"Go ahead and joke, but this is what I saw"
(picture of tap and faucets)
(?) ..the faucets (handles) are analogous to "the open sesame seed bun" (?)
suggested to previous comment (showing the phone receiver only)
ie: "CONTEXT" (?) (~~thank you)
yours says "light-hearted"
..thank you for the "joke"
...see, if i HAD posted a pic of bathroom taps suggesting these were in some way
'phallic' in nature, then yes, i'd "re-examine" myself..
Just joking around When I see things like that I don't put much thought into them though. I'm thinking it could just be pareidolia. It can
happen with anything if you look hard enough.
i see.. (and) thank you for contributing further, i'd just like to suggest the pic of the bathroom taps (or faces in clouds, etc) is two or three
steps removed from the image i've posted in the OP.
from your comment, it seems you are 'on the fence' in regards to this... this is all i can really ask for
"Pareidolia is a type of illusion or misperception involving a vague or obscure stimulus being perceived as something clear and distinct"
uhh, when i "pay attention" to a members mood title, or those other pieces of info in their side-bar, it is usually out of irony.
let us
consider "impressionistic art" in relation to a "photograph" (?)
is anyone out there willing to start contributing similar types of images for consideration here?
there is no shortage of them..
by all means, someone, anyone, feel free to "debunk" this
an interesting thing here is how
originally the same image was displayed in a less prominent area of the shopping centre (i can supply a
photo of that location for anyone who is interested?)
and was later "moved" to where it is displayed now (high up for all to see)
...THAT is not a "coincidence"