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Incredibly large coronal hole in the sun

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posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 10:30 PM
I was just thinking about the NZ quake last nigh ta 6.5...then seen this one in china that just happened 5.9
also a full moon tonight. didn't the japan eq happen during a full moon?

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 01:19 AM

seeing ppl dont understand this stuff as much as i want you guys im gonna trow some links in here

Suspicious0bservers aka 2 minute weather guy on youtube has been a great help for me understanding this

he gets it, and makes it so layman can learn this

also he made a forum

have fun looking around his channel/forum

eyes open, no fear

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by pheniks

Looks like spam to me, unless you have a specific item related specifically to the topic of this thread, in which case that's what you should post.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
If the sun goes out then I think we are all in a bit of trouble.....!!!

Lets keep are fingers crossed or send a nuke up AKA film "Sunshine" - Danny Boyle.



You're right, if the sun went out we should be really concerned. Fortunately for us, we wouldn't even feel it. All the known planets, exo-planets, moons, asteroids, the oort cloud, pretty much everything with in trillions of miles would be almost instantaneously decimated in a super nova.

Thank fully, that is still billions of years away. The sun will continue to gradually expand until it reaches it's red giant stage first, and will likely not maintain enough mass to Supernova, instead it's core will collapse into a white dwarf.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by antar

The sun is 1.3 million times larger than the earth by volume..... If we go by size, roughly 1 million earths would fit in the sun because there would be empty space between the spheres.

It really doesn't matter what area that bad boy is pointing at when you think of how immensely small the Earth is in comparison. It's merely a matter of whether it is pointing in our general direction or not. Coronal Holes, are not always a threat to earth either. They can in some cases produce potentially threatening CME's, but there has hardly been a serious threat to earth.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 03:58 AM
To all those fearing the sun could go out, those coronal holes are not dark like you imagine it. Go do some research and get "enlightened"

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Hijinx

In the thought process, one would take the size into consideration and enlarge earths mass to equal the suns, or reverse if it is easier.

Happy Gurupurnima day! (The day we celebrate around the planet all the Enlightened Masters) And... Happy Thunder Moon!!! Powerful day.
edit on 22-7-2013 by antar because: a

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by 0bserver1

Powerful time for earth and life, it is all so connected and nature always shows us the miracles.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Thank you and since you mentioned the magnetic connection, in the thought process it was also possible that we would have to turn the darkened space to another pole because it would not really be the same area but its polar opposite. Kind of like looking into a camera lens or a mirror, the picture is actually opposite.

Happy Thunder Moon day!

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 09:56 AM
Pretty sure this has happened a number of times just in the past decade, therefore id assume it was totally normal and the world will go on

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by 23432

Its comforting to me to see someone else state the real observations about the sun.

I have made the same observations and my theory is that the corona of the sun is the superheated, high energy particles of conventional matter that are generated from a theoretical high amplitude particle at the center of the stellar mass. Outside of this there is some plasma, but this is quickly stripped away and transported into the corona by the various fields - especially the magnetic field.

In effect the sun has a minute central particle at its core, which is largely responsible for its mass - this particle creates matter at high energies, this matter is transported to the corona - between the corona and the central particle there is virtually no matter at all.

According to this theory, the same process occurs in the earth, a central high amplitude particle is creating matter at high energies, these are distributed into a corona - but this is cooler than that of the sun and this material tends to be altered by nuclear effects into heavier elements which condense out and the liquid flows around in a layer inside the planet. Due to the pressure this liquid material is pushed through our crust as volcanic magma. The molten materials and gasses are lighter, and under pressure and tend to escape the center of the planet and move towards the surface- making more complex chemicals as they travel upwards.

In other words, the planet has a large internal void which is filled with superheated plasma and gas. The shell of the earth is mainly liquids, with a thin frozen shell on the outside that we live on.

These theoretical high amplitude particles are created by alignment and acceleration of time-space vectors. They are actually just time vectors, it is interactive internal drag that causes them to create what we call dimension - so dimension then is just an interaction of time with itself at various rotational speeds.

This is of course an incredibly summarized version of the theory - and I dont really want to go into the detail necessary to fully support it - I am just interested in saying that I am in agreement that the sun is virtually hollow, and I have theoretical work that supports this observation.

EDIT: I should note that a great cooling of the sun may presage a quantum step to a lower overall amplitude for the solar super particle. When this occurs an internal vector may be released - this is a coupled vector with the new overall amplitude that the sun drops to. This vector is greatly accelerated - and when it is released will produce another super particle in close proximity to the sun. This particle will be ejected away from the sun in a phi shaped curve - it will have large mass, high velocity and be extremely hot. This particle will eventually find a comfortable orbital period and distance and begin to form a new planet.

