posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 11:18 AM
I was looking in my book "THe Great Pyramid Decoded" which is where I think he got his info, but mine has a bit more. here is what mine says
(summed up):
" 1999 (21st Feb.) Final establishment of the Kingdom of the spirit - a separate and unique form of human society based solely on allegiance to the
with this footnote:
" Beginning of third 'day' of 1000 years after 2 B.C. (but 1979 by Rutherford's reckning)"
I myself think that it is talking about how many of us are starting to go back to spirituality and the "separate and unique form" is probably why
so many people have been having dreams that come true and all the other "gifts" people talk about.
Now, it goes on to say
"2004-25 (give/take 3) Total collapse of materialist civilisation"
there was a "materialist low-point" at the end of WW1 since that was the depression, I can imagine that something is about to happen that will
take away our material possesions. anyway something to think about.
"2014-32(give/take 3) Spiritual low-point amoung mankind at large"
Now this part makes me wonder a little bit more about the seriousness of it all.
"2025 (give/take 3) Partial re-establishment of civilised societies"
"2034 (31st Oct.) Apperance in the sky of the sign of the Messiah"
with the footnote
"Beginning of the third 'day' of 1000 years after A.D.33 (but A.D. 2015, if Rutherford's earlier reckoning is taken as a basis)
All the quotes are from The Great Pyramid Decoded by Peter Lemesurier
I hope this helps. Oh and you are correct all the other dates have come true.