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The REAL News! You All Been Had, But It Wasnt Us They Are After!

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posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 12:27 AM
I want to give a big round of applause to all that have had the patience and decent conversation concerning recent events, but lets get real.

Do you really think that they are after us? Who is us you may ask, well US means those that are sharing, investigating, discussing. Oh no my dear friends it is not us they are concerned with or care about, but it is the youth in this country, not white or black, but ALL children and young adults.

Here are a few quotes, and then a bit for you to think about when you go outside tomorrow and hear a young person talking out of their butt about things that have no real substance, go to your nieces and nephews Facebook pages, and take a look around, they dont give a crap about ATS or any other "conspiracy form" discussing the real issues.

They have who they want, and they have set the precedence for the up and coming youth revolution, but think of it this way, in 20 years who will be making the big choices?

Children’s television and MTV, in fact, are the easiest places to launch counterculture missiles. The more harmless or inane the forum, the more unsuspecting the audience – Douglas Rushkoff (Media Virus)

…the corporation remains as it was at the time of its origins, as a mad business institution in the middle of the nineteenth century, and legally designated “person” designed to valorize self interest and invalidate moral concern. Most people would find its “personality” abnormal, even psychopathic, in a human being, yet curiously we accept it in society’s most powerful institutions - Joel Bakan (The Corporation)

In the cybernetic age, the individual becomes increasingly subject to manipulation. His work, his consumption, and his leisure are manipulated by advertising, by ideologies, by what Skinner calls “positive reinforcements.” The individuals loses his active, responsible role in the social process; he becomes completely “adjusted” and learns that any behavior, act, thought, or feeling which does not fit into the general scheme puts him at a severe disadvantage; in fact he is what he is supposed to be…What has happened in modern industrial society is that traditions, and common values, and genuine social personal ties with others have largely disappeared. The modern mass man is isolated and lonely, even though he is part of a crowd; he has no convictions which he could share with others, only slogans and ideologies he gets from the communications media - Erich Fromm (The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness)

Advertising is designed to generate an inner sense of conflict with the self - Bernard McGrave PhD

Some may be thinking, but, this is about "advertising", and well hasnt this been what its all about? Glued to the screen waiting for something to happen, everyone divided, its worked, it has worked once again, but this time this isnt about poilitics, or the W.H, forget Obama, and the Congress, this is about who "they" want your children to be angry with, scared of.

How many parents right now are telling their kids. See child this is how they treat black people.

Another parent is telling their child see, when you look like a criminal, this is what happens.

We have just changed the one thing that we didnt think of, WHO THE HELL WERE THEY AFTER??

Well time will only tell, but I promise this much, Crap Just Hit The Fan, and we were all busy thinking that our posts and threads counted about this case, hey mine doesnt count either, but as a parent I have to now explain that this is NOT normal, that the divide, was intentional, and that I will not let propaganda win, they cannot have my children, and they will not scare yet another generation into the stone age, because all of a sudden they decided it was their time to act.

When told that man lives in delusion everyone thinks of himself as the exception – hence his delusion - Vernon Howard

Peace, NRE.

edit on 15-7-2013 by NoRegretsEver because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 12:32 AM
You state breaking news.

Who is breaking it?




posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by jude11

I changed it even though I figured people would have looked at the forum, but hey

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I thought this concept was generally understood by ATS users.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Ameilia

I sure hope you get a lot of stars for that response.


posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:13 AM
Thanks for starting this thread OP. I have always been fascinated by propaganda to control and influence people; How business and companies use advertisements to attract consumers; human psychology, mind control, etc.

I have both read books and articles, as well, watch videos about North Korea and how propaganda is used there. I'm not surprised it is used in the United States. It's scary to think about it. How easily people can be controlled like domestic sheep. Crazy!

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by Ameilia

I sure hope you get a lot of stars for that response.


That made me snort!

But then I re-read it, and I guess it was a compliment to anyone who posts here. And I really believe that most people here have a better grasp in general than just regular Joe on the street. I'm not too hard on Joe though, because Joe might be an ATS member who's just blending it and pretending to be a Joe.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread....

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:30 AM
How many parents right now are telling their kids. See child this is how they treat black people.

All black people tell there kids this. Because its true. Growing up black in America is way different from growing up white.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by jude11

I changed it even though I figured people would have looked at the forum, but hey

Peace, NRE.


Got it. Thanks.


posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by asher
How many parents right now are telling their kids. See child this is how they treat black people.

All black people tell there kids this. Because its true. Growing up black in America is way different from growing up white.

If you teach your kid racism you are sick in the head.

I teach my children that we treat ALL HUMANS equally no matter what they look like.

Growing up as a human being is what we all must go through.
Stop the divisive lies!

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by asher
How many parents right now are telling their kids. See child this is how they treat black people.

All black people tell there kids this. Because its true. Growing up black in America is way different from growing up white.

Only if those who can influence it allow it to be. Growing up of any ethnicity makes no matter unless it is instilled upon one that they are different or instilled with a fear of others. Children are like anything else on this planet, they can be taught, guided, and nurtured. If those around them would rather do the former than the latter, then they are to blame not those to whom they have yet to meet or interact with.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by LeaderOfProgress

I can tell your not black because you don't agree. All black people know this truth about America. And when your a small child you are influenced by almost everything. Children don't have the mental fortitude to just turn a blind eye and not be affected by racisim like adults do. I've spoken with white people about this subject and they have no idea what it's like to grow up in America as a black person.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

It's not about teaching racisim even though that's what some parents do (white and black). It's about telling your children that there are racist people and that blacks are treated a certain way and that they need to be strong when they encounter that type of situation.
edit on 15-7-2013 by asher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 03:38 AM
In my opinion all conversations about the right of citizens to own firearms,
all details about safety courses, responsibilities and duties,
have been hijacked and pivoted into racism.

On June 18, Colorado certified that the recall effort had gained enough signatures to move forward making Senator leader Morse the first legislator to ever be recalled in the state’s history.

Colorado Sen. Who Spearheaded anti-gun laws is close to recall

But some people have kept their eye on the ball.

Type these three words into any search engine and click on "news"
Senate, Gun, Laws.

You'll see there is a quiet offensive going on in legislatures across the country
trying to change, amend, or restrict the Second Amendment at state levels.

The pro-gun forces have also gathered enough signatures to recall another state senator. 13,500 signatures to recall State Senator Angela Giron of Pueblo were also recently filed.

During her vote in favor of the gun bills, [color=gold] Senator Giron told Colorado media that she knew she was voting against the will of her constituents but that she didn’t care.

How about parents teach their children this one.
"The law applies to everyone. Even Senators"


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