Heres mine : Go for it predict away...
Since my initial predictions were pretty accurate.
The child will have a distanced and cold relationship with his mother. Be possessive and spendthrift.
She will teach him to be too " controlling". Esp the mother and father will try to compensate what they cannot offer emotionally with expensive
gifts and teach him materialism. Actually its going to have the opposite effect all that grandiose luxury hes surrounded with is going to make him
feel totally lost at times.
Due to the fact that he wont get on with his mother fabulously behind closed doors his relationship with women will be stormy and he will feel plenty
of jealousy! And wont settle before hes had a few.
He will find his father distance at times, and the father will get out of the house, just to breath.
Yes William I told you, you made the wrong choice!
Due to the fact too that his parents are sooo over protected he wont learn to fend for himself and he will become lazy and bad with money.
He will be definitely living a LONG LIFE in the LIME light!
Hes possessive and quick to say the wrong things. He is rash - this may not be externally this is behind closed doors.
He will love social occasions and view it as a chance to SHOW OFF! This one is definitely a little Leo. And wont shy from a good party.
He is always going to enjoy his " riches" and his surroundings. He feels he was born for it, and for the most part have a good upbringing.:lol
He will be popular and charming. And also popular with the ladies. He loves to romance. Wont settle till mid thirties.
He also has a bad temper and needs restraining sometimes.
He is very vulnerable emotionally wise and soaks in atmospheres meaning if his home life is rubbish he will be in a very bad mood.
Hes silent and reserved at times and incredibly shy. As an adult its highly probable that he will get a bout of depression. He has that tendency.
And further dose of reality -this little prince is going to get into arguments and heated fights with his father BIG TIME.
So watch this space there is tons of drama to come.
Sorry folk, your fairy tale doesn't exist!
On the positive side he is a rebel, and he doesn't like to see injustice. Hes also good at excecuting things and has his grandfather Charles interest
in the supernatural subjects. He will be super charming and a good talker/negotiator and diplomat should he wish to be.
edit on 22-7-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)