As I have explained in an earlier thread, Lucid Dreaming means "dreaming while knowing you're dreaming". It's one of the best things you can
experience (once you learn it) and the feeling is
www.lucidity.com... is the institute devoted to lucid dreaming research. Please read their Frequently Asked Questions before reading any further:
Now...let me explain the best way to Lucid Dreaming. For me, that is. This is how I learned it.
Before you do anything, you must realize the following fact. EVERYBODY DREAMS - EVERY NIGHT. At LEAST 2 times. The thing is that dreams are hard to
remember and some can't remember any at all. This is why you have to train on something called DREAM RECALL before starting to practice Lucid
Dreaming. After all, you might have had a lucid dream and not even know you had it.
First thing that is a MUST is getting a notebook/diary to write your dreams down after every night. If you can't remember anything, just relax and
try to let it come to you. If you can only remember an image or short scene, write it down.
After doing this for a week or so, you will stop and analyze what is common in your dreams - also known as DREAMSIGNS. For example, people always
talking to you, or you always being outside, etc. Then you make a list of these.
Now, after about 3 more days of writing down dreams and recalling, it is time to start practicing to have a Lucid Dream.
As stated previously, Lucid Dreaming is a state when you're dreaming and are fully AWARE that you're dreaming, giving you a feeling of perfect
freedom and virtual reality so to speak. A feeling as being in a "parallel dimension".
How is this achieved? Well, first, you need to get a digital watch. Not analog, but digital wrist watch. Let me explain exactly how this works.
The method I am talking about is called "Reality Checking". How do you distinguish dreams between reality? During a dream, everything seems
completely NORMAL to you, and if something is "weird", you will never usually realize that it is a dream, because everything looks VERY real.
In a dream when you look at a digital watch or some text, look away from it, look back - it changes 99.9% of the time. This is the best way for
reality checks.
So what you need to do is this; you have to make a HABIT looking at your watch, looking away, looking back, several times during the day. Eventually
it becomes a habit, and you will automatically do it in your dream, BUT - the numbers will change this time, thus realizing that you're in a
You cannot simply distinguish dreams and reality, that is what the reality checks are for.
Therefore, making reality checks a habit throughout the day, and setting yourself to do at least 30 a day or so, and then increasing etc etc. You can
also create reminders, such as - whenever you see a pet, you do a reality check, whenever you go outside/inside, you do a reality check, whenever you
meet a new person, etc. Eventually you will do it in your dreams if you're not lazy to do it in reality. I even made signs in my room saying "RC
Now!" meaning "Reality Check Now".
The problem with most beginners is when they see the numbers change they panic and wake up immediately. I did too - at first. I can remember it so
I'm tying my shoes getting ready to go outside, so I check the watch on my cable box, 7:14, i finish tying my shoes, I look again 8:50, again 1:11, I
became terrified and wake up after 3 seconds. I just didn't know what to do, the dream just faded because I was scared.
NOTHING can hurt you in a dream. Once you achieve strong lucidity you can do anything your heart desires. When you're fully "lucid" you know that
you're in bed - asleep, you can remember the date, what you did a day before, what you're about to do when you wake up, when you went to bed, etc,
and sometimes even solve math problems very good. Weak lucidity is knowing you're sleeping, but not fully aware of other things, such as what day it
is etc. Sometimes weak lucidity also leads to losing lucidity throughout the dream, just "forgetting" it's a dream. Sounds dumb but it can
Once you realize you're dreaming, are calm, but the dream still begins to fade away, spread out your arms and start SPINNING or simply look at your
hands, it will stabilize, I've had it happen many times.
One of the best things I used to do when I had LDs is sit down with dream characters and talk with them. It is an EXTREMELY weird feeling lol.
I'm going on forever here
That's the best way to do it (it worked great for me).
And really, the feeling it gives you is unbelieveable and I can't really put it into words.
www.lucidity.com... has really good info as well.