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Some Mormons Search the Web and Find Doubt

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posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by holyTerror

While the Mormon Church is recognized as a real legitimate religion it doesnt really matter what they believe, facts are they hurt no one, have excellent morals does it REALLY matter which bull# religion it is and the finer points?

You dont like the fact they are lied to (your opinion) my mother lied to me when i was a kid and dragged me to a christian church (my opinion) until at the age of 11 i was given the option to attend, i stopped going because i thought it was all rubbish.

Am i bothered my mother, a very sensible pleasant woman still goes? Nope. Shes better of with it and im better off without, but if i was forced to go could i be a nicer person for it? Maybe.

I wonder if Mormons have a Rumspringa equivalent, because if they did im sure people like yourself would have to cut them more slack, an attempt to curb the strict indoctrination.

In the grand scheme of all regions, there are many others that need similar scrutinisation for a assault on human rights through deliberate control of information and values.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 03:40 AM
If your wondering. I stopped going to church, because boning chicks, smoking weed, drinking, and being a total bad ass was my thing.

Later in life I did my own research. Dont totally understand or like the way "work" being performed in the temples, and disagree with the Masonic influence of the religion.

Because of this religion, however, I credit growing up LDS with giving me standards, principle, and faith in others. I do believe in something greater than us, a creator. Whatever his/her name is, whatever they might be, I am in tune in my own ways. I apply my life to a universal law of science, math, love, and compassion. Peace

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Biigs

Bravo. Feel the same way. Star for you.

I'll never knock anything that makes a man a better person. Im better off being in tune spiritually my own way. No one has the absolute truth. And seeking for this truth divides and stirs people up.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by luciddream
reply to post by borntowatch

Learning more will only make you an Atheist!

Stay ignorant or learn! either way, that mind set will disappear soon!

Its a win-win situation, all we need is time.

Yet here I am, on an atheist troll site
Maybe you are wrong

Consider how much easier it would be for me to follow the flock, to deny responsibility, oh I wish.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by honested3
They are not Christian.

Respectfully, I disagree. That's like saying that an Islamic person is evil and possesses nothing of the spirit of God simply because they are Islamic.

I think that viewpoint is simply meant to antagonize Mormons, and it reinforces their viewpoint that their are only two churches. Us versus them mentality. It's a tactic taught to non-Mormons to create strife to deceive Mormons into staying in their beliefs. It's not meant to help people see their way out of Mormonism. It's meant to antagonize into staying deceived. It's a good way to reinforce a new convert beliefs that there are only two churches. This tactic plays very well into the Mormon missionary efforts and is an act of deception used by non-Mormons to keep new converts deceived by antagonistic outside forces which makes them think that there in fact only two churches as the Mormon missionaries teach.

Just because someone is deceived by Mormon doctrine doesn't make them any less Christian than Westboro Baptist church. Have you ever seen ANY Mormon picket a soldier's funeral who wasn't even gay with a God hates fags sign? Mormons in their respect for people of other religions often conduct themselves in a more Christian manner than Benny Hinn or some of the abusive people I have seen from people who call themselves Christian. But then I have seen Islamic people act more Christian than Baptists and Methodists.

What's not Christian is non-Mormons engaged in antagonistic behavior to reinforce Mormon missionary deception by using standard antagonism rather than......EDUCATING Mormons who have been deceived.

Educating people who have been deceived by Mormonism is Christian. Richard Abanes did that very well. Antagonizing them with statements like "They aren't Christian" is abuse designed to deceive them into accepting and verifying those things that the Mormon missionaries have said.

And you are not alone in the use of this tactic. I have seen college professors with degrees in psychology and doctorates in theology use this tactic using the exact same words to deceive people into accepting Mormon theology. If you can expect that from educated clergy you can expect that one should have nothing to do with any Christians in this country be they Mormon or not.

In fact I believe that people who use this tactic are in fact not only not Christian but are in fact usually guilty of a sin serious enough to place them under the control of spiritual Babylon. They are in fact under the rule of the beast or Satan.
edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:35:40 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:36:25 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:37:00 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:38:57 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:41:39 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:44:32 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:45:04 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:47:52 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 07:49:52 -0500 _7amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by onthedownlow
Um, begging your pardon, but I believe you are the one that threw out the word 'hate'. You have a certain animosity towards religion,

Um, begging your pardon, but I believe YOU are the one that said that I hate MORMONS. That's very different from saying that I hate what is in organized religion. I was VERY clear .. I think Mormons are the nicest people I've ever met. It's the stupidity in organized religions that I hate ... not Mormons. And if you look back at your post, you will see very clearly that you said 'hate Mormons' .. not 'hate teachings of organized religions' .

