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Maybe a machine in Tycho Crater? Also possible mining activities.

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posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 11:25 PM
Here are two on-the-ground items which I think look out of place. (LRO Quick Map)

The first is something which initially looked as if it was a machine, and on closer inspection looks as if it is a machine but with lighter material thrown up to the South-West. The two objects slightly to the North-East are obviously there on the ground due to the shadows but I dont think these are all just plain 'boulders' or rocks here.

The second is slightly to he North and West of this first and appears at first glance to be a crater with heavy shadowing to the East. However, I cannot see an obvious crater which would produce this kind of shadow. Lightening up the whole area reveals a dark 'hole'-like area in the 8 o'clock position (green circle) with some lighter area in a semi-circle nearby (see below).

I feel that this may be some kind of a mining operation going on here and this would be consistent with the first area anomaly above. There are also other structures in this vicinity which look rather too regular. For example at 12 o'clock there is a line of somethings (yellow line) equidistant apart with the two rightmost somethings being similar (blue circle). The purple circle is almost like a craft or possibly looks like a dead dinosaur with its head to the North-East. The orange circle at bottom-right of image seems to have been partially blacked out but may consist of 2 white masts pointing almost up towards the camera.

As you can see, I believe that there is an alien presence in Tycho Crater and I hope to show in this and subsequent threads that although it may not be a complete city as some have suggesed, at least it may be other evidence of minig etc.
edit on 18 Jul 2013 by qmantoo because: add link to quick map

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 12:07 AM
must not be anything, no one is trying to belittle you and your observation, that Ive noticed will happen when someone is "on" to something.
Buut,,, I like your creative eye. Carry on.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 12:40 AM
I enjoy a good anomaly, i can't help it.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 12:42 AM
There may be something there or at least an interesting geology of some kind, but the pics aren't close enough to make out anything, for me at least.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 12:45 AM
Shadows are going to be affected by both angles and elevations. So if a rock is sticking up higher, or is located at a different angle from the material surrounding it, it may appear different in that it does not appear to be in shadow. One must be extremely careful when basing their analysis on shadows and craters, because on a surface like the moon or mars, things do not always appear as they are. Why is this the case? Mainly because we are usually viewing images that are taken from quite a distance away, and we are seeing the landscape from almost directly above, sometimes off slightly to an angle.

It is virtually impossible for a person to understand what is happening on the ground on one of these surfaces from a picture that is taken from so far away, and at such an extreme angle. It would take multiple pictures of the same location, from different angles, elevations, and directions, to actually get a sense of what is going on down there on the surface. That is just plain fact. Look at the "face on Mars" business. It became extremely obvious what was happening when images from different directions and angles, in different lighting conditions, became available.

So one must realize that things are not actually as they appear in these photographs. And I probably should indicate just how important the different lighting conditions, which change with the movement of the sun, actually are to our perception. And I believe that what you are seeing on the surface of this body is due to all of these factors I just explained. I am not trying to "cover up" any evidence that is there, and I would be the first to want to find something anomalous on any planet or moon in our solar system, but I cannot admit to something that obviously is not there. What you are seeing is nothing more than rocks, soil, shadows, elevations, and lighting conditions. I guarantee that the area would look way different if the sun was in a different position, which affects shadow, or if the angle of the picture was changed. All it would take is one variable to alter what we are seeing to a significant degree.

And then there is the argument that IF there were something out there in space like this, that proved extraterrestrial life or secret government projects, we would not see anything to debate, because they would have been covered up, or the picture not released at all. And "IF" there were ET's living out there in our solar system, the government would likely know by now, and they would be extremely careful in canvassing any shots that were taken for potential leaks to the public. And considering NASA is part of the DoD, and not a civilian space agency, this is even more likely.

There is just too much evidence overriding your claim. Not to mention that the evidence you have presented thus far is extremely lacking, for the reasons I already described.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 02:36 AM
The same evidence is used by scentists when they are examining craters, rilles and every other geological feature they say is on the Moon or on any other planetry body. They only have poor photographic evidence and in the past, not much of that either.

It is easy to say everything is a rock or artifact or lighting effect, but what is more difficult is to own up the the reality that there are aliens on the Moon. NASA knows it, we know it, now is the time to come clean and stop all this messing about wasting all this money.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by qmantoo

I couldn't agree more. They've known about what is really on the moon since the 1920s. There IS an atmosphere, albeit very thin, that extends for approx. 3 miles and there is water ice at the poles. I suspect that there is also plenty of water underground as well.

From the number of geometric structures I am finding on the lunar surface it's pretty obvious that there is a species in residence on the moon and many thousands of them. You may well be thinking who could these people be? My own view is that they are descendants of ancient martians who landed on the moon in ancient times and then started a terraforming process. Not only did they land on the moon but they came to this planet as well. To travel from another world they would have been highly intelligent beings.

Your images show some interesting features but the same problem is always present - the resolution. Now, if we could get hold of some of the high resolution Clementine images then we may stand a much better chance of being able to discern exactly what is on the surface at some of these locations.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by qmantoo

Nope, can't see anything but a big old rock.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 09:28 PM
Nope, that linear depression should not be found on the moon. Then off to 2 o'clock of it~~where the yellow line is~~~that concentric pits area...

