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Breaking - Royal baby: Kate gives birth to boy

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posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

Show me where I said genocide was a good idea?
Do you know what it means? show me where I said a national, racial, political, or cultural group should be killed.
I agree that overpopulation is a problem, how many kids are hungry every single day, how many live in poverty.
As we use the resources up we can not keep on letting the population spiral out of control, It will just cause more war and more suffering.
Personally I think a maximum age may have to be brought in, we have to think about the continuation of the human race.
I would gladly leave this planet at the age of 75 If it meant future generations will continue.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

haha you mean we should have an age limit. Why don't people just stop breeding like rabbits? Maybe that would solve a few global issues.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

Because who will look after the old we have If we decrease the amount of births? at the moment in the UK we have 1 in 6 adults at pensioner age, by 2050 this will be 1 in 4, think about it (I look after old folk btw) what percentage of workers will we need to look after the old? we arn't doing a great job at the moment looking after them now imagine what it will be like in 30 years.
I will top myself before I get to be a burden, the old dears I look after just want to die, they ask me all the time "please just let me die".
We have to bring in living wills to allow people the choice.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

Show me where I said genocide was a good idea?
Do you know what it means? show me where I said a national, racial, political, or cultural group should be killed.
I agree that overpopulation is a problem, how many kids are hungry every single day, how many live in poverty.
As we use the resources up we can not keep on letting the population spiral out of control, It will just cause more war and more suffering.
Personally I think a maximum age may have to be brought in, we have to think about the continuation of the human race.
I would gladly leave this planet at the age of 75 If it meant future generations will continue.

You said that you agree with prince Philip and he wants to come back as a virus to kill millions of people in my eyes that's genocide. Plus as you recall you said that I was a minority so you have basically put me into a group therefore useless eaters are a group in the eyes of prince Philip.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

Look up the meaning of genocide again please. oh and read my post again It is obvious I don't want to kill people for the fun of it. It is about the continuation of the human race.
But please call me evil again
I sure could start name calling but I will not.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

So what do we do send everyone off with a good party at 80yrs old? That's like mass suicide.

People are living longer cos of a better life

The problem is humans having too many kids. The pests are everywhere.
edit on 23-7-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:59 PM
I am wondering why Kate looks like she is still pregnant...did they forget something in there?

...was picturing the Lady being way smaller after giving birth to an 8+ lb baby..
edit on 7/23/2013 by Givenmay because: addition

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Givenmay

Sometimes takes time to lose baby weight.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

You are missing my point it isn't we are having too many kids it is to do with people are living too long, we have to keep up the amount of young people to look after the old in the future.
Let me ask you something, would you prefer to go your own way or would you like to spend the last 10 years of your life in pain, with dementia not knowing who your loved ones are?
Like I said living wills will help solve this problem. If I can't use one of those I will have a party tell everyone I am going now and top myself.
I love my old dears I look after but in their moments of clarity they are ashamed that someone has to wipe their bum, they have no quality of life despite my best efforts to keep them entertained, we would not let a dog or a horse go through the amount of pain they are in so why do we let our loved ones do so?.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

No it isn't that people are living too long its the sheer amount of people. That is the issue. If people were living longer but there was fewer people, it would be different.

Although I understand your point.

Id rather die than just rot away, if that's what you are asking me. End on a high note.

edit on 23-7-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by abdel

Perhaps we will not agree today, on this issue.
Kindest regards, and deepest respects in any case.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

In 2011 the Queen was the 257th richest person in the UK, but that position has likely changed, going further down the ratings, because in the last couple of years there have been increases in the number of UK BILLIONAIRES. The Queen, in 2011 had a personal fortune of £300 million. By contrast, the richest man in Britain today is Mr Alisher Usmanov, co-owner of Arsenal Footbal Club, and owner of several businesses in his native Russia, and currently resident in the UK.

Kirsty Bertarelli is the richest UK woman, because she married a swiss pharmaceutical boss, Ernest Bertarelli with whom she shares £7.4 billion.

The only British born person in the top ten richest people in the country, in fact, is the Duke of Westminister, who is something like 8th richest person in Britain, with a personal fortune of £7.8 billion. There are in fact 88 billionaires in this country at the moment. The Queen then, is not even close to the richest person in the country, not even close to the richest person BORN in the UK even.