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 08:25 AM
I read recently because of the internet Mormans are stopping there assigned 2 year missionary preaching.

I don't know any Mormans, so I can't offer an opinion, but it seems from the comments on this thread there are some pretty decent nice people in that faith. And just like any other religion there will be the odd bad one too.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by snakebit
If your wondering. I stopped going to church, because boning chicks, smoking weed, drinking, and being a total bad ass was my thing.

Later in life I did my own research. Dont totally understand or like the way "work" being performed in the temples, and disagree with the Masonic influence of the religion.

Because of this religion, however, I credit growing up LDS with giving me standards, principle, and faith in others. I do believe in something greater than us, a creator. Whatever his/her name is, whatever they might be, I am in tune in my own ways. I apply my life to a universal law of science, math, love, and compassion. Peace

Oh dear jebus... Bro, you cracked my arse up! I joined in the thread earlier yesterday and just threw some food for foder out there about the religion. I grew up LDS as well in the Orland Park Ward, I stoped going to Church Actively at 16 and discontinued at 18 because of the same very reason's you stated...
Actually, for as much as the LDS women are prudish... Well.... Now... I fell you know where i'm going with this...

Thank you additionally for addressing the Honest fellow who discredits Mormons a.k.a LDS as not being Christians. Which Undo did a very good job seeing past the smoke screen as well. LDS are very much so Christian. I walked away from the church with the same mindset you did. I can always return as I never had my name taken out of the books, the missionaries still show up to the door from time to time, but if you grew up in the church, "You know how to scare them off, and have a
" doing so~

I had to star nearly every post bro, seriously! This cracked me up to all end~!

Thank you again!~

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by sulaw
Actually, for as much as the LDS women are prudish

It's not Mormon women that are prudish.

According to Mormon doctrine fornication is "recrucifying Christ afresh". Even non-sexual activities like kissing are off limits.

Some of the new testament authors said "flee fornication" and that fornication was a crime against self, but none of them ever forbid kissing or making out. None of the new testament authors described fornication as a recrucifying Christ afresh.

If a Mormon males follows Mormon doctrine he will be just as not-in-step with new testament authors who never forbid kissing or making out.

So, it's not the males or the females. It's the doctrine which goes well beyond warnings to avoid fornication to include kissing and making out. It's absurd. It's going above and beyond. The Bible warns against being overly righteous. Some of the new testament authors said that avoiding marriage was an advantage in ministry, but none ever forbid marriage and in fact warned of churches who forbid marriage. They said it was better to marry than to burn. Avoiding kissing is like forbidding your priests from marrying and the sexual repression results in child sex abuse and then transferring the perps from justice to another parish while God held Solomon accountable for his actions by depriving him of his sanity for a couple of years and God held Moses accountable for his actions by denying him entrance to the promised land. God did not transfer Moses or Solomon to other parishes. God implemented justice and warned people by inspiration from being overly righteous to avoid kissing.

But manipulating 14 year olds into marriage when your prophecies aren't coming true is not a problem. That's a serious contradiction. Making 14 year olds when you are 38 and your prophecies are failing miserable....not a problem.
edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 10:16:03 -0500 _10amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 10:17:04 -0500 _10amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vamTue, 23 Jul 2013 10:23:16 -0500 _10amq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Miracula

Originally posted by sulaw
Actually, for as much as the LDS women are prudish

It's not Mormon women that are prudish.

According to Mormon doctrine fornication is "recrucifying Christ afresh". Even non-sexual activities like kissing are off limits.

Some of the new testament authors said "flee fornication" and that fornication was a crime against self, but none of them ever forbid kissing or making out. None of the new testament authors described fornication as a recrucifying Christ afresh.

Sex "fornication" prior to marriage is strictly frowned and looked down upon. This can even prevent a youth from going on a mission. Lest that said person repents to all ends, it's ironically a double standard as prior youth that i've known have had sex and still attended there mission. Yes I know very well the ins and outs of the religion as I stated prior that I grew up a LDS.

