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How bad is the Economy in the U.S.? Look to the struggling youth.

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posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:11 PM
Delete wrong post..
edit on 10/13/2013 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:22 PM
The strategy of America as far as career choices? Go to College. So you can make decent money by being the specialist, the Manager, the "boss", or perhaps the guy that know how to work the new machine, etc..

Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians as the saying goes.

How can everyone in society have been so DUPED into thinking they could all go to school and get a degree and become "the guy".. And by duped, I include the parents, teachers, school officials, that duped the naïve young into buying into it. I went to college for 2.5 years, post USMC using that good old GI bill and was floored at what I saw. Granted it was a Community College, the U of Illinois was no better at the quality of students.
100's of kids all going to school for a degree in management! and then to think of every year, how many went to school for that same thing!

How can a society only reward the "guy at the top", have everyone chase those few spots instead of focusing on ALL rungs of the ladder. This is how America USED to be, pre-immigration invasion/NAFTA-SHAFTA.

While the WHOLE NATION was AWAY AT COLLEGE... the HOARDES OF IMMIGRANTS took MANY of the blue collar JOBS.. NOW, those JOBS ARE GONE FOR GOOD! wages slashed, unions broken, etc..

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:52 PM

reply to post by darkbake

What happens when you let the progressive mindset into the government and your family.........

What you get is 30 year old children who have little to no real life experience. You also get a government who will control more and more of your so called free economy...........
It will always fail and sadly both political parties are controlled by these fascist scum.
I wonder how long it will take for the glee loving everybody wins a trophy generation to finally wake up. It usually happens when people start to have a family and figure out being liberal is for the young and stupid. But it seems this generation is never going to reach that point.

who was buying the trophies, handing them out with the congratulations?

sure, it was the kids! care to borrow a FACEPALM?

I need not continue do I?

or your position will be shredded.

How about how 30 years ago, a guy could find 3 factories that were hiring in a day. AND they paid more than a beginning college grad got in some office making coffee and copies.

And 20 years ago, a kid could get a part time jobs bagging groceries, part time at the Ace hardware, mowing lawns, washing the ambulances for the town ambulance company, paperboy? etc.. I KNOW, I HAD been doing this since 10 years old.. lawn mowing was GREAT summer FUN MONEY..
Now, all the #@$@$@!$ illegal invaders STOLE those jobs!
edit on 13-10-2013 by HanzHenry because: spellun

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

I see this comment about the "trophy generation" pop up a lot. Where, oh where did this idea that every millennial won trophies come from? Could it be that it came from the media?

They were raised by doting parents who told them they are special, played in little leagues with no winners or losers, or all winners. They are laden with trophies just for participating and they think your business-as-usual ethic is for the birds. And if you persist in the belief you can, take your job and shove it. CBS

Well, well, well, so 60 minutes made the claim originally that the Millennials were the "trophy generation". The interesting thing about this is that it doesn't seem to actually pan out when you talk to Millennials. I know a whole lot of Millennials that never received a trophy outside of ones who earned it in the traditional manner (ie. won a baseball championship). My son is a Millennial and the only time he won any kind of award was a ribbon on field day but hey, I won a ribbon on field day as a kid, too. When I was a kid, as a Gen X, there were little paper certificates handed out as "prizes" to the class--"class clown", "most likely to succeed", "smartest", and so on. This idea gets bandied about a lot but I have never once seen any reference to statistical data for the claim.

The negative publicity about this specific generation is absolutely staggering. When I went back to college, there were a few Gen X like myself and the rest were Millennials. They weren't expecting trophies for failures. In fact, after having many group projects with both Gen X and Millennials, it was the Millennials that were the ones who stayed on schedule, worked the hardest and weren't prone to flakiness. They tended to put in 150% into everything that they did, which, sad to say, when compared with my fellow Gen X peers, was not the case. Heck, the only times where someone in one of my groups failed to do what they had agreed to do, it was a fellow Gen X.

Even more remarkable was how many of these Millennials were working for free in an unpaid internship with various CPA firms. So, they were working as interns for CPA firms without any expectation of reward outside of work experience. That kind of attitude is "entitled"? I refused to do it personally because my attitude is that if I'm going to work for somebody, I should be paid. I suppose that would make me "entitled" but, honestly, I think that going without pay for doing a job is whack. But hey, those so-called "entitled" Millennials did it.

They weren't all aiming to be "the guy". They, like their parents, wanted to get an education that was a step up to give them a reasonably comfortable life. I only met a handful that really wanted to be a CEO or a CFO. Most just wanted job security (accounting). Remarkably, however, by the time we all graduated together, the majority of my peers were frightened to enter our specific job market because of the sheer amount of perceived corruption. As one of my very smart friends put it, "I see how much damage our profession is doing everywhere now and I want no part of it. I just can't do it. I don't know what to do now." Interesting thinking, no?

What makes Millennials stand out? A high number of them are actually what are called ethical consumers. While we were going out on field trips to nuclear power plants or museums, Millennials did community service and worked with the poor or cleaned up litter on beaches or in parks.

The most recent survey of volunteer activity across the nation released by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) demonstrates the "spirit of service" which animates America's newest generation, Millennials, born between 1982 and 2003. Approximately 1.3 million more Millennials offered their time without compensation to non-profit organizations in 2008 as compared to 2007, providing over a billion hours of volunteer service to our nation's communities. This increase among Millennials represented all of last year's gain in volunteerism; other generations combined showed no increase in participation levels. Source:

In fact, I would say that this tendency towards ethics and community service are most likely to be the real source of concern for all those media houses peddling the "entitled brat" lines. Millennials are also called the civic generation as they are more likely to avoid a product if they feel that the manufacturer is doing something wrong. Did Baby Boomers care much about environmental damage happening with some of their favorite products? No. In fact, when Baby Boomers grew into adulthood and their middle ages, they created the "Me" decade where even raising their children was considered less important than what they wanted to do. (Gen X are the "latch key kids" and tend to be more family oriented as a result.).

