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"This is for Trayvon" .. black youths target hispanic man and beat him.

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posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 09:20 AM
The Key is to realize Media of any kind is a military weapon...A silent weapon for a quiet war.

When you realize what it has been designed to do....a MEME deployment device.... it loses its power.

HD, 3d HDMI, Digital, frequencies, flicker rates, and tones are rendered useless when you know what you are dealing with.

These people in high places that control the show are far from illuminated, enlightened, or godlike.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 09:31 AM
Eric Holder should have been put in prison long ago.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:34 AM
This is ALL about Culture.. Period full stop.
Race has not a dang thing to do with this. The color of your skin is not the issue.

Culture is what is to blame and that can only fall on those the breed and fuel it...PERIOD!

It is just a reason for Idiot's to do wrong and get away with it.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:50 AM
black people assaulting latinos....

"news" isnt something that happens everyday

Originally posted by DogMeat
Race has not a dang thing to do with this. The color of your skin is not the issue.

Travel to any country, state or location where black people are the majority and tell yourself race has nothing to do with it.

edit on 17-7-2013 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

I understand where you're coming from, I do, but if you fail to take into account the sick society we live in, regardless of nation, and all the components therein and its complicity in pretty much all of the nastiness that occurs in the world today, you would also fail to see that nobody is born evil. Evil men and women are forged in the fires of abandonment, parental abuse in all its forms and societal pressures (media, etc.). I see too many people going on about how the human race is inherently evil and greedy or what not, but people that say things like that have given in to their emotions far too rapidly without seeing that we, as a species, are capable of doing great things, as well as great evil. All that decides which side of the line a person is on is how they were brought up and their susceptibility to their environment. Different people may be less susceptible to the negative factors in their upbringing, but some people are like sponges that absorb every negative influence that comes their way. I am not saying I condone their actions. All I am saying is that nothing in this world is black and white. To hate someone for their actions without bothering to understand said actions makes you no better than them whether you like that fact or not.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by jvm222

a race war is a coming, yeah what'll you do?

Good question.
If one were to happen, I'd better stay low.
I'm a mutt.
Every race will be out to kill me.

Just order a tee-shirt summerizing the laundry list of will confuse most racists long enough for you to run
"If you are one-eigth black...can I shoot you in the toe?"

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by ThreeBears
Yea You heard me, Snotty ass White Privilege.

No such thing. Yes, you heard me. No such thing as white privilege. Maybe there used to be a long while back. But not now. If anything, it's just the opposite. Educated white males in this country are trashed by small minded racists and routinely put aside for less educated and less capable 'people of color'. 'white privilege'.... pffft ...



I have TWO daughters, one Light skinned Blond hair Blue Eyes,

Another DARK SKIN HAZEL EYES and I DO MEAN DARK. She's Half Cherokee Native Indian, her father was Full Blood Cherokee.

We are educated Poor, don't let my lazy typing here Fool you, one bit. My husband Works in Academia. Now,

WE deal with RACISM on a DAILY BASIS as well as YES WHITE PRIVILEGE. Both my daughters raised in


And when applying for Jobs my light skinned daughter is ALWAYS treated better, ALWAYS. She does NOT have to beat down

Racial stereotypes (the dumb blond stereotypes yes but Not the racial). She does NOT get harassed by cops, my Dark skin daughter does All the time. She does Not get pitted by either blacks, Latinos to go against her sister, ONLY BY WHITES.

My dark skin daughter gets it from All sides, worse from whites. All her life she's put up with Ignorant White Privelge ignorants who pop off with "how can you have a white name but be dark? Or are you adopted? Or is your daddy in jail? Unbelievable ignorance and Racism, a s this since she was a CHILD.