Your body is a temple, this is why Tat's and Drinking are strictly forbidden as well, a.k.a even Caffeine is a big no, no because it's a stimulant. This is why you see a lot of members drinking Orange Crush and Cream Soda on Church Adventures.

So I will stick with my original comment of LDS women are prudish, subsequently because of the indocterination that the church climatize all the youth to believe.

New Testament, Old Testament majority of the teachings come from the Book of Mormon which as you should know because your very knowledgable of the church is just another confirmation of Jesus, backing the St. James Bible that the Church uses in coorelation to there book.

We can debate symantics and viewpoints over the LDS church all you want. Graduated Seminary, studied my scriptures and raised all sorts of hell in the church while I attended. All the while holding Leadership Priesthood roles in the Church and Senior Patrol Leader for the BSA Troop #5~ We should all know how the LDS church loves there Scouts
So not only do they mold the male youth to be clean and reverent, the BSA just re-affirms that cleanliness and "kindness" everyone speaks so highly of the LDS about.

Just food for foder, don't take it the wrong way.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by Miracula

But manipulating 14 year olds into marriage when your prophecies aren't coming true is not a problem. That's a serious contradiction. Making 14 year olds when you are 38 and your prophecies are failing miserable....not a problem.

Seriously, dude? In Europe way prior to the LDS religion being made were there men marrying and fornicating with 14yr olds. Get your History correct.

Lastly, Joseph Smith instituted Polygamy because of the attack on the members. The "Patriachs" of the early LDS families were killed for there belief. Therefore leaving Wives and Family's with no one to care for them. Yes, he did have some miserable prophecies. Yes, they did practice Polygamy, but it was for the survival of the families.

Later, Polygamy was strictly forbidden and only still practiced by the direct line of Smith's who feel they have all rights to the church.

Get it right~

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by sulaw
Seriously, dude? In Europe way prior to the LDS religion being made were there men marrying and fornicating with 14yr olds.

I don't have a problem with Smith marrying a 14 year old if the choice was a free will action on her part.

I have a problem with a man according to various sources including LDS Living Scriptures on CD promising the girl's entire family exaltation in the kingdom of God.

Mormonism rejects original sin and therefore concludes that we are individually responsible for our actions. Nothing Helen Mar Kimball could do could exalt her parents. Their salvation comes from repentance and obedience. Not their daughters willingness to sacrifice her desire to marry someone her own age or within 10 years of her age and marry a guy who she described her opposition to marrying him as that of a small earthquake.

I was in college and dating someone 9 years younger in the Mormon church. I had branch presidents wives make comments on how it was inappropriate for a 29 year old to date a 20 year old. Dealing with the same relationship I had someone make comments that the relationship was "pedophilic" while another friend of his was dating someone of a similar age gap. In the same church someone referred to the age gap as "sick".

And yet Smith's behavior was fine. As was the other relationship in the same church by other friends with a nine year age gap. This is how Mormons think. And other Christians are just as bad when the refer to Mormons as non-christian for being curious about Mormonism and manipulating them with rudeness into the Mormon church by playing into the concept that there are only two churches the church of Christ and the church of the devil. Having dealt with Christians, Mormon and otherwise and seeing the likes of Benny Hinn I conclude that the church of the devil is in fact organized religion.

The evil of organized religion in this country is so bad I have one goal in my life right now. To relocate to another country with little or no organized Christian representation.
edit on vpmTue, 23 Jul 2013 12:04:10 -0500 _12pmq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vpmTue, 23 Jul 2013 12:06:24 -0500 _12pmq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vpmTue, 23 Jul 2013 12:20:10 -0500 _12pmq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Exactly. And the internet is getting information to people who, in the past, were subjected to 'truth' via the propaganda of those indoctrinated by easily debunked organized religions. Now people can go look up historical fact and find out for themselves if what they are being subjected to is truthful or not.

and the internet is also a double edged sword full of lies,disinformation, and propaganda.

Is is a good thing to find truth, I remember way back when it was the internet that cleared up and exposed many things for me.

