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Being homeless soon a crime in Miami?

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posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 01:27 PM
These are not isolated incidents of legislation. This is a nationwide systematic approach, one that abuses the homeless out of the area, in the name of protecting a false image. Here in Hawaii, like Miami it is to create the false sense of security for the influx of tourist dollars. The image they want to create is homogenization of a society identifies that it is WRONG to not be in a HOME when returning from your place of employment, shopping, and brief weekend travel (but even in your travels, you must ALWAYS secure your personage in a temporary housing such as a motel of hotel. Once this perception and takes hold then it is that much more easier to get the society to enact these laws that in the guise of "cleaning up" the perceptual image of one group, those on the bottom of the society, but the true outcome of the law is that the rest of the community now has agreed that you must have a home to own any possessions, and that this also sets a precedent of self imprisonment by proxy, your home.

The new law allows the city to seize personal belongings on sidewalks without providing notice. The owners have 30 days to retrieve their items in exchange for a $200 fine. Authorities said many chose to have their belongings destroyed instead of paying the fine.

Neil J. Donovan, the executive director of the National Coalition for the Homeless, said the state was one of many trying to deal with the homeless through ordinances, like the one barring tents, rather than programs to create housing. “That’s just such a short-sighted approach,” Mr. Donovan said. “It’s all about a lack of affordable housing.”

In 2009, the coalition named Honolulu the eighth meanest city in the country in its dealing with the homeless. Still, Mr. Donovan said Hawaii’s situation was particularly challenging: on an island with limited land, escalating property values have made affordable housing scarce.

“A lot of communities have different options to present to people,” he said. “In Hawaii, if you are persistently poor, you are really stuck where you are, on the islands.”

edit on 7/21/2013 by bladdersweat because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/21/2013 by bladdersweat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 02:11 PM
Scrolling through other daily ATS topics, I find this recent thread Bloomberg strikes again: bans food donations to the

What People need are REAL sustainable housing options & DECENT MINIMUM WAGES!
edit on 7/21/2013 by bladdersweat because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/21/2013 by bladdersweat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by VoidHawk

Originally posted by jude11
I don't expect many to see this as wrong because these people are just an eyesore to them.
Doesn't that just show how powerful the msm is?

MAKING people homeless should be the crime in a civilized society.

Well as much as I agree with what everyone has said here, there truly is a bigger picture. There are many who choose to be homeless for one reason or another on top of those who can't afford a home, when they congregate in a location in your city it becomes and area of many problems from the point of view of crime to the sanitation problems. Tourists are appalled and don't return economies are effected of nearby stores we need to think of the whole.

When visiting other countries that have people on the street begging for your help you think wow this is horrid! It makes everyone sad and frustrated, clearly you cannot give to each person begging there it is to many by far.

There needs to be solutions far bigger then the laws that exist, but what? Many homeless do not want to receive food and beds through any charity and many, many go to the post office in whatever town they wish to live in and receive disability or other funds and they simply want to live on the as you might say. here in our town we have lines of them on "payday" pushing shopping baskets (stolen at about $200.00 each from the store) or carrying their total world goods in various ways.

It seems a sorting process is needed helping the addicted separate from the ones wanting a home and the ones who wish to live on the street. If so many charities were not so crooked I would think much would have been done along the lines of helping those who want help already because they do receive a lot of money.

Truth...No easy answers!

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

MSM propaganda:

Gun = Crime

Homeless = Criminal

Everywhere, not just Florida. Before I came indoors they were changing the laws so that Amtrak could patrol the tracks looking for "Trespassers" (people who live outdoors). Placing Razor wire and spiked fences under the bridges to deny access to overpass "shelter". Placing leaflets in camps that read, You are trespassing, if you are found here tomorrow you will be arrested and charged".

Its a phased program. Roundups are next. A person who lives outdoors can be found guilty of Trespassing, Loitering and Disorderly without ever opening their mouths. Thats three charges right off the bat. Add Resisting if they complain. Assault if they fail to comply.


posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 08:07 PM
The miami lawmaker wants it to happen. It doesn't mean it will happen. Something proactive would be to try to reach as many miama voters as possible to make sure they know the cons of this type of law in their community so they have information on spreading what this lawmakers agenda really is.