And you Kniw something, we have as second marriage NINE KIDS in TOTAL and EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM WOULD CALL YOU A FLAT OUT LIAR


See That MYTH might fly in all an White Southern or good ole boy community, it might Fly in an all black or brown community,


And Yes I'll call you in it. See that might Fool folks who live in a bubble or who like to play those b.s. catch myths but I Know better,

Ive moved Several times to get AWAY FROM YES SNOTTY ASS WHITE PRIVILEGED FOLKS. They exist all Over the place. AS does a Priveleged Sanitized racist system.

We are also a Very diverse religious family...from Christian to Pagan to Native Indian to Agnostic, and one Jew. Though not very practicing and somewhat anarchist.

Are there Racist blacks? yes, We've had our share of dealing with That garbage too, both blacks and browns...but it's not Anywhere Near the widespread yes uppity sanitized hidden white racism, that yes Superiority complex. And I will say,

majority of it has MORE TO DO WITH "CLASS" than Anything...the two do NOT work in a vacuum.

So yes in Many regions there is Blatant white privelege where the System is concerned, and this will Vary State to State to Rural verses Urban, FACT. In my state it runs in what we call "pockets", some areas are diverse both economically And Racially and there is Less problems there, in areas where there is majority if what I call Old School Whites they are Segregated by economics and Race and they are Blatantly STRUCTURED TO FEED WHITE PRIVELEGE in what is called DISTRICTS. And it's in These areas where you see a Major shift in attitudes, arrogance and forced ghettoization of people of color, worse than what they do with Poor Whites. FACT.

I don't care What race or Religion you are, I will call you out on it, whether it's an attack on whites by color or attacks on color by whites. I have TWO DAUGHTERS, ONE WHITE ONE BROWN and I LOVE THEM BOTH THE SAME. And I AS A MOTHER have SEEN the SHIAT that whites do, to my own Daughter,

When she was just a KID.

So don't give me that crap that white privelege doesnt exist...that's a LIE.

And My daughters people have more damn rights to BE here than ALL IF US EURO CENTRIC and NEVER forget that. And yet, She has more wisdom and understanding of what Racism and Privelege and Respect is than most, as do my other two who Always come to the defense of kids of color when they SEE firsthand the Racism by White adults,

Like Many a morning when they take public Bus to a Charter school and WHITE bus drivers will harass the kids of color, who GO TO SAME SCHOOL. And Not because these kids are bad, they just Brown, or Black. KIDS. My kids see it All the time,

One Mexican kid last semester because he was ten cents short on fare and so were Several white kids, got Kicked off bus like a Dog by a White bus driver and this is a Long ass bus ride. My kids got off with him in Solidarity, they waited one hour for the next bus with this kid. My youngest is only 13. My daughter who is prepping for college, was so livid that when She got home she called the bus station and filed a former complaint on behalf of this kid and for several weeks my kids watched out for him. Cont

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 01:06 PM
Cont, needless to say the school is in a very well to do White Majority Yuppie area and they are Snotty and Racist as bloody hell...AND

The Laughable thing is there is More Meth, more kids doing meth, coke, shooting up mommy and daddy's prescription psychodrugs or narcs AND many WHITE RICH KIDS spoiled as ever are the Worst students, rude, foul mouth, but see Difference is Their mummy and daddy have $$$$$$ to pay their way OUT,

That's the ONLY DIGPFFERENCE from Them and the kids in inner city where we once lived And several years in a Majority Latino community, where there was Surenos13 gangs but even Then other than alcohol a d weed we didn't see Near the hard core drugs, like we do in good ole White Wizard of Oz land. Amazing that one...yet there were Far more cops in that Latino area...And another thing,

We didn't see Latino girls there go to school with their asses hanging out like my kids see in the White Rich school they attend now. AND LOL, there are more Pregnant teen Girls in that White school than there Ever was in that Latino area because those Latino fathers will beat those girls for that behavior...they don't BUY their way out of trouble or BRIBE with Mall trips and Forever 21, Vickie's secrets and all that Other consumerist crap.