I kinda have a love hate relationship with it.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

that is a great book to research, spent a lot of time looking into who wrote it.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by borntowatch

Originally posted by HairlessApe
reply to post by FlyersFan

If ONLY this worked on all religions.

Well start typing the dirt,or are you just assuming you know something you dont.
If ONLY this worked on all atheists.

When I was 18 I lived on a ranch out away from everything, I had two little ones and my nasty husband sold our truck as he had a company one and that way he knew I could never go anywhere.

The JW's came to the house one day and out of shear loneliness and interest to have something to study I became involved. I stopped because a few years later I was researching the history of the Jehovah's Witnesses using their own words from the bible, if the root of the tree is rotten so is the tree and fruit. I found court records from a case against the founder showing him to be a really rotten and probably insane guy, when I brought it up, they told me I was doing satan's work
and should only read their own literature! That did it for me!

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Atzil321
reply to post by borntowatch

If ONLY this worked on all atheists.

An honest search for the truth about religion will quickly lead to a realization that it is all complete nonsense. That's what atheism is, non-belief, a rejection of crap.

Giving people unfettered access to basically all our accumulated knowledge will eventually lead to a mass rejection of crap

Welcome to the future...

I can see the rejection of man made for power and profit, religion but that does not need equal a rejection of the existence of God.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by sulaw
a.k.a even Caffeine is a big no, no because it's a stimulant.

Could 14 year olds be considered a stimulant?

I got to say even when I was 19 in the Coast Guard stationed at Ocracoke Island there were 15 year olds who were interested in me but I didn't pursue them because I represented the Coast Guard and I respected my reputation and the people of the island. We had a guy who was transferred to our unit who drove a motorcycle even though his command forbid it for medical reasons (he had back injuries) and was transferred to us to get him away from legal trouble associated with pursuing a 15 year old sheriff's daughter. I didn't want to be that guy, which is why I made the decisions I did in avoiding inappropriate relationships.

At age 19 I had more respect for my employer, myself, and the people I served than Smith did. The next question I would have is that if caffeine is legal, and kissing and making out is legal why when the Bible warns against being overly righteous would a church advise against these behaviors and yet approve of violating one's own church doctrine to manipulate a 14 year old into marriage with a 38 year old whose prophecies weren't even coming true. And yet members of the same church will walk up around a 29 year old college student is was also an honorably discharged rescue swimmer of the Coast Guard and call them a "pedophile" for purusing a grown adult.
edit on vpmTue, 23 Jul 2013 12:57:54 -0500 _12pmq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on vpmTue, 23 Jul 2013 13:01:08 -0500 _1pmq = by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Biigs
The day i have a problem with Mormons, is the day i see a news article about Mormons declaring some sort of war.

They are nice people, leave them be. It may seem silly to us but they are harmless. Scientology should get all the flak the Mormons are getting right now in my opinion, perhaps the Mormons should borrow Scientology's lawyers

Grow up and move on to issues that actually matter or focus on sections of other religions that are destructive.

I think when you completely control the state you are founded in and are immensely wealthy and unlike the biblical references to staying out of politics, they are hugely involved in putting people in cannot be called harmless.

Mormon church earns $7 billion a year from tithing, analysis indicates

edit on 23-7-2013 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Miracula

Well stated Miracula!!!

I have a problem with a man according to various sources including LDS Living Scriptures on CD promising the girl's entire family exaltation in the kingdom of God.

Ohhh~ The sealing of the family in the temple. A noble and quaint/coy gesture at best, but only for those who follow the strict regime of the church... I for one from the indocterination I went through was very sore at first when my parents divorced... Which inherintly made all members look at our family as blasphemous... Especially sore because I "thought" that this would prevent us all from entering the "kingdom of heaven" as a family for eternity...

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

I think when you completely control the state you are founded in and are immensely wealthy and unlike the biblical references to staying out of politics, they are hugely involved in putting people in cannot be called harmless.

Ohhhh~ how true this statement is Char-Lee~ There are more LDS out there than people think. And in "High" places. Hell, If you put down on your resume' that your a active LDS member, companies look at you in "higher" regards and know that your a "straight laced" (no deviant behaviorism) individual.

Alas.... A remnant of a once passed over 100x sulaw...

Needless, to say that if your looking for a job. The LDS Church has outfits to help members "get on there feet" with the big mega corps of the world...

Dubious, indeed~

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