If this particle is too low in amplitude, energy or mass (which is entirely possible considering the age of our sun) then it may be born and rapidly collapse with a release of energy.

There is probably millions of years between such events - so I doubt we will witness such a thing - this is in my theory the explanation for the birth of planets.
edit on 22-7-2013 by Amagnon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

i think its precisely what he meant, i'm linking those because there are ppl who want to know more about this stuff i'm simply providing a resource who teaches this to ppl, so they can do it themselves and know what their doing

Originally posted by 0bserver1

That amazing I've never seen such a large coronal hole in the sun before. It covers about one third of the sun.
These holes seem to happen once and awhile, but I don't know if after these coronal holes these sizes CME's will be massive too?

It's nowadays that we can inspect the sun 24/7 a day and that's great but also sometimes can scare you if you don't really know what they mean?

Even the researchers don't always have the answer to this. But anyway its just to let you know that our sun is cooling down a bit ...


you might think this is spam, its not my intention to spam

if a MOD would think it is, then pls ban me or delete my posts


posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by antar

True.. Nature always shows what it wants.. but does nature do this consciously or random that's the question?

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by pheniks

Don't worry none will be banned, I'm not even authorized to ban members.. that will only happen if you annoy the powerful among us...

But I can imagine that most of the members here rather see a more scientifically understatement about this sun phenomena...


posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Are you sure it's really cooled?

No I'm not sure, but what I read at NASA it seems that this frequency disturbance caused by the solar maximum and reversal of the poles if I read this correctly. So one way or another in earthly terms the sun has some hormone problems ...

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by 0bserver1

I think that Nature is the only thing I can count on to be conscious. Pure conscious stream.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by 0bserver1


That amazing I've never seen such a large coronal hole in the sun before. It covers about one third of the sun.
These holes seem to happen once and awhile, but I don't know if after these coronal holes these sizes CME's will be massive too?

It's nowadays that we can inspect the sun 24/7 a day and that's great but also sometimes can scare you if you don't really know what they mean?

Even the researchers don't always have the answer to this. But anyway its just to let you know that our sun is cooling down a bit ...


I am just curious, are you a S0 observer?

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Amagnon
reply to post by 23432

Its comforting to me to see someone else state the real observations about the sun.

I have made the same observations and my theory is that the corona of the sun is the superheated, high energy particles of conventional matter that are generated from a theoretical high amplitude particle at the center of the stellar mass. Outside of this there is some plasma, but this is quickly stripped away and transported into the corona by the various fields - especially the magnetic field.

In effect the sun has a minute central particle at its core, which is largely responsible for its mass - this particle creates matter at high energies, this matter is transported to the corona - between the corona and the central particle there is virtually no matter at all.

According to this theory, the same process occurs in the earth, a central high amplitude particle is creating matter at high energies, these are distributed into a corona - but this is cooler than that of the sun and this material tends to be altered by nuclear effects into heavier elements which condense out and the liquid flows around in a layer inside the planet. Due to the pressure this liquid material is pushed through our crust as volcanic magma. The molten materials and gasses are lighter, and under pressure and tend to escape the center of the planet and move towards the surface- making more complex chemicals as they travel upwards.

In other words, the planet has a large internal void which is filled with superheated plasma and gas. The shell of the earth is mainly liquids, with a thin frozen shell on the outside that we live on.

These theoretical high amplitude particles are created by alignment and acceleration of time-space vectors. They are actually just time vectors, it is interactive internal drag that causes them to create what we call dimension - so dimension then is just an interaction of time with itself at various rotational speeds.

This is of course an incredibly summarized version of the theory - and I dont really want to go into the detail necessary to fully support it - I am just interested in saying that I am in agreement that the sun is virtually hollow, and I have theoretical work that supports this observation.

EDIT: I should note that a great cooling of the sun may presage a quantum step to a lower overall amplitude for the solar super particle. When this occurs an internal vector may be released - this is a coupled vector with the new overall amplitude that the sun drops to. This vector is greatly accelerated - and when it is released will produce another super particle in close proximity to the sun. This particle will be ejected away from the sun in a phi shaped curve - it will have large mass, high velocity and be extremely hot. This particle will eventually find a comfortable orbital period and distance and begin to form a new planet.

If this particle is too low in amplitude, energy or mass (which is entirely possible considering the age of our sun) then it may be born and rapidly collapse with a release of energy.

There is probably millions of years between such events - so I doubt we will witness such a thing - this is in my theory the explanation for the birth of planets.
edit on 22-7-2013 by Amagnon because: (no reason given)

I actually read your post too late and thought it is an original point of view indeed .

Perhaps you should open a thread and explain in more detail . I would certainly participate and read more about your theory .

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