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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: Direne

Never really thought about it much but pretty much everything is planned around the sun.

We organise our day around it and depending where in the world we are it causes different culture behaviours due to its output siesta's as an example.

Obviously people plant their seeds based on the solar cycle, people choose where to live to some degree on the sun and the weather patters it generates as it interacts with our system. (I'm thinking about areas that were abandoned due to long term droughts)

Ultimately the sun has made the life we know possible on this planet so it does kind of make sense to acknowledge it as having the power of life and death over this planet. So it makes sense that early religion would worship as the ultimate power.

Off to ponder some more - thanks again to everyone in this thread.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

At that time, 800 Divine Warriors will come out of each of the 540 Doors of Valhalla (800 x 540 = 432000).

a section about the ancient number, 432000, the time cycle of years in the Hindu religion, called the Kali Yuga.

In the system, there are ever-revolving cycles of impersonal time, with whole universes and their populations coming into being, flowering for a season of 43200 (or 432000 or 4320000) years, dissolving back into the cosmic mother-sea to rest for an equal spell of years before returning, again and again.

This 432/864 number type can be found in an internal clock in the body, as well as in the Cosmos. A trained athlete's heart beats one time each second. In a 24 hour day, that is 86400 beats.

Realizing that Genesis tells of ten patriarchs from Adam's creation to the time of the great flood, Campbell wondered if that period of 1656 years had a relation to the Sumero-Babylonian account. He found the 19th Century work of Julius Oppert, showing that in 1656 years, there are 86400 weeks.

432,000 thousand miles is the radius of the sun which is 800 times a quarter of the Moons diameter of 540 miles.

edit on Kam531125vAmerica/ChicagoWednesday0631 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: Direne
I have yet to encounter the grays. Or if I did I dont know of it, however had plenty of spooky # happen and the whole paralysis thing happen and weirdos hanging around and disappearing. However I do believe they can be made to go away, and yes even killed. But if you install a voice command lightstand then yes you can make the light come on merely by whistling, so yes you can make it light in the darkness merely by whistling.

However that wont help with anything now would it, and was not what you were talking about now was it.

But anyways, if your talking about walking through walls. Well who knows maybe they just dont believe in walls, or maybe physical matter is not a barrier to them because there not physical beings, or maybe because they got the new walk through walls tech from the supper center up in the Andromeda galaxy for your busy abductor in a haste.

Whats real anyways?

Most of it is conditioning and perceptions and the firing of neurons in your head. The world is not real, its interpreted millisecond by millisecond by senses and your brain in conjunction with your mind into the very things you see and feel around you. You may even say its projected from the inside out by whatever body you happen to inhabit in whatever conscious state. Its not one thing its the whole dam thing together, one fails the whole thing goes or goes dark. And you have no choice in the matter because thats all you are merely a amalgamation of a bunch of things put together to make a whole.

So no you can not make something go away merely by wishing it. But what is real for you may not be real for another.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt
OK but what is you point?

Everything revolves around patterns, numbers can just be crunched to represent many such patterns, our whole universe runs on patterns, or whole makeup and mental make up is from primordial times both physical and mental based on patterns, even in single celled organisms are based on patterns, and we are daily striving to recognize patterns, from day one infants look and try to find patterns in the world around then, and when they grow up its the same, and when they get old its still the same, and even in society or even society itself its not order in motion, its pattern in motion, and when they die, well that to is just part of a pattern, one that was long there before them.

Order is pattern, and Chaos is unrecognized and unprocessed patterns, the fractal universe and all that stuff you know. But you can express it in numbers or you can express it in any number of ways, and that to is a pattern.

But I suppose it only matters if you believe there is such a thing as free will. Besides you know as they say, there is nothing new under the sun. I seriously doubt the moon would be any different.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

Listen, I run a business. We build walls, you see. We guarantee our customers ours are the most solid concrete walls out there. We have been building walls for two centuries now. We never got a complaint. Now, you sure will understand that reports about funny gray dwarves being able to cross my walls, as if you cut butter with a hot knife, cause me great concern. My business is at risk were those reports be true.

Vikings cannot do the trick, so I don't care about them. I ignore if the horns in their helmets have something to do with it, really. Or perhaps they are more educated than those dwarves and knock the door to get in, as you suggest. Doors are not my business. Walls are.