Now to be Fair...I as well as my kids yes, have seen the Other end of it inner city in one area that was majority and oldest daughter. They yes had gangs, racism etc so I Know it exists, but I also know that it's been a Generational grooming ground By DELIBERATE DISTRICTING via Welfare, Housing Developers/Corporate and Government. it IS by design, as is the drug running...and it's to Keep these areas disenfranchised, poor and black on black or brown on brown violence. It's in THESE areas where Yes the gangs flourish...but it BENEFITS THE WHITE SUBURBS and GATED COMMUNITIES because as long as those POOR people of color can kill each other well then, good ole upper middle class whites (AND SOME MIDDLE UPPER CLASS COLOR FOLKS FACT) can live in their isolated Suburbian Utopias with a few pockets of poor Wage slaves here and there, Moslt white and now Immigrant folks, because Hey they need their Service Sector work too,

AS well as, Well Who is going to Fill up those Jails and Prisons to Pay the Tax revenue of the let's see, in our area it's over Half of revenue that pays for Police force and CPS to TRAFFICK those poor kids etc and get those federal $$$ oh yea's Rigged alright,

BUT it's Rigged because a Lot of WHITE $$$$ FOLKS LIKE IT THIS WAY. FACT.

That's, what is called, PRIVELEGE.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by DogMeat

Amen to that.

I have often said on here there is no such thing as racism, it's culturalism (yeah, I know, probably not a word).

To say these things are based on race is a very shallow perception. Of course this truism does not get very far because 'racism' has become so ingrained in this country to mean something it is not.

Matter of fact, I argue it actually perpetuates the problem. It allows people to stop analyzing the issue at a very rudimentary point. That point being off-target as well.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 01:59 PM

Given that this is a CONSPRIACY site, and given how OUTRAGEOUS some of the conspiracies are, to close and delete a thread for being STUPID, is just, well stupid.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 03:07 PM
Its time for the mexicans to clique up against these racist black people

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Very sad event. I wondered exactly motivated those boys to behave like that? Was it the media, parents, peer group or even school? The whole event is a case of youth gone totally wild. Not a good sign to have small groups of young men beating people up in the street for unacceptable reasons.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 03:30 PM
This is profoundly saddening.

In my opinion the best way to honor a young life lost as the result of violence is to embrace peace, not further violence.


posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
This is what a REAL racial hate crime looks like ...

Baltimore Sun Witness claims youths yelled 'this is for Trayvon' in beating

Baltimore police say they are investigating a witness account that a group of black youths beat a Hispanic man near Patterson Park Sunday while saying, "This is for Trayvon."

A witness posted the account on a community Facebook page, and police confirmed they are looking into whether the suspects' reaction to the verdict in the Florida trial of George Zimmerman played a part in the incident. A police report on the beating does not mention the alleged comments.

In a post that drew nearly 50 comments on Facebook, real estate agent Christina Dudley said she was walking to her car just before 9 p.m. when she saw several young black males and two black females chasing a 37-year-old Hispanic man west on North Linwood Avenue past East Fairmont Avenue.

"One of the boys had a handgun out and it was pointed at the back of him," Dudley said in an interview.
They caught up to the man at the corner of Fairmount and N. Streeper Street, and the male with the gun beat the victim with what appeared to be his gun while others kicked and stomped him, Dudley said.

Who is to blame for this?
The black youths who committed the crime are to blame.
Their parents for not keeping track of their children and teaching them better are to blame.
The media for manufacturing racial elements to the Zimmerman trial are to blame.
The race baiters who fanned the flames (Sharpton most of all) are to blame.
Eric Holder for continuing to try to make the Zimmerman thing about race, when it isn't, is to blame.
The NAACP for demanding the (IN)justice dept grab torches and pitchforks and go after Zimmerman is to blame.
And yes .. I'll even add Obama to this. His interjection of 'if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon' was misplaced and didn't help.

