This man say exactly what white people want to say, but can't without being labeled a racist. I thought other ATS'ers might enjoy it as well.
I don't know how to embed, but I will transcribe for you folks that don't have video watching capabilities.
You know, I'm out here at the remains of the rally for support for one Trayvon Martin. The youth who was shot in Florida. Here in Good ol' Akron
Mississippi, where all of the slaves, the shoe shining negroes like this guy behind me known as Councilman "Uncle Mike" Williams who helped to convene
this baffoonery that took place in front of a black owned store that half of these negroes don't even support.
I find it kind of comical that all of these negroes decided to get together on this rally for one "Trayvon Martin" down in Florida, never taking
into consideration that "Trayvon Martin" is right here in the west side of Akron. Over the holidays you had eight shootings and six murders involving
black men killing other black men.
And none of these shoe shining, boot licking, behind kissing Uncle Tom negroes decided to have one rally in their honor.
And do you know why that is? I'll tell you why. Because a black life only has a value when that black life is taken by a person who is not
black. As long as its black on black, these negroes don't do anything. They sit back and shine shoes, fry chicken, kiss white arse and buckdance. But
as soon as these monkeys can blame the murder on a white person, oh here they come. They dust off their protest signs and come out here in their
daishikis and come out here and rally in front of a black owned store that they don't even support, shouting "No justice, no peace!"
This is absolutely insane. It only demonstrates how dysfunctional the Afro-American really is. The only reason why I showed up is because I had
to see it first hand. I've never seen such a conclave of minstrels in my whole life. The only time you will see this many negroes in one spot is if
they're giving away free Air Jordan tennis shoes or baskets of fried chicken. Other than that these negroes do what they do.
And on one last note. Anytime you have a movement, and the speakers consist of preachers, and Ophelia Avery, who is the president of the local
chapter of the NAACP, a ninety year old fossilized hag. Then you know that movement is going absolutely nowhere. Because preachers, as we all know,
have been lining their pockets ever since the slave plantation. So if these are the people that you're going to have as your leaders, leading your
"movement" then its no wonder that this sh_t is going nowhere.
As I said, like this buckdancing negroe behind me, one councilman at large Michael "Uncle Tom" Williams standing and ranting in front of a black
owned business, that I might add, half of these negroes don't even support.
And you negroes wonder why I call y'all savages. It is what it is.
edit on 17-7-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)