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Something strange happened to me in las vegas

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posted on May, 15 2003 @ 10:14 PM
i was in the pool with my uncles, aunt's, ect. When all of the sudden in the sky right above a mountain (which i believe is pretty close to Area 51) was, it looked like an asteroid BUT it was no normal asteroid actually in fact i have never seen a REAL asteroid but that besides the point. So what was strange is that my uncle pointed out something weird the asteroid of whatever it was, was on fire! and it had sparks flying off it. And the next story my uncle sent an email and in that email was a link so i clicked a page popped up and the website was about last night an owner of an air base her two of his F-16 (now i'm not air force genius but i know those things are FAST!) and it said that the two F-16 were chasing an UFO that looked like a ball of fire and then it read all of the sudden the ball of fire disappeared and was nowhere in site of the f-16's so i dont know but if anybody has heard of it or has any thought's about it please post here. bye

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 10:17 PM
Wheres your link it sounds neat, paste it from your e-mail, please?

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 10:18 PM
oohh uuumm that is gonan be tought but if i find it i will post it here A.S.A.P

posted on May, 25 2003 @ 11:25 PM
ASTERIODS i thing from what i remember from astronomy stay in space Meteorites are the one's that enter the atmosphere

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 07:38 PM
It sounds like you saw a meteor. I say "meteor" because that is what it is called, unless it makes contact with the earth. Those are called meteorites.

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 01:17 PM
please post the link if you can. I would like to read about this.


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