I see this thread is still going. So did that direne person ever come back to answer more questions? Or did the whole thing fall into speculations
and misfires, us and them, such and such. I take it the latter, she seemed like a semi rational person, and answered questions up in till the point
of trying to troll a place so full of trolls, totally uncharacteristic of her, or at least based on the few posts I read, the others I skimmed or
skipped. It does not seem like something a semi rational person would do all of a sudden.
Anyways they seem to put out pretty interesting vids, like the latest one the op put up with the cross sections between synthetic and biological.
Transformers robots in disguise, is what probably came into the minds of many people, go figure eh?
Thought I personally dont see what the big
deal is, there vids dont necessarily say anything more then thousands of others out there, and the whole mind numbing or mind relaxing thing at 27 hz
I still think there trying to give people diarrhea, amateurish I would say, if that is what there trying to do. But in comparison to the moon were
all, us that is, meat bone and mostly water sack creatures at its beck and call, the tides of the moon do not only effect the oceans and water based
creatures such as fish you know. And the whole FL site, well I mean who cares? Why not just go ahead and say what you need or want to say? The
whole thing seems kind of pointless, and then there wondering why they get misconstrued. Pshh. I mean really for people who claim to be language
specialists or prone to such, they seem to suck at explaining even basic things.
Is it just me or am I the only one in this thread who does not care about all the possible mysterious which may or may not be going on. Probably
just me no doubt. And for that edom memory wiping thing as I only read a few pages from this page and did not read like 70% of this thread. But I
mean who needs it when a day or few hours would accomplish the same, people are not known for there great memory retention skills, the public
attention span can be measured in nanoseconds some instances. I mean the radio and TV have been doing it for some time now making people see only
parts of things, in instances as they come and go, and only what is required to see sometimes a blurry shadowy image is more and says because it
leaves much to that most most circumspect of things called imagination. Like that allegory in platos cave, flickering images and shapes on the wall
which pass by only to be replaced by new ones in different configurations. If anything what everybody from the media to even these FL people are
trying to do is keep peoples attention glued, and sometimes there just may be nothing there till somebody sees something in it, or even sometimes what
people think may be there, is more interesting then what actually is there. Our whole civilizations, religions, gods, goddesses, media, governments,
and the whole shebang is more in part on getting people to see something which is not really there but is created and brought to life once there is
enough focus on it. i.e. If you build it they will come.
Sorry to say but I do not think they have anything to say that is all that special, and definitely nothing which has not been said before. But i dont
know do words have meaning? Isn't language merely just a transitory thing? There is no vampiric languages when all languages are just amalgamation
of every other language that came before it. Is there an origin? Off course not! as its all just a constantly changing thing, withing the span of a
few years the language you use any language would change. I mean look at English and how much it has changed in the past few hundred years, and it
will continue to do so after were gone. So what is a vampiric language when there all a bit from here and there. There are no vampiric languages,
there are only languages which commute a use, a function among a whole.
And if there was any original language it was not expressed and communicated in words or sounds. In fact that is what holds this whole thing together
and societies functioning being and emitting the same frequencies both in thoughts and sounds, if our societies and everybody in them were to
overnight become telepathic our whole world and society would fall apart overnight as there is little more to it then the things it puts out, though
it would rearrange itself in a myriad of different focuses. I dont know I think that one direne person said there all supposedly telepathic, which
obviously can not be the case, thought they may be more aware of each others mind frames in there little group. But telepathic? Negative on that.
Telepathy is a kind of solvent, something they seem to try and to achieving to certain ends but in small locales and groups, while in fact telepathy
may be something that may already exists though none of us, if any, are even aware of it.
For all we know we could be at the apex of individual communication, the whole thing about being able to see or translate the synapses of another
brain/mind is not really telepathy per say, or it is. But its also being another step in that process, a hive mind is usually operated by a higher
intelligence the total sum of its parts, even if they are not connected by physical means, but they also do not in many ways have any sort of free
will beyond there purposes and programmings. But then again it all just depends on how you look at it, as opposed to how you are allowed to look at
edit on 9-9-2013 by galadofwarthethird because: lol quoted wrong frequency..27hz not 24hz.