posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 10:42 PM
I figure it's time to introduce myself.
I've been browsing the site and playing with some of the features such as adding favorites to the 'myATS' page. I added so many topics that now it
almost looks like the main page. (I guess I'll delete a few.)
Some of the threads in the rant and general chit chat are really funny. I love reading the dreams and predictions threads. The general conspiracies
and political forums are often interesting but I've noticed that some of the discussions get a little heated.
My favorite forum is the aliens and ufos. I'm a believer but I try not to be too gullible I know there are a lot of hoaxers out there, especially on
I haven't figured out how to add a pic to my avatar but it's not that important.
Anyways that's all I have for now, talk with you soon.