Homelessness as a crime is a sign of just how poor some cities are. Morally, saying they should just get a job is a statement only made by the blind who do not understand the personal struggles of others because of this sick system.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by Char-Lee

MSM propaganda:

Gun = Crime

Homeless = Criminal

Everywhere, not just Florida. Before I came indoors they were changing the laws so that Amtrak could patrol the tracks looking for "Trespassers" (people who live outdoors). Placing Razor wire and spiked fences under the bridges to deny access to overpass "shelter". Placing leaflets in camps that read, You are trespassing, if you are found here tomorrow you will be arrested and charged".

Its a phased program. Roundups are next. A person who lives outdoors can be found guilty of Trespassing, Loitering and Disorderly without ever opening their mouths. Thats three charges right off the bat. Add Resisting if they complain. Assault if they fail to comply.


This is exactly what they want to do. They want to make people afraid of going outside the norm. They expect us to suffer and suffer even more when we've hit rock bottom so we can run to them with our heads down like little dogs. We all need to grow some voices and balls and spread these messages of oppression in a self constructive angle. Pushing these things with negative fear with no hope begets hopelessness in the situation. We all can start by helping ourselves and each other climb the ladder together out of this. I have started and many others have as well, are you in?

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by jvm222

I have started and many others have as well, are you in?

Is this a sting operation or just entrapment? Sorry, thats the first response I must make to solicitation by internet.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by jvm222

I have started and many others have as well, are you in?

Is this a sting operation or just entrapment? Sorry, thats the first response I must make to solicitation by internet.

no way haha. It's not a titled group. It's just a way of empowerment to yourself as an individual. As long as we can still communicate with one another we can work together to build a similar ideal for the world and this is why the internet is great. Regardless of who is spying on what we say or gathering what we say we can still say it. They collect it out of fear and to make others fearful of even speaking to one another openly.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by jvm222

It's just a way of empowerment to yourself as an individual

I get that now. You surely did a good job of that. Sorry if I misread your stance.

Thanks again.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by th3onetruth
reply to post by jude11

Amerika is a disease. This is absolutely grotesque. We rob these people of their homes and money. Then throw them in jail for not having a home or money

Oh I dunno about the "we" mess, individuals with no souls can do that sorta BS on their own. I'll have no part of it.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by seasoul

Thank you for sharing that video.

Hopefully it will inspire someone to put a smile on someone else's face. Thank you again, a truly wonderful video.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 08:41 AM
About to be controversial here...again. The culling of homeless has been in the works for very long they are putting the whole Concentration camp program in full force...BUT

It's not just the Homeless, This is where it's going to get controversial.

As you Know I detest the whole white privelege racism etc., and because I am vocal about, many think I may not see the "other" racist and nationalist agendas. But they could not be more's Important to see not just the Class aspect of these criminalizing the poor policies but how also the System of Engineers uses these policies in Racist ways,

And not alone I might add, but with Other super powerful Nationalist political Groups/think tanks that also are Nazi in philosophy. Again you have to look at the Pyramid, four faces, four sides but with many many levels of hierarchy to understand how this program has been implemented in the way it is,

Four faces, four sides Swastika. Etc.

I first got wind of this many years ago when studying human rights in south, central America and the Indigenious people's. I didn't see the Prison Industrial link then, that wouldn't come till Years later when I saw that, the para military and mind controls, etc which I first saw in college under the Chicano studies aka Multiculteralism Hitler worshipping academics, seriously it's the Same Indocteration, the whole La Raza and so forth. Even then however I wouldn't connect all the dots so to speak, until the last year and a half.

This whole thing with Zimmerman has brought a lot of things up that pushed me to do some follow up research..the focus has been of course on the black nationalists, racist whites, corrupt courts, etc. but I did some research into what's going on in CA and there it's the opposite, whole communities are Literally being ethnic cleansed of blacks by Mafia gangs who hold a very Nazi philosophy...and Guess where they have stronghold? Prison, yep, the base is run from the prisons,

Now...prisons are nothing more than a Mega MILLGRAMS LAB MODEL that the Dr Mengeles use to implement on the Entire Society, eventually what's Norm inside will be norm outside. So I began researching some other octopus tentacles to this beast...and I see a pattern. It has a lot to Do with the language wars and service sector work and mass immigration open borders thing. When I was part of the radical left Poli party one issue I would get into it over other than womens right was their obsession with Open Borders. Something about it didn't ring right, to disagree immediately brought up the Racist charge. Sure enough, the Biggest pushers in rad left of open borders were none other than La Raza and Aztec members, meaning Academics, these are not poor migrant farmers were talking about here, these are Elite very scientific minded SOCIAL ENGINEERS. They HATE Indiginious and anyone they deem "unfit" just as much as Hitler did. Ok talking about That mentality, they are Eugenicists pure and simple. These forms if racism we don't hear about much, about the persecution if native Indians in South America and Mexico, by these types of elites.

