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"Trayvon Rioters" have shut down a freeway in LA

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posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 05:03 PM
And the media keeps stoking the fire... The jury spoke, Zimmerman was found not guilty, yet the news media are still talking about it as if the verdict was just rendered! Enough already, move on! Maybe if they would stop talking about it, it would die just like any other news story.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by jude11
A predominantly black community stands for ONE of their own in a show of force and community.

And yet...

A predominantly Caucasian population is still standing on their laurels, twitter, FB and a few letters to protest their loss of freedoms, rights and liberties, Issues that ALL have a vested interest in.

You beat me to it

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 05:18 PM
Reminds me of small children who throw temper tantrums when they dont get their way.Oddly enough I live about 20 minutes from Sanford, Florida and its been quiet as a church mouse here. I think people in Ca are always looking for a reason to tear up their own cities though. Just my .02

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 05:22 PM
Its funny to me the way some people on this site seem to be almost giddy with anticipation at the prospect of violence in the street, though I'm not sure what the motivation behind that sort of mentality is. Maybe you just enjoy the chaos - in the immortal words of the butler from that one Batman movie, some people just want to watch the world burn.

Or maybe you're waiting impatiently for an opportunity to point at this race of people as being inherently violent and prone to disorder. We've seen it in the so-called right wing so-called media, we saw it in Zimmerman's brother's infamous 'nuff said' Twitter blunder, and we've seen it, albeit subtly, from some of the usual suspects right here on ATS.

I'm happy that the protests have been small scale affairs, and that those who strongly disagree with Zimmerman's release seem to be for the most part conducting themselves peacefully.

You'll notice from the photos also that the crowds are largely mixed race, black and white standing together against what they perceive as injustice. That's quite a wonderful thing and it seems to be, from the outside looking in, very American.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Vrill
So it begins.............

"Trayvon Rioters" have shut down a freeway in LA, they are starting fights and throwing objects at cars. LAPD has issued a citywide alert.

Who else is pissed of at the fact people will riot over this but not do a thing about Obama and the elite destroying our country?

Oh boy, talk about the double edged sword...again. I don't have much sympathy for rioters, especially organised ones where there is always a shadow pulling the strings. Rioting is mindless work, a peaceful protest organised or not is legit.
Tying it politically with an opening statement like that is no different than the shadow.

BTW that is some link,
currently online, 0 members, 703 guests, that would include me as being the 703rd. And no, I will not be donating.
edit on 15-7-2013 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 06:01 PM
The news here in D.C. Is trying to make a story about protests in the area. All they had was a video of 5 people waving signs on the sidewalk. Their conclusion: the public is angry, and you should be to, because we say so.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by kingofmd
The news here in D.C. Is trying to make a story about protests in the area. All they had was a video of 5 people waving signs on the sidewalk. Their conclusion: the public is angry, and you should be to, because we say so.

Like I said, a peaceful protest is legit. I suppose those arrested will be charged with incitement..whatever.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 07:03 PM
It's funny (not really) how the trial was about everything but the trial. It was a screwed up incident, where both people had some fault and a jury decided they couldn't convict on the charges levied.

All these millions of people yelling about the injustice of the trial have no idea of the facts of the trial. These people are making it about themselves.

edit: that said, go yell about it all you want folks - even if you have no idea what you are protesting.

edit on 15-7-2013 by pirhanna because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna
It's funny (not really) how the trial was about everything but the trial. It was a screwed up incident, where both people had some fault and a jury decided they couldn't convict on the charges levied.

All these millions of people yelling about the injustice of the trial have no idea of the facts of the trial. These people are making it about themselves.

I am under the impression this was always primarily a self-induced hysteria before it even began.

I am glad we are finally facing our national neurosis.

Sucks about that saying though
"Probably gonna get worse before it gets better".

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna
It's funny (not really) how the trial was about everything but the trial. It was a screwed up incident, where both people had some fault and a jury decided they couldn't convict on the charges levied.

All these millions of people yelling about the injustice of the trial have no idea of the facts of the trial. These people are making it about themselves.

Yes, but the only testimony is from Zimmerman himself, and whatever he said over the air, and the girlfriend on the phone, and a witness who saw a fight. On the air Zimmerman was told to walk away he didn't, that is akin to stalking. What happened to bring about the fight is only from Zimmerman and that is the most important aspect, there are NO witnesses to that just the fight. In a case like that, you can chew a dog to bits, and IMO an onerous burden put on the jury. Here and ultimately, had Zimmerman done what he was advised to do in the first place there would have been no fight.
edit on 15-7-2013 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 08:21 PM

edit on 7/15/13 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 08:36 PM
Does anyone else have a strange underlying sense of Déjà vu?
Almost like a dream last week or something?

