I'm sorry... re-reading that last post I realize it might have come off as a little grumpy (and it is true my daily meds haven't quite kicked in
yet... ha ha)
... it's just that, that kind of thing normally peeves me a bit... doubly so when it might be interesting info that's being elusive. To be honest, at
first it almost seemed like it was done this way to force us to listen to a
two hour long podcast (as opposed to just reading a few quick posts
on ATS.) And who knows... maybe it's a very interesting podcast (I did just download it) but those things are also usually very spam-heavy. Lots of
side-chatter, commercials, 5 minutes of playing "White rabbit" and sound effects, and a theme song, and intro stuff, and a shout out to the sponsors,
and more side chatter, and all kinds of other crap... as opposed to just getting the story. (At least this is my experience with most podcasts, and
four minutes into this one it seems little different) And I'll admit that your initial description of a bad audio connection and "far away tiny tiny
voice" were not inspiring confidence in the entertainment / pleasure this would provide. In other words, I hope this isn't a pain to listen to.
That said, what's up with the post-deletion thing? I just noticed you've been doing it in this thread as well. I have to say, I normally
ATS policy on post editing. (If you're not aware, there is supposedly a "four hour" window in which you can edit your posts, after which they become
locked in and permanent, barring deletion by a moderator. In reality, this "four hour" window is sometimes much less than four hours.) I normally
hate that. I'm the kind of person who often later thinks of some other point I wanted to add to a long rant, or some better way to phrase things...
but I do that
in the name of more info, better info, and greater clarity not in the name of deleting what I wrote so people can never see it
again, for ever and ever amen.... Point being, as much as I usually hate ATS editing policy / time-limit, you're almost making me
it (if only you weren't so quick on the draw with that delete key)
When you do that it really does interrupt the flow of conversation, and sometimes makes archived threads a pain to read.
And because of ATS edit policy, I know that you changed your mind and
made each one of these edits within only two to four hours of making your
post!!!! (And between this thread and the other one, it seems like you do this a lot.)
I'm sorry... I don't mean to sound grumpy or like I'm nit-picking, but that really is a peeve of mine. I just wanted to clarify that. Thanks for
sharing your story (on the podcast at least) and I hope it's entertaining....
edit on 16-7-2013 by iwilliam because: (no reason given)