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Trayvon Martin Case Being Pushed By Media Outlets To Serve As A Distraction

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posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 07:58 PM
From the good folks over at Storm Cloud Gathering

Now everyone please disregard the mispronounciation of Trayvon's name. That was not intentional nor is it the real issue here.

This video adequately describes the obvious push by the media to blow this case way out of proportion in efforts to create unecessary racial tention in America. All this in spite of the lack of coverage and push regarding cases like Donner's who was burned alive by law enforcement, and the arming of Syrian rebels as well as Mexican cartels by the U.S. which have led to countless deaths. IIRC there was a judge and senate member who were assissanated due to extensive knowledge of the cartels being armed. Someone correct me if I'm a little off base on that.

The vid makes a valid point about the revolt that would surely ensue towards the corruption had all these back burner stories got the same attention and coverage as the Trayvon case. Hence the suppresion.

If there is any truth to this, then it sickens me to think that those in power are merely using the common citizens as tools (possibly Zimmerman as well being that his grandfather had some kind of connection to the C.I.A. which may be relevant) to either advance or cover up ulterior agendas.

Once again my condolences to the Martin family and any other victims who's lives may have been lost (drone strikes etc.) due to the futhering of covert agendas and operations.

Your thoughts ATS
True Messiah

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 08:19 PM
I will not be happy until Obama gets up in front of the press and holds up a photo of Manning and says "If i had a boyfriend, he would probably look like this"

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 08:23 PM
Good video thanks for sharing.

I agree it's totally a psyop.
And it worked really good too.

Typical though if you think about it.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 08:47 PM
Already posted thoughts about it on prior threads-was going to do my own ran but was beat to it, sum it up I agree. Good there's attention on what's happening here. Bumping the subject once again.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Superhans
I will not be happy until Obama gets up in front of the press and holds up a photo of Manning and says "If i had a boyfriend, he would probably look like this"

That would be simply Priceless! What a hilarious but completely relevant comment...Nice job Superhans

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Good video thanks for sharing.

I agree it's totally a psyop.
And it worked really good too.

Typical though if you think about it.

It's effects are still radiating. Take a look at this vid now getting massive coverage where 73 year old musician Lester Chambers was attacked by a white woman on stage during the performance of a song in tribute to Trayvon.

It was said the woman allegedly yelled "it's all your fault" during the attack.
This vid is one of the reasons I made this thread in hopes that people of all races would just calm down and open their eyes to the bigger picture.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 01:39 PM
I found the perfect term and definition for what's going on courtesy of Wikipedia:


The strategy of tension is a tactic that aims to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by TrueMessiah
Yes, the Trayvon Martin case was used to spread hate between black vs Latino, black vs white, etc.

There is massive fear of the young black man in any community. I have fear for my young black sons and also for myself.

I have a business where I have to deliver goods and services early in the AM and I recall several months ago being profiled because i was wearing a hoodie and just happened to be walking around a corner real fast to get behind a building. It was drizzling slightly but suddenly I had two cop cars stop and question me in an alley. I can tell you that was one of the worst fears any person can have.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by TrueMessiah


This is a prop by TPTB to get us to stop looking at something.

Snowden? Benghazi? Cia aiding terrorists in syria? The sunspot activity. Alien disclosure?

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Jaellma
reply to post by TrueMessiah
Yes, the Trayvon Martin case was used to spread hate between black vs Latino, black vs white, etc.

There is massive fear of the young black man in any community. I have fear for my young black sons and also for myself.

I have a business where I have to deliver goods and services early in the AM and I recall several months ago being profiled because i was wearing a hoodie and just happened to be walking around a corner real fast to get behind a building. It was drizzling slightly but suddenly I had two cop cars stop and question me in an alley. I can tell you that was one of the worst fears any person can have.

Sorry to hear you having to go through that frightful experience of being racially profiled. I suppose the blatant profiling would have to do with the negative sterotypes often portrayed by the black community. Not providing an excuse but merely a reason. I'm black as well and come from an area of low social economic status. What I would tell your children, like I tell other young blacks, is to try and avoid the stigmas that alert to the possible signs of misconduct and bad behavior because as of now, I see nothing that is going to deter authority or any other any other race outside of African American from continued profiling.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 02:30 PM
I definitely think there are a lot more crucial topics we as Americans should be discussing and focusing on besides this. If only this much attention was given to what our intelligence services are doing to our real freedoms. While individuals are focusing on this issue, with little or no attention given to other more pertinent topics, our freedoms and liberty are being eroded and taken away.

Soon the extent of what has happened and is ongoing will evolve into nothing more than slavery itself, for everyone. All of our identities have been stolen and stored away. We may not be wearing chains or have any tangible evidence that we are, but there not needed anymore.

Now the chains are invisible, tucked away neatly in some government facility server. The only way we as humans can transcend this entire issue is to unite as one, with no barriers such as racial divide, gender, religion, ect...

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Jaellma

Yep and many here would probably try and tell you what you thought or what you should have thought or why you were wrong to wear a hoodie (IN THE LAND OF THE FREE) or some other blah blah. In fact many here would do anything but see your pointof view.

Yes i have had similar experiences as a Phd candidate and I know what it is like. Simple "Who feels it, knows it".

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Tiger5
Agreed. I have many horror stories to tell about being racially profiled growing up. Even though I can claim to be in that percentage of people who have had zero trouble with the law, it still hasn't stopped the law from racially profiling me.

That last incident I just went through was as a grown adult. There were other cases growing up in Maryland as a teenager and young adult where I have had the cops profile and pull their guns on me on at least several occasions. Thankfully no one was hurt but I think they used that as intimidation more than anything, but you never know for sure.

I remember as a 17 year old driving my mom to work being pulled over by a cop who questioned me about my license plate being covered with a vanity plate. He then wanted to know whose car it was. I told him it was mine and he didn't believe it. He finally let me go because he had nothing on me but it was a waste of time and energy.

On another occasion I was walking home from work, around midnight, and having a light flashed in my eyes from afar. When i questioned who it was, they yelled they were going to "blow my n****r head off if I didn't stop and identify myself". Since I couldn't tell who it was and what they wanted I stopped and found out it was two white cops looking for someone who apparently robbed the local supermarket, they said. They could see I had on my burger uniform so it couldn't have been me. We filed a complaint about that but again, I came this close to meeting my maker that night.

I also remember, as a youth, being pulled over by a cop because he thought I was mouthing off at him because he ran the stop sign in front of me. We both arrived at a 4-way stop sign, he being on an adjacent street diagonal to the intersection. Even though I got there clearly ahead of him, he just continued to roll right through the stop sign causing me to brake up. He looked me straight in the eye then proceeded to stop, back up and circle around to pull me over. He then walked up (all the time i had my 13 year old nephew in the car with me), pulled out his gun and knocked on my window. I rolled it down and asked him what he wanted. He asked me why I was "eyeballing him". I told him no reason. He then just walked back to his car and left the area. I was good enough to get his name from his uniform and filed a complaint at the local station.

The funny thing was the first female officer at the station didn't believe my story. I could overhear her telling another fellow officer "Could you believe that kid? Humph, he thinks Officer "blankety blank"was after him with his weapon drawn." I was finally able to get another officer to take the complaint and she asked me if I wanted to have it put in his file for further reference, which I had her do.

These were just some of the things I had to go through being profiled by cops. My brothers and cousins had more horror stories than I did and they are also upstanding citizens today, some very successful in their walks of life.

edit on 17-7-2013 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-7-2013 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

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