Hello ATS'ers...
I am in need of some of your advice's on this matter in particular, and if you are a skeptic...Do not bother reading the rest of this as i know what
i'm on about and your comments will be a waste of time, on your part
However, if you have had things happen to you like me then feel free to write yours here so we can share
. Also, ANYONE feel free to comment back,
no sarcastics or skeptics welcome though.
Sorry if my story seems abit everywhere.. So much has happend its hard to put it all together! lol
A bit of my background with Spirits/Ghosts - When i was 4 years old i had my first ever encounter that scared the life out of me in bed. I was laying
there and suddenly a hand started tickling my feet, i knew this was a hand and not the covers or anything else. I remember i was thinking of just a
hand, not a ghost, i thought some cut off hand was tickling my feet as no one was in the room. When i realised no one was there i jumped out of bed
and looked at the end of it and under it and no one or nothing was there. I clearly remember climbing over the stair gate that was on my beedroom door
frame and running downstairs and sat between my mum and uncle, mum tryed to tell me it was her and a brought it, but then when i was 5 she admitted to
me it wasnt her as other things started to happen and obviously i questioned it.
''Mum'' Why is there a man in black standing at uncle gary's bedroom door?
I remember that like anything! i used to see him every now and again.
Abit about my nans house where i stayed when i was born untill 5 years old. - My nan and grandad have lived in that house for around 45 years and when
they moved in they happend to notice whilst decorated that there was odd symbols on the bathroom wall and then again in the shed, i think they were
A few weeks of my nan and grandad moving in, some random young boy asked my nan, ''How are you getting on in that house. A long time before i was
born alot of things have happend at my grandparents, from lights/orbs to full images of spirits, and it has never seemed to be just that one
When my two uncles were young they used to play with this 'man in black' in their bedroom at bedtime.... One night my uncle gary said to my grandad
''Dad are you going to play with us tonight?'' Obviously this got discussed and my 2 uncles was'nt told untill a few years later. My uncle gary
used to have someone punching his back and then he would turn around and see my uncle chris asleep still.
When i was 8 years old i remember coming from out of the kitchen into the hallway, i always looked up at the stairs before before steping round the
banister to walk up, but as i looked a see a woman in white. This woman in white was wearing some sort of victorian dress but she was all white, my
nan has also seen her and obviously i screamed and ran to my mum and nan, as you do!.
Theere has been many times where my grandparents would hear someone shut the front door and open the cuboard under the stairs and then shut it... This
is what my uncle chris done, but my grandparents would soon find out it wasnt him or anyone when know one was there.
Theres been sightings of a small man in black or boy.
Here are some from my current home whom i share with my mum and have done since i was 5 years old minus a year and a half when i moved to milton
When i was 5+ my mum used to hear walking around upstairs but to find me still tucked in bed, i used to always hear someone outside my bedroom
My uncle garys girlfriend moved in for a while when she was pregnant and was trying to sort a place out where they both can live together and as i
live in a 2 bedroom house, my mum and my uncles girlfriend stayed in the same room and they experienced an upside down cross at the bedroom window
which is now currently my bedroom and the occasionally pots rattling which my uncle chris experienced whilst sleeping over for the night.
Once when i was 10 i was painting on my desk in the front room and my mum was reading a paper and we both heard a faint male voice that was in our
heads at the same time, it wasnt out loud it was in my head, I cant remember for the life of me what he said now but that was really creepy.
When iwas around 11 i had a friend stay over and my bedroom smelt like gas like actually gas! still dont know what that was but no cooker of gas leek
it was just my room - the room im currently occupying.
Every friend who has stayed here has claimed to of hear or see something, My current boyfriend is a skeptic, well not som much like one but hes never
had weird things happen to question it except from lately, but before hes mind started to change abit about the whole paranormal business he never and
still doesnt like going downstairs at night, he says my front room is eerie and i know exactly what he means!
A few years back me and my friend was watching tv, and suddenly my back door slammed open but more like it got kicked or something. Me and my friend
was sh*****g it! i said to her omg imagine if we heard a tap at the window and we actually did, i really dont know what to think of that!
2 years back i was in the kitchen and and i have a big dog called barclay.. I heard a noise like it was him walking down a few steps at the top part
of the stairs and then it sounded like he plonked his bum on the step, but then i look in the front room and barclays laying on his back as he does!
A few months ago i was in bed with my bedroom door open as i do because i have to have light in my room, fromt he age of 6 - 12 i slept in my mums
room and then when i was brave enough to sleep in my own id have to landing light on and my light out but some stuff has happend recently that made me
sleep with the light on for ages, but now my boyfriend stays all the time now so we have to light off and door closed, i guess i just feel safe..
But anyway i was saying i was laying in bed, door open and then i hear mum walk up stairs, i know its her because she wears platform shoes and its
just a bit clonk clonk clonk.. anyway i heard her get to the top of the stairs so i said '' Goodnight mum'' ... No reply back so i said
''mum'' and the shouted ''mmuuuumm'' and then i heard her voice from where she sits in the front room and she obviously didnt run back
downstairs and sit down within a few seconds and i would of obviously heard the clonk lol.
The night after i heard a noise that sounded like a chinese container lid getting pulled back and flicked back on a wall... i thought my dog was
eating the hoover then i noticed he was in his bed at the end of mine.. it came from the hallway and mum was in the front room in her chair and she
heard it to... I put this down to a warning about my mum as she is really ill. The steps up the stairs was my mum steps and the rythem of the chinese
container sound was like a clock so i put together ' mum and time ', a week after that she had a stroke.
Whats made me write this to you all is that i dont know what to think of these spirits and also what happend 3 nights ago. - Me and my boyfriends in
my room watching tv.. Then my gucci perfume flew off the dresser and an hour later i thought my mum was listening to us outside the door as i heard
suffling around outside my door and my dog was wagging his tail... I said to my bf, quickly open the door, and in a split second he got up opened the
door and no one was there...