So what you really have are two titans--Baby Boomers and Millennials--both equal in size (though one is getting old) and with very disparate views on the world. It's a clash of the generational titans but it is the Boomers that control most of the media. Hence why there is so much negative press about this younger generation. I'd say the Boomers are terrified of the Millennials because that generation is the one that will most likely change the world.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 03:59 PM


The main issue is that most people are brainwashed slaves that don't see reality and are resistant to the truth of the matter. This will, long term, cause severe issues in family relationships as the fabric of the nuclear family unit is torn apart due to brainwashing.

And this attitude is part of the problem. People from my generation didn't get their college paid for by their parents any more so than this new generation, in fact probably less back then. Maybe we were brainwashed slaves working for the man, but we did the jobs that we didn't like with low pay and kept plugging along, day after day after day. Our families didn't suffer and we were able to buy homes and pay for the things we wanted. All because we were brainwashed slaves. We weren't too proud to be a dishwasher or do janitorial services. We worked in offices at jobs we didn't like until we found one we did.....or not. The thing is, you do what needs to get done and make it work.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 05:03 PM



The main issue is that most people are brainwashed slaves that don't see reality and are resistant to the truth of the matter. This will, long term, cause severe issues in family relationships as the fabric of the nuclear family unit is torn apart due to brainwashing.

And this attitude is part of the problem. People from my generation didn't get their college paid for by their parents any more so than this new generation, in fact probably less back then. Maybe we were brainwashed slaves working for the man, but we did the jobs that we didn't like with low pay and kept plugging along, day after day after day. Our families didn't suffer and we were able to buy homes and pay for the things we wanted. All because we were brainwashed slaves. We weren't too proud to be a dishwasher or do janitorial services. We worked in offices at jobs we didn't like until we found one we did.....or not. The thing is, you do what needs to get done and make it work.

Try competing against any European immigrant my age; they all have PhDs paid for by their government and speak multiple languages. Now hurry up and get off your high horse.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 05:44 PM




The main issue is that most people are brainwashed slaves that don't see reality and are resistant to the truth of the matter. This will, long term, cause severe issues in family relationships as the fabric of the nuclear family unit is torn apart due to brainwashing.

And this attitude is part of the problem. People from my generation didn't get their college paid for by their parents any more so than this new generation, in fact probably less back then. Maybe we were brainwashed slaves working for the man, but we did the jobs that we didn't like with low pay and kept plugging along, day after day after day. Our families didn't suffer and we were able to buy homes and pay for the things we wanted. All because we were brainwashed slaves. We weren't too proud to be a dishwasher or do janitorial services. We worked in offices at jobs we didn't like until we found one we did.....or not. The thing is, you do what needs to get done and make it work.

Try competing against any European immigrant my age; they all have PhDs paid for by their government and speak multiple languages. Now hurry up and get off your high horse.

The system was setup to cause Americans to fail. The schools started lowering standards intentionally to dumb kids down.

And if people compare a job 30yrs ago with today? complete loss of reality involved,.

Many would LOVE to have those "loser" jobs in the factories. I would, I used to work in the Eagle Wings factory (made Mitsubishis), worked in the CaterpilLar Logistics Center, etc.

THOSE JOBS ARE GONE NOW... the middle class jobs are gone and the IMMIGRANTS TOOK THE REST!

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 06:34 AM

Try competing against any European immigrant my age; they all have PhDs paid for by their government and speak multiple languages. Now hurry up and get off your high horse.

You can still learn languages on your own. There is a lot of free software online. Also you have the option of going to EU universities. The government does not cover these for you, although these are low-cost compared to US, while the education level is similar to majority of universities.

But overally you create a strong argument. In global market US youth have significant disadvantage largely due to reasons that you mentioned.

For example, after graduating high-school I spoke 4 separate languages. After advancing these afterwards in "free" university and learning on my own, I have achieved high level in all of these being able to read technical texts. Besides that due to travelling/interests and living in other nations, I have learnt another 3. So a total of 7 languages out of which 4 are technical and 3 good enough to speak and read fiction.

Add to that Masters degree gotten in engineering and 2 other Bachelor Degrees in "stronger" social sciences (economy and psychology), which I will finish next year. All of these are covered by government. After gaining these Bachelor´s, I plan on going to Ivy League college either for PhD or specialisation, which will also be covered by some fund. Government does not cover these, but there are many funds in EU which provide scholarships for US universities. I know many people who decided for education in US, although none of them I know paid for this themselves. The costs are simply too extreme. I would say majority of EU students studying in US are sponsored by some fund.

When they decide to stay there, they have significant advantage over locals due to having no debt, while speaking numerous languages and adding culturally different perspective to the companies, which is valued highly by many multinational corporations, especially in product development, as multiple perspectives create supporting environment for innovation.

Additionally this supports entrepreneurship among youth. After having gained technical skills from university one has the skills. While one has to worry about having to pay off student debt, which requires working somewhere, the other does not have the additional worries and can easily focus on the company without the need for immediate profit or additional jobs, which take the focus off the project.

US is innovative nation, although the innovation largely comes from universities or corporations. Individuals, who have an innovative idea and want to realise it in the market, are relatively rare per capita. There are many projects out there, but this is due to being a large nation. When that is taken per capita, the amount of start-ups is significantly lower than in other advanced nations. There are other reasons for it too, but student debt is definetely a strong factor suppressing innovation and entrepreneurship among individuals.
edit on 19-11-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)

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