Now, how this ties in...the political push for open borders, immigration work, etc., allowing Spanish speaking but NOT OTHER LANGUAGES and That is key there, is not just a culture adaptation, it is a Clear strategic program to Push the old American society, be they black, white, Indian, Asian, brown, etc OUT of the work sector, into the Concentration camps, and repopulate the nation with non- questioning obeying SLAVES who won't balk at Totalitarianism. In other words, we are under a COUP via a form, actually many forms of COLONIZATION, etc.

It's not the Mexicans per se, it's the Agendas behind the influx of mass migration Just like we are seeing in Europe, except there it's Muslims. Remember, the Swastika, Four Faces..this goes back to very ancients and I find it interesting the ancient stones in Cambodia, the gold temples in Mynamar and there is a relation, more powerful than the Romans/Greeks, or Middle East for that matter. I just don't know what yet, anyway, HOW they are doing this,

Is they are infiltrating more Spanish only speaking workers IN service sector jobs, which forces white and black kids Out of those starter jobs, as well as working Poor, also white, black and non Spanish speaking Mexicans, etc. what Then happens is whole families are hired in these service sector jobs, so That sector of employment is becoming more out of reach for the poor working poor American who Coild at least have a job to pay for a room, maybe. This creates a Tsunami of unemployed American's a type of Racket, and the Corporate are over it. When more laws are passed to jail for non violent crimes those are channeled through the Corp owned probation, can't pay fines because cant get service sector work, off to prison you go. Same RACKET runs that as well. (outsourcing is also the other part but for times sake I won't get into that but it's both insourcing shifting labor and outsourcing, creating a Deliberate genocide by first creating unemployed poor then imprisoning them to murder them off Gulag style, etc)

And the Heads are many, South American origin. Cont
edit on 22-7-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

edit on 22-7-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by ThreeBears

Cont. note I will correct typos in a bit.

OK, now it's important to see that these policies do effect Latinos as well, there is also a Hierarchy within that segment though I have not researched That issue as much to give more comment to but I do know there is a semi pyramid within the pyramid type of thing,

Reason too is that, there is a Mafia type of organization running that part of it. There seems to be Strongholds in many areas which I'm sure are linked to the drug cartels, but now here is what many may Not get. Part of the whole cartel thing is operated by hard core MAOISTS,** here you have to understand Latin and Central American politics. You also have to Know the corruption and mafia racket of the Catholic church, their alliance with Hitler, Mussolini, etc., (ties in with new Pope and that whole Queen son king Holland is it?? Argentina, etc)


So point is, many think these Culling Porgrams, ok that's What they are, won't apply to Them, WRONG. What they don't see is that,

It's like a Chute, ok, they Already have the Service sector covered, it's all under a corporatist run Nazi Operation Clip type of system, so IF YOUR JOB IS OUTSOURCED forget service sector work, if YOU are not part of that gang, you are screwed. In Many States this is already happening, Florida, Arizona, New Mexico (though Indigenious still have some power there so not sure what the balance etc there is in lower income Populus) Colorado, California is Really bad, etc.

I haven't researched the rest of South yet but I will, and I'm not sure what the sectioning., etc., in mid west is either, still researching that as well but there is no doubt a pattern which, when I was in the left, I knew then they were after the vote, not just for Dems, oh no, they want Votes for hard core Nationalist Fascists. Which ironic they spew liberal policies but IF you are on Inside you Know these platforms are anything But liberal,

They'll butcher any autonomy be it culture, GLBT, religion, etc., Unless that culture will toe the Slave black boot kissing line without any moral reservation whatsoever.

