posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 09:32 PM
Hi I'm 15 years usually reading this site next to my mom some of you may know as CirqueDeTruth. She made me make this account that way I may speak for
myself so she doesn't have to speak for me.
I'm in high school so I'm still discovering new interest but some basic ones are drawing, writing, and reading. I also hold a very fascinated with
interests in traveling and learning different languages and cultures. I'm also fascinated with astronomy and science. I'm still young so I'm just
beginning to learn how politics and religion and how everybody's differences impact the world and it's best to know both sides before making an
informed decision. I found that no place does this better than ATS.
I was raised to be open-minded about religion so I'm not really tied down to a specific belief system. I'm encouraged to explore and discover what's
right for myself. At the moment I will described my self as an Agnostic-Mystic.
So hello and I am pleased to be here.
edit on 18-7-2013 by Cosmicspirit because: forgot a word