It's like all of this is scripted.
As if anyone with a penchant for analysis of plot devices could predict what "twist" is most likely coming next.

Unrelated terrorist attack?
New baby Panda?
Dog on surf board?

Sure would be neat to know.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 08:57 PM
Gotta love the spin people put on these threads. "Trayvon Riots"?? Why not "Zimmerman Riots"?? If people are rioting they are doing in reaction to The Verdict, not The Victim. Yet reading the words "trayvon riots" insinuates that these unfortunate events are the direct result of the victim, as opposed to the acquittal of his killer.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Does anyone else have a strange underlying sense of Déjà vu?
Almost like a dream last week or something?

It's like all of this is scripted.
As if anyone with a penchant for analysis of plot devices could predict what "twist" is most likely coming next.

Unrelated terrorist attack?
New baby Panda?
Dog on surf board?

Sure would be neat to know.

could be, and the truth could be out there somewhere if anybody is really interested. Or, alternatively you could bury a dead innocent person properly, and with proper respect. Otherwise you have a dead criminal by default, It's all legal.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by damwel
What riots, I don't see any riots. There are peaceful demonstrations. Sounds to me like some of you want riots. Maybe so you can say, " see how those people are".

FOX has been pumping it up for the last week or so, so has rush slimeball on the radio...they would be giddy with excitement, if they can just get blacks out in the streets rioting.

And there it goes Jimmy.. when the gate keepers on both sides are shoveling
in unison, I wonder about the true definition of inciting to riot.

But the worst thing about this demonstration against what appeared [in every
respect] due process is undoing everything their parents and grandparents fought
and sometimes died for. Darwin wins.

@boncho-- Maybe we've made it... in the great majority of us, mentally and politically
reached the point where we're picketing for our own extinction. Popcorn...Kelly clamp

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:21 PM
Wouldn't it be more accurate to punctuate the title as:

Trayvon "Rioters" have shut down a freeway in L.A.

A few dumb asses throwing some bottles is not a riot.

That said, it's about as dumb to get bent out of shape about the Zimmerman verdict as it was for the people who did in response to the Casey Anthony verdict. We have a justice system for a reason and, while juries do make mistakes sometimes (unfortunately), we have to trust that they system works. There is no other valid alternative.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Does anyone else have a strange underlying sense of Déjà vu?
Almost like a dream last week or something?

It's like all of this is scripted.
As if anyone with a penchant for analysis of plot devices could predict what "twist" is most likely coming next.

Unrelated terrorist attack?
New baby Panda?
Dog on surf board?

Sure would be neat to know.

Royal Baby Watch-- updates at 10.
Where in the World is Carmen Snowden?
God flash, you're so close to touching on the evening news
starting to feel like some summer rerun. That's the spookiest ever.

My favorite dream:
I don't think there are any 3D printable human organs announced yet,
but I sure do pray tonight before lights out for the worst and hardest first.
We need a properly firing neural network in each of our representatives.
I propose mass production pronto-- like fast as eight inch projectiles,

We can cook an AR upper in about three hours: anything as simple as
a Speaker of the House can't be worse than a half-day with sufficient
pork sausage and pink slime for binder. I'm sorry John-- nothing personal
whatsoever, this is strictly business. And three, four packs a day:

I was referring more to your predecessor... wherever you two are.

And then sneak in for the transplants.
cue creepy music: "The Invasion of the Normaloids" ... quote me.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:42 PM
This picture sums up the George Zimmerman Riots, it's been crazy folks.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Does anyone else have a strange underlying sense of Déjà vu?
Almost like a dream last week or something?

It's like all of this is scripted.
As if anyone with a penchant for analysis of plot devices could predict what "twist" is most likely coming next.

Unrelated terrorist attack?
New baby Panda?
Dog on surf board?

Sure would be neat to know.

Just to lighten the mood around here a little bit, my vote is for two Surfing Dogs!!

edit on 7/15/13 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Does anyone else have a strange underlying sense of Déjà vu?
Almost like a dream last week or something?

It's like all of this is scripted.
As if anyone with a penchant for analysis of plot devices could predict what "twist" is most likely coming next.

Unrelated terrorist attack?
New baby Panda?
Dog on surf board?

Sure would be neat to know.

Just to lighten the mood around here a little bit, my vote is for two Surfing Dogs!!

edit on 7/15/13 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

Thanks PENI. It's completely smooth that CA is a Right-to-Surf State.
And Tuffy is the kahuna... lookitim he owns that soup.

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