posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:37 PM
It seems to me that people identify themselves with this case. They say he is guilty, free, or anything in between. But then when someone is
contradicted... some take extreme measures... many take it personally... (And when I say "contradicted" I don't just mean being incorrect if your
assumption with the verdict being wrong).
I know this happens every year. But, jesus, it only gets worse in my eyes.
The case is almost pointless. The most important point we should learn from all this turmoil is that these kinds of trials should never be aired on
television. Maybe an SEC case against financiers or an NTSB against an airline case... but not some idiot killing a fool in florida.
Why do we waste our energy? Don't prove me wrong when I ask myself if we really are that stupid.
At any rate, I am curious to hear any feedback. Lemme know ya'll.
edit on 16-7-2013 by Marulo because: (no reason given)