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Two Marine Corps jets jettison Bombs off the coast of Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

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posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

I said it is dangerous, doesn't mean its nuclear. If you see one run away from it, quite obvious.

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Found a nice evidence Nuclear devices may have been made smaller for sure.
Skip to 3:46(I think the Iraq one is way smaller)

You have to be an idiot to not notice between normal bombs and DU bombs. Any of the past soldiers will tell you the new Iraq war bomb is not normal. If you saw the Iraq video, you can tell by the way the person screams. That isn't DU bomb enough for you, then you have no clue that US may have mastered small nuclear explosions. The past the bigger the bomb = better, why all the nukes were being made big. DU bombs are basically smaller nukes.

Remember if they are not using DU, they may have change the bombs and sabotage them just adding DU in it.

To NavyDoc
Wiki source isn't that reliable, here is another bomb comparison I got from the wiki mushroom cloud. Compare it to the Iraq bomb you notice the Iraq bomb rises slowly exactly like a nuke bomb.

Found a Mark82 bomb video

It is obviously one of NATO allies is using Depleted Uranium or part of US military. The MK82 comment is a lie. It looks nothing like the bomb in Iraq, in fact it look exactly like the old nuclear test bomb.
edit on 11-4-2014 by makemap because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by makemap

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Depleted Uranium has absolutely NOTHING to do with nuclear weapons.

I didn't once say the US or any other country doesn't use it, I said the Mk-82 doesn't.

So instead of just using one of the bombs they have that uses DU they're going to sneak it into a bomb that doesn't use it? Why? There is no point to that when they already have some weapons that use DU.
edit on 4/11/2014 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2014 @ 04:06 PM

reply to post by Zaphod58

Found a nice evidence Nuclear devices may have been made smaller for sure.
Skip to 3:46(I think the Iraq one is way smaller)

You have to be an idiot to not notice between normal bombs and DU bombs. Any of the past soldiers will tell you the new Iraq war bomb is not normal. If you saw the Iraq video, you can tell by the way the person screams. That isn't DU bomb enough for you, then you have no clue that US may have mastered small nuclear explosions. The past the bigger the bomb = better, why all the nukes were being made big. DU bombs are basically smaller nukes.

Remember if they are not using DU, they may have change the bombs and sabotage them just adding DU in it.

To NavyDoc
Wiki source isn't that reliable, here is another bomb comparison I got from the wiki mushroom cloud. Compare it to the Iraq bomb you notice the Iraq bomb rises slowly exactly like a nuke bomb.

Found a Mark82 bomb video

It is obviously one of NATO allies is using Depleted Uranium or part of US military. The MK82 comment is a lie. It looks nothing like the bomb in Iraq, in fact it look exactly like the old nuclear test bomb.
edit on 11-4-2014 by makemap because: (no reason given)

OH, my god. It does not matter if it was a Wiki, it was the first thing that shows up. DO you even understand physics? ANY large bomb is going to create a mushroom cloud. It has nothing to do with nuclear or not but simple thermodynamics.

DU is not explosive. Not in a nuclear fashion, not in a conventional fashion. It is used in munitions due to it's density and ballistics that make it a very good penetrator. IT. DOES. NOT. BLOW. UP.

Old nuclear tests appear to have a slowly rising mushroom cloud due to size and distance, it does not rise any faster or in any different fashion to a conventional bomb because the laws of thermodynamics to not change in a special way for nuclear blasts. They are simply larger in those videos.

I was in Iraq. We used conventional weapons. There is no difference between conventional weapons used in Iraq and conventional weapons used elsewhere. There have been some advances in fuel/air explosive effects which do produce startling results, but they are not, in any way, shape or form, nuclear.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:57 AM


posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 02:44 AM
Damn, should check date of op!

Thread necro.
edit on 16-4-2016 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2020 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: makemap
reply to post by Zaphod58

Found a nice evidence Nuclear devices may have been made smaller for sure.
Skip to 3:46(I think the Iraq one is way smaller)

You have to be an idiot to not notice between normal bombs and DU bombs. Any of the past soldiers will tell you the new Iraq war bomb is not normal. If you saw the Iraq video, you can tell by the way the person screams. That isn't DU bomb enough for you, then you have no clue that US may have mastered small nuclear explosions. The past the bigger the bomb = better, why all the nukes were being made big. DU bombs are basically smaller nukes.

Remember if they are not using DU, they may have change the bombs and sabotage them just adding DU in it.

To NavyDoc
Wiki source isn't that reliable, here is another bomb comparison I got from the wiki mushroom cloud. Compare it to the Iraq bomb you notice the Iraq bomb rises slowly exactly like a nuke bomb.

Found a Mark82 bomb video

It is obviously one of NATO allies is using Depleted Uranium or part of US military. The MK82 comment is a lie. It looks nothing like the bomb in Iraq, in fact it look exactly like the old nuclear test bomb.

the thought of nuclear bombs is getting scarier and scarier
edit on 2-3-2020 by SergioLotts because: (no reason given)

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