Anyway Miami is one of the strongholds that I know of. So is LA, and Both have street type Ethnic cleansing of Blacks, fact. The base is prison, on that level, the strings are not just IN this Country they are pulled by those in Latin America,

And it goes back to WWII, prior even to that but the whole Mengele lab rat programs I know of was perfected in WWII.

Still researching, but these homeless culling are just a part of a Much bigger program to Destroy what we know, as


And it Will eventually, reach us all.

**in regards to Maoists, this part is confusing because on one side they in areas are anti fascist and in other areas they work alongside with fascists. There is an elitist aspect to Maoism, which is China generally speaking, if you're talking Corporatists, etc. who runs who is hard to say.

**there are also Right wing fascists, ESP Latin America, These are the ones esp operating here IN the states and I would say they are more dangerous than the fascists. They've hijacked Many a left socialist party which is why you can't distinguish them from the Nazi party anymore. They have strongholds in unions, etc., but over last two years I noticed they have a Mega stronghold in the whole Prison Mental Gulag systems, labor and city governments as well as federal levels.

**. Latin America has been the model for corporation backed genocide in part, para military and police units, etc., eg School of Americas, etc. these are directly linked to the whole Nazi regime in WWII. Also Franco, Mussolini, and let's not forget Japan.

The politics, aka Programs we are seeing with these laws etc., are the Very identical programs used in these nations to cull vast numbers of population that are educated/intellectual and who Oppose the fascist order, whole segments of populations that have strong historical autonomy, meaning any who might Resist the Borg, populations that are independent as they are strictly Anti Autonomy That includes Liberals they just don't know it yet, religious that cannot be mass programmed I to a state totalitarian order, this is why they love Islam, IF they can get Islam to mass control subjects, if the Islamists go against them they then are deemed enemies, etc.

What people need to realize is that these are Master PUPPETTEERS, masters of deception, appeasement, mind control and culling under a very Sanitized form.

I'm still researching etc and there is way more to it but my point was, to show that the Culling program of homeless is just a start...they have their ducks in a row and it's only a matter of time when they turn on the machine chute...

Which is why Racists, do more harm, whatever side as well as class prejudice, we all in danger. Kid you not.

edit on 22-7-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Nephalim

True enough, I was just using "we" as a collective for the whole species. But fair enough

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by alfa1

I found the actual ordinance.

Source (Scroll down)

So if an officer determines you are homeless he or she can offer to transport you to a public shelter, if you refuse they can arrest you and you can be sentenced to not more than 60 days in jail.

I don't think it was an arrestable offense before this.

It seems like criminalizing the homeless to me. Go where we say or go to jail for 60 days.

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by jude11

It always amazed me how anti-Christian the majority of supposed Christians are, on the dollar bill it says in god we trust but Christ said if you have two coats and your brother has none give him one, now in this world Greed is more important than human decency, so how long until they have the death camps up and running.
Now in England we have a government that is making British people whom are the poorest homeless with the bedroom tax (however you dress it up it is a tax disguised as a cut in welfare) and bringing in eastern Europeans whom are taking over all the jobs to the point were employers actually employ them first, good for the rich and the haves but not good or Christian for the poor and the have not's.
Do you ever wish it was judgement day now.

edit on 22-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 05:04 PM

What is more important is technically people with narcolepsy can be jailed as well.
edit on 22-7-2013 by Gestas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by jude11

I know it is insane, like the guy says in the interview the homeless have changed they are normal people who have lost their jobs due to the economic crisis.
The prison owners obviously want more people in Jail and has slipped this guy some $ to try and get more in Jail for simply being homeless.
I can not see this actually happening but If it does I hope you the people of the USA do something about it.

And that's what I'm seeing between the lines.

Lobbyists getting excited and prisons drooling over the potential to have 1,000's more under lock and key for profit.


maybe their seeing the change coming in the drug laws & want to keep their private prisons profitable..

to them its about how much $$ they are "loosing" in Colorado or Washington..

edit on 22-7-2013 by reeferman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Kali74

true.. also it maintains the illusion everything is all right to the masses..

out of sight.. out of mind..

gotta keep them in check..

its one thing to see someone homeless that has totally thrown their life away..

its completely another to see families & good people by the dozens screwed by the system...

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by jude11

They can't be allowed to be free!! they have to fall in line with the rest of the slaves.

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