim.
All the beheading videos you would ever want to see are to be found on this site. You will have to join and earn enough points to access the videos,
but with a little ingenuity, it won't take long to do that.