ALL OF THEM ARE TO BLAME. Shame on all of them. :shk:

edit on 7/16/2013 by FlyersFan because: fixed link blamed everyone and their mothers but you forgot to go to the source and blame these people. I think they had more than a little to do with today's unreasonable crowds. People can't be brainwashed into forgetting their history with one black President. Can you blame them?
edit on 17-7-2013 by Loveaduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 04:28 PM
damn alex jones was right. he said this would happen.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

This stuff happens because it's the perfect way to keep our eyes off the prize of true freedom!
The youngest of us are the easiest to incite and though there may be much blame to go around for the media, politicians, parents and the ignorant children themselves but aren't we all to blame? Haven't we lost the moral fiber that has led to the creation of all great things in our society?

Each year we seem to get more lost into the fray of this demoralized world we live in!
Each decade we choose to make more excuses for this worlds shortcomings, only looking to
point fingers at those we desire to judge just to relieve ourselves of responsibility and guilt!
We have become apathetic to even our own progeny looking to pass their faults onto others
around them! We have no desire to make any sacrifices that is necessary to begin the healing
in this world! We are apt to limit our surroundings to those we deem necessary to bring us into
good fortune, accepting their behaviors because they may be able to help us get that job or hook us
up with one of their friends whom we may desire!

Though this may not be all of us it's a large percentage of us cause we have forgotten the
true meaning of friendship, love and caring! We see those around us with their selfish ways
and think that this is what gives us the right to be as selfish, if not more!
We have no idea what it truly means to be happy because we strive to get ahead and no matter how
well off we are, we are never satisfied by what we have achieved!

We are always looking for the next object of our affection whether it's wealth, fame, notoriety or power!
We have forgotten that the love that binds us, is more important then the power we yield!
I don't know if we will ever be able to realize that true happiness, friends and love can not be bought and can only be earned through dedication, respect and sacrifice!

Will there be others that will fall at the behest of racial hatred? I'm sure there will be!
Should we start hating as well? ___________
If we do will this help us to come together as a society or will this further divide us as a nation?
I believe it's up to all of us to try and come together no matter how bad TPTB try to divide us
we will only win if we can unite whether black, white, rich or poor! Love is the only way we can
truly see the light of triumph reign in the house of human understanding! Forgiveness is the key to
the door.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by ThreeBears
Now to be Fair

..but it BENEFITS THE WHITE SUBURBS and GATED COMMUNITIES because as long as those POOR people of color can kill each other well then, good ole upper middle class whites (AND SOME MIDDLE UPPER CLASS COLOR FOLKS FACT) can live in their isolated Suburbian Utopias with a few pockets of poor Wage slaves here and there, Moslt white and now Immigrant folks, because Hey they need their Service Sector work too,

Well thank you for being so fair! LMAO! Oh yeah, The suburbs are just nothing but evil white people. I don't know where you live, but out here in California the Suburbs are full of multiple folks of different skin colors. Why don't you fix your brain and replace "white" with "Rich", then maybe you will start to make some sense.

]AS well as, Well Who is going to Fill up those Jails and Prisons to Pay the Tax revenue of the let's see, in our area it's over Half of revenue that pays for Police force and CPS to TRAFFICK those poor kids etc and get those federal $$$ oh yea's Rigged alright,

BUT it's Rigged because a Lot of WHITE $$$$ FOLKS LIKE IT THIS WAY. FACT.

I think it's very clear to everyone here who the racist is. Hopefully you can get yourself some help because living with all that hatred inside you sooner or later will destroy your life. Good luck!

edit on 17-7-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears

Not all places in America are the same. I have lived all over and you will find very different attitudes and views everywhere you go. In some place racism is heavy on all sides, and in others it doesn't really exist. In your case I would say you are living in the wrong place and I can tell you there are many place I wouldn't be caught dead in. I have the same situation with one light skin son and one dark skin and they see nothing different. Both are very popular in their schools and both are honor students that get nothing but praise from their teachers and peers.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears

That is a lot of hate you carry. People pick up on that hate, including your children. Maybe that is also reflected by you children, and they are treated the way they expect to be treated.