Sure, shes not a pauper, but people often make the error of assuming shes richer than anyone else in the country. Accuracy... its pretty important.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

Well , while I am at it, I will have to explain to them why, even when I was living on the streets, I was better off than most Ethiopians too, whats your point? I was and am still pretty skint by British standards, but Im pretty affluent by the standards of some fellow in a mud hut who eats a handful of rice once a day. And another thing, there are an awful lot of people in this country who are MANY times richer than the Royal family. Why arent you after them about it? After all, the Royal family have far more checks and balances on thier funds than some of the tycoons and businessmen and women out there who have been sitting on vast fortunes, while dodging taxes and all the rest. Why not ask them, those who have total freedom with thier money, to go and contribute?

After all, its big corperations which are keeping Ethiopia, and other African nations down these days, not the British Empire!!
edit on 23-7-2013 by TrueBrit because: Spelling correction

i was speaking on the excuses you were making for the royal family, not yourself.

you have much to learn my friend and i sure hope you and many like you, have time to figure it out before it's too late.

we have wealthy people running this world and they have been among and apart of this family you speak of for hundreds of years, just ask the Rothschilds who's your daddy.

this royal family you speak of has been at the center of genocide for hundreds of years, get with the program. i'm unsure if they have any power left, or it has been taken away by the Rothschilds, but hey turning your head away while they turn our world into a slave globe isn't exactly being innocent now is it....

i feel the same compassion for these turds as i do a good cop who turns his cheek to the plethora of bad cops out there, the good cops who say nothing, are just as guilty as the ones who rape, murder, deal drugs and worse.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Oh wow. I wasn't aware of this . Thanks..

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:56 PM
There is a secret life to the royals. Diana told everyone this. But no one seems to care.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Sk8ergrl
You said that you agree with prince Philip and he wants to come back as a virus to kill millions of people in my eyes that's genocide. Plus as you recall you said that I was a minority so you have basically put me into a group therefore useless eaters are a group in the eyes of prince Philip.

To be fair on HRH Prince Philip who has been deeply involved in the work of the WWF, the leading environmental charity, and as such as been consistent in outlining his fears that over population has on the environment. Two quotes below from HRH made at the time he was President of the WWF.

"Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed... We have no option. If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war".

I think most rational people would agree with this statement.

"The object of the WWF is to 'conserve' the system as a whole; not to prevent the killing of individual animals. Those who are concerned about the conservation of nature accept... that most species produce a surplus that is capable of being culled without in any way threatening the survival of the species as a whole".

Ah, the old “cull the population” silliness, oft misquoted out of context by people who just want to believe HRH is a nasty piece of work. Well, if it helps the misinformed sound knowledgeable, especially when they mix the two quotes together and come out with “genocide”.

To topic. Congratulations to the Royal Family.


edit on 23/7/2013 by paraphi because: formatting

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by paraphi

Its fine people having sex . But why cant they just curb their enthusiasm. Like isn't 2 children per couple enough? Really must people have dozens of themselves running around.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

That idea really hasnt worked out well for China.

Just saying.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Well it can work well overall but has to be done globally.
Dunno how they would achieve that however. Or we will become an over populated planet. Not a pretty sight.

Anyway back to the issue of the thread..

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Hm. I don't think I can agree with you there.

I live in Canada and, as you may know, we're a part of the British Commonwealth. My glorious day job requires me to review a lot of land titles throughout the province I live in. This means I get to see who owns what property (it's really not as exciting as it sounds

It may surprise you to know that the Queen owns a significant portion of the land here in Canada. Her name appears on the ownership title for large areas of land...and any Canadian people physcially occupying these parcels are merely renters to the true landowner: "Her Majesty the Queen".

We even call it "Crown land".

So sure, I suppose I can agree that perhaps the Queen's personal bank account may be valued at a mere $300 million - however the monarchy is MUCH wealthier than that. Heck, just the land she holds in this one province would eeeeasily double that value...let alone adding in all of the land she owns in other Canadian provinces and Commonwealth nations.

Or am I missing something? I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the smartest knife in the drawer... wait, that's not right...

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