I found this 'lunar volcanic plug' on the edge of a crater in AS16-P-4095
There are number of interesting things in this image but I thought I would say that this one is a volcanic plug before anyone else came to say that.I
have marked it with yellow arrows just so there is no mistaking it.
Feel free to suggest any other explanation.
Normally, I would give it some other interpretation, but this time I will try hard to make it "just a piece of rock." See what you think.
Dont ask me where it is, cos I cant find it again. I will have a look so that I can mark it this time.
I divided the medium 189Mb image into 12 sections and even those are large.
Volcanic plug? Err... You may want to read up on crater formation (and look at like... the Moon). The center of a crater is often lifted up. Same
thing that happen when an object hit water - it punch through the surface... and it goes back up again.
I do wonder if the moon was once a part of life and a part of the natural life cycle of the earth at one point in a symbiotic relationship between
thousands of miles of space.
All in all I thank you OP for looking around for us at these imagery, and finding anomalies within millions of photos.
After all , If you are not going to share anomalous imagery of the moon and mars, than who will? Kudos to you.
Ok, well as I said, I was describing this as a volcanic plug ONLY because that is probably what the sciency-types would want todescribe it as. I
personally do not think it is one of those and I think it is probably something more unusual.
Here is the context for this. It is on the left side of the middle crater shown in that panorama image AS16-P-4095-FULL. I have included the base line
for the huge image to show height position.
I actually think it is some kind of statue because it is in the centre of cleared ground on the edge of a crater.
BUT I am looking to others to tell me what they think it is, since it is probably not just a rock. Those with off-pat answers dont often comment if
there is nothing they can attribute an anomaly to.
Well, the moon is thought to have been volcanic for the first billion years or so, and some of the craters were indeed volcanoes at one point, so I
guess it is possible.
Yeah, I thought so. If the government-paid cannot easily say it is a rock, then they dont bother to comment because it backs them into a corner they
cannot easily get out of.
Oh well, if it is not a volcano plug, because it is in the wrong place, it is probably caused by harsh weathering. :-)