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by qmantoo

I pulled up and went to the area you were mentioning. Looks pretty cool!

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by qmantoo
The same evidence is used by scentists when they are examining craters, rilles and every other geological feature they say is on the Moon or on any other planetry body. They only have poor photographic evidence and in the past, not much of that either.

It is easy to say everything is a rock or artifact or lighting effect, but what is more difficult is to own up the the reality that there are aliens on the Moon. NASA knows it, we know it, now is the time to come clean and stop all this messing about wasting all this money.

Actually, there are two very vital bits of information that scientists (and professional photo-intelligence analysts) know when looking at a photograph that we don't have here, "There are aliens on the moon!" isn't one of them. It's vital to know the angle of the sun above the horizon, and the camera's angle to the target. Assuming your images are in standard Western map orientation (N=top), we can estimate that the sun is fairly low in the west, but not having a firm idea of where it is makes any really definite interpretation difficult (look at the famous National Geographic photo of camels in the desert to see why).

That said, just comparing the 2nd and 3rd image in your post, I can say with fair certainty that what's in your purple circle isn't an alien craft or a dead dinosaur, but a crater with its western half partially shadowed by the crater wall, and your two 'vertical masts' in the yellow circle aren't very mast-like (look at the shadows...the objects aren't terribly tall or thin, so they aren't very mast-like at all).

Also, if this is a mining operation, where are the tailings piles? Even a small mine generates a fairly impressive amount of tailings, and they have to go someplace. Check out photographs of any decent-sized mine and you'll see what I mean. There should also be radio chatter...mine crews, no matter how alien, have to communicate, and given the lack of atmosphere, yelling the alien version of "Hey Charlie! We need that excavator over HERE!" simply won't work, and I don't imagine tying the whole place together with fiber-optic cable will work too well, either.

It might also be interesting to find images of this area from different dates, and see if there are any topographical changes...after all, mines do tend to leave a mark on the surrounding terrain.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 12:05 AM
I have visited the Quick Maps site that was linked. Can't see how anyone can find anything. When zooming in it looks like a myriad of mismatched image strips. Very badly designed, imo.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 02:18 AM
I will only add my vote to the guys up here that say it could be anything.

Please take into consideration that with NASA's then-available photography devices, interference and distance from the lunar surface, we can safely say that it would be DEEPLY UNPROFESSIONAL and OUTRIGHT TWISTING FACTS to try to transform something on the surface into something we "believe" is of extraterrestial origin.

Make no mistake - as an amateur UFO researcher I'm acquainted (as most of the researchers) with a difficult-to-answer question about why the Apollo program ended so abruptly and definitely and why almost half a century later we're not on the Moon pemanently. I know the alleged stories of astronauts claiming extraterrstial contact. I BELIEVE that since we know that UFOs exist it is more than possible that the astronauts have seen them or even interacted with them in a way. Still, it's my BELIEF and GUESS not a scientific fact.

The same applies to these photos. People see everything on the Moon. Take pals like John Lear into the equation and you've got wildest things happening on the Moon. Atmosphere, alien bases, NWO mining whatever out of the moon and what have you.

I don't see anything out of the ordinary on these pictures. That is, on the pictures we are allowed to see. Id say that people who try to find signs of alien activity on the moon are making a huge logical error. If NASA was so deliberate on squelching all possible signs of contact out of their transmissions and recordings, what makes you think they allowed such revelations to be seen on a publicly available images? My take is, if there was anything seen on the Moon it definitely DID NOT MAKE IT to the general public.
edit on 21-7-2013 by Jelonek because: because of because.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 08:03 PM

I will only add my vote to the guys up here that say it could be anything.
I don't see anything out of the ordinary on these pictures. That is, on the pictures we are allowed to see. Id say that people who try to find signs of alien activity on the moon are making a huge logical error. If NASA was so deliberate on squelching all possible signs of contact out of their transmissions and recordings, what makes you think they allowed such revelations to be seen on a publicly available images? My take is, if there was anything seen on the Moon it definitely DID NOT MAKE IT to the general public.

Yes, it could be anything. However, on a world which is supposed to be dead, lifeless, little-to-no-atmosphere, no wind (other than solar wind), no rain, there appears to many unexplained regular or strange-shaped 'things'.

Now, we could just say that - "On a strange world, strange things are likely" which does not seek to answer any strangeness, but just accepts it. Or, on the other hand, we could say "I expect to see no signs of what I come to associate with civilisation as I know it on Earth" These include wierd symbols, pointy and wiggly-shaped stick or tree-like objects, structures with regular shapes on them, and the higher-than-normal-probability of a particular shape which is not common (for example a 'V" shape on the ground, 'blobs' on a square platform, or an "orb" shape in tha air) I even found a triangular "crater" the other day in a Moon image.