I have lived in racist communities of all kinds, and I haven't seen what you describe.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by ThreeBears


I doubt that, cause you have not proved anything whatsoever at all other than that you're a racist yourself.

I have TWO daughters, one Light skinned Blond hair Blue Eyes,

Most likely another lie in order to further the insane agenda of dividing all of the peoples of this Earth. Let's stick together my friend, that is what we all need to do, don't you realize that? Nope, I doubt it.

Another DARK SKIN HAZEL EYES and I DO MEAN DARK. She's Half Cherokee Native Indian, her father was Full Blood Cherokee.

Listen, I am White with hazel eyes, My Grandmother on my father's side was 100% Cherokee, but I am not dark skinned, nor was even my father. We had slightly olive colored skin and better tans then the rest of the family, but we were never treated bad by anyone.

The truth of the matter is, You're trying to divide the weak minded, and you should cease from such a destructive motive. The only thing that you have proved is how ignorance thrives like weeds in a garden.

See That MYTH might fly in all an White Southern or good ole boy community, it might Fly in an all black or brown community,

That is about as close to the truth, yet you only dipped your toe into it.


You just contradicted yourself. 100% hypocrisy at it's finest again, what a joke.

Ive moved Several times to get AWAY FROM YES SNOTTY ASS WHITE PRIVILEGED FOLKS. They exist all Over the place. AS does a Priveleged Sanitized racist system.

Again, You seem to be mentally misled into believing that only white folks are rich or well off, why exactly is that? You really need to get around more.

We are also a Very diverse religious family...from Christian to Pagan to Native Indian to Agnostic, and one Jew. Though not very practicing and somewhat anarchist.

Wow, you have covered all grounds for your intentional magnet thought process? Nice try, those of us here at ATS can see right through your agenda.

Are there Racist blacks? yes, We've had our share of dealing with That garbage too, both blacks and browns...but it's not Anywhere Near the widespread yes uppity sanitized hidden white racism, that yes Superiority complex. And I will say,

How kind of you. Oh how so kind of you.

majority of it has MORE TO DO WITH "CLASS" than Anything...the two do NOT work in a vacuum.

Again you dip your toe in reality, but you have made it perfectly clear that evil white people are to blame for pretty much absolutely everything and anything that disrupts you. You can't sugar coat it at this point, you're a racist, plain and simple.

I don't care What race or Religion you are, I will call you out on it, whether it's an attack on whites by color or attacks on color by whites. I have TWO DAUGHTERS, ONE WHITE ONE BROWN and I LOVE THEM BOTH THE SAME. And I AS A MOTHER have SEEN the SHIAT that whites do, to my own Daughter,

White this, white that, everything comes down to everything being blamed on whites as a group. You are a racist, and you need to educate yourself. I feel sorry for your white children.

And My daughters people have more damn rights to BE here than ALL IF US EURO CENTRIC and NEVER forget that. And yet, She has more wisdom and understanding of what Racism and Privelege and Respect is than most, as do my other two who Always come to the defense of kids of color when they SEE firsthand the Racism by White adults

Hate is consuming your existence, I hope you get some help my friend, cause you really need it.

Like Many a morning when they take public Bus to a Charter school and WHITE bus drivers will harass the kids of color, who GO TO SAME SCHOOL. And Not because these kids are bad, they just Brown, or Black. KIDS. My kids see it All the time,

I grew up riding the bus as a child with kids of all colors in the suburbs, and never not even one time was anyone treated bad cause of the color of their skin. I am sure it happened in a lot of places, and I am talking the 80's, but you're spreading hate in order to divide people in my opinion.

At the end of the day, I rarely join these kind of threads but I could not just sit back this time and allow you to spread your lies like a disease. So with that being said, Enjoy spreading your racist hate against Caucasians.

Finally, Everyone should just treat every human being as individuals, not as a group. There is good and bad in everyone. ~$heopleNation

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