I dont understand either why NASA would continue to show us images with strange unexplained objects in them. Who knows what their agenda is or what goes on in the minds of such people? Trying to second-guess this is not constructive. All I can say is that I have also looked at many images and seen stuff which the normal explantions do not explain.

Then NASA, (the government) punish anyone who asks too many questions. That's just sick in the head.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by arianna

I couldn't agree more. They've known about what is really on the moon since the 1920s. There IS an atmosphere, albeit very thin, that extends for approx. 3 miles and there is water ice at the poles. I suspect that there is also plenty of water underground as well.

Since the 1920's you say.............and you know

You saying it doesn't make it so

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by qmantoo

Yeah, im just pointing out to the fact that you can't expect the NASA to slip in some footage that could prove that astronauts witnessed aliens on the Moon.

From evidence we've got (or more precisely, second or even third-hand evidence) we know that something is going on in that regard. Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins, Mitchell and several retired NASA officials have hinted at Moonshot being something slightly more than it was. Hell, eveen other US and Soviet astronauts claimed that there were numerous encounters with unidentified objects that appeared to monitor or even interfere with the missions. If we take these claims into consideration, we will have a picture of a worldwide event watched by millions of people violently colliding with biggest coverup ever carried out.

NASA was probably prepared for that. They had secure lines, code talk, event ransmissions could be diverted and split to weed out "unwanted" imagery.

Some bits and pieces slipped out and they form a basis of lore that surrounds the fabled astronaut encouters. The question is, was that leaked material trustworthy? They could've allowed the lies to be slipped in as "disclosed truth" and watch with amsuement how the legend grows in a completely wrong direction.

And here, my friend, lies the catch 22 of these picture. They could be anything. Damn, you could be even looking on a real alien base there. Or not. Only the ones who made these pictures know the truth.
edit on 22-7-2013 by Jelonek because: i love to edit. Leave me alone

posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 05:21 PM
There are far too many off-world images to edit them by hand and they have to have some AI program which searches for straight lines or something similar. The days are gone when the Disclosure Project members claimed that they were in the office of someone who covers over the aliens. Yes, of course some are retouched by hand, but there are just too many to do this for each one. They would need an army of photoshoppers.

In the Curiosity images, NASA do not seem to care any longer. All they seem to do is to degrade the images to the standard and move on allowing people to think what they like. If nothing is said or confirmed, then no-one is any the wiser. It is just a strange thing in an off-world picture. End of story. No-one can MAKE them say what it is, No-one can force them to reveal the highest quality images. They are the government and would just claim "National Security" and the judges would accept the claim that if they showed the real deal then it would show the enemy what is really available in satellite imaging.

No, I think it is frustrating, but I think we just have to learn to live with all this secrecy and know what we know regardless. Eventually, there will be so many people who dont need proof that everyone will believe that NASA are hiding stuff and it will be a standing joke that says that the government just lies.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by qmantoo

As to the images, you must take this in another way. I suppose that you're right about the amount of images being too much to retouch. BUT there is possiblity towards which i'm leaning that what we have in terms of Moon imagery is just a fraction of all the pictures taken. They wouldn't have to edit them. They just don't show them. And as long as the Moon debacle continues we will never know the truth.

I agree with you on the principal points of this case. Also, a food for thought: What makes people think that if there are alien bases on the Moon they are visible? There is a probability that these bases are concealed and entrances to them are hidden. What then? Many secret bases of our own governments here on Earth are so well hidden that only a selected few know about their presence. And this happens on planet with atmosphere, weather and very diverse landscape.

Now I think that no one in their right mind would ever try to make an overt, well visible base on a desolate piece of rock the Moon is. It is basically a huge light-luminescent ball of cratered rocks. Its surface is visible from other celestial bodies such as Earth not to mention high orbit above the Moon. If we consider aliens to be intelligent species with real life agenda, they would be foolish to show their bases like that both from military and scientific point of view. Also take note that we don't know what race ahs these supposed bases and on what terms are they with other races of this Universe. They might as well be feeling a need to or being forced to hide their presence on the Moon. Anyways, it's an interesting idea IMO.

And ANOTHER idea: Since we are talking about an alien civilization, what makes you think they would build like we do? What I see in the analysis of these images is a lot of antropomorphism being applied, and it's funny from the professional point of view. They're different species for God's sake. They might as well build without 90 degree angles and straight lines. They might build structures that are undistinguishable from their surroundings. They might make things that look to us as creations of nature but are in fact artificial. Another food for thought I guess.
edit on 23-7-2013 by Jelonek because: asdsa!

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 04:11 AM
Yes. People assume they have the same biology, but they probably dont. That they live in full view of the earth, but there is one side of the Moon which is ALWAYS facing away from Earth. This is the darkside of the Moon and they could more likely be there perhaps?

Then there is the fact that maybe they dont fear us like we dont fear ants due to the difference in technology. Why would they need to hide? Why can't they live in peace in parts of the Universe where they currently live - after all, the Universe in a big big place and there are many different stars and planets around those stars. Probably enough for everyone really.

It is only that humans are so possessive that they want the exclusive mineral rights. We are a really sad warped race of beings.

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