But those dwarves I do care. Therefore, I just want to know if it is even remotely possible for those reports to be true somehow. What do you think? Shouldn't you be concerned too, galadofwarthethird, were you the owner of a wall building business?

Now this is thrilling. Listen, my R&D department states that we already took into consideration the stupid fact that protons have a mean life of 10 to the 31 years. That is: a proton disintegrates once every 10^31 years. When this happens the entire wall ceases to exist. Of course, I already include this risk in the description of my walls that I always attach to my customers. Just to be on the safe side, you know. Again, I do not care about protons or whatever the name they give to those tiny particles. My concrete is excellent, high quality graded. Believe me.

However, my R&D also issued an internal quality report stating that, due to an obscure effect known as quantum tunneling, the risk exists for one of my customers, inadvertently, crossing the wall straight through to the other side. This is also of great concern for me, galadofwarthethird. They tell me though that the probability for this to happen is negliglibe and it should not be of concern. Now I wonder, could it be that those insidious gray dwarves have
discovered this fatal flaw in the design of our walls??? Could it be that they exploit this knowledge to perform those abductions? Can we blame the Chinese?

Something must be done, and I am sure you now understand why I have issued orders to my R&D department to come with a concrete formulation that gets rid of that quantum tunneling effect before my business gets ruined. Let me guess, perhaps those dwarves just want to establish their own wall building business?

I cannot just go to my customers and tell them that those dwarves are just a figment of their minds and that crossing the walls is just a mirage. I need to solve the problem. Perform tests. Research thoroughly, ponder all possibilities.

My point is this: in order to debunk a weird statement or a claim made by a customer, we need to attack the weirdest part of their statement.

Big-headed hairless dwarves on a disk is as weird as fat long-haired apes wearing helmets with horns, but not weirder than the fact that they can abduct people using a blue ray that sort of liquifies my walls. This is the weirdest part of their description and, for me, if we can prove this is false, the entire story is false. No one will suit us and our business will be safe again. But... if we find this part of the story true, then my friend...

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: Direne
OK so walls are important to you. For others they are not.

And if you lived a few centuries ago in coastal areas in Europe vikings would be important to you as well, and I think you know walls did not help the villagers there either, in fact its been shown that walls have never helped any body out there, not sure walls work at all if anybody really wanted to get in, how well did it work for the Trojans when the Greeks wanted to get in? How well did it work for the Chinese when the huns were at the gates? In fact its been proven practically everywhere and in everything that walls do not work, at most there a deterrent, and that, but only for a while.

But none of those things are important to me. I am sorry but I still dont get what your trying to say, if you have a gray infestation then maybe you should take a bit of your profits from selling your faulty walls and invest it in anti gray wall protection technology.

But as far as I see it a company that makes walls to keep things out is destined to fail when anything would actually and really want to get in. Walls are a great invention against typical things walls are made to do and keep out. Would not be very useful at all against gray dwarfs , oh no, not at all. They must obviously not be aware how much your walls suck or they would be coming in droves then.

But anyways, I take it your not going to answer anything but keep writing all these weird things, which is cool, that is a given from both sides.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

The point is what do you suppose happens when the 540 doors of Valhalla are opened...?

edit on Kam531125vAmerica/ChicagoWednesday0631 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

Wait, now I am lost. Are you telling me vikings were real? I thought we agreed on anything being real only to those who believe in those things. That was your statement. You wrote it.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Direne
No off course vikings are not real now. But at one time some people actually believed that they were real, and all historical evidence that it was so. Can you imagine that?

But anyways what are you talking about? Grays or Vikings? There not the same thing you know and you would have a easier time comparing apples and cheese. Unless there are gray vikings out there, maybe if they also wear those horned helmets which is a historical misinterpretation, then they to can be cool looking as well. Depending on your interpretation of cool that is.

So! Any more things you want to discuss that lead to noweresville? You know for supposed language people, you all do are not very good at communicating things through.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt
Probably nothing, or minor details which would not concern me, atomic structures are made to deteriorate and dissipate anyways. I swear chatting with you all in nonsense is silly even for me and I have had my share of chatting about nonsense.

Here a song for you since you seem to prone to posting songs at people, it to means nothing, like your whole 540 numbers speech.

edit on 5amWednesdayam062015f3amWed, 06 May 2015 05:12:39 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: whole not hole..Duh!

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

I travelled through light, I travelled through light; I am not afraid, In this lake of souls, In this lake of souls, I lose all fear

That's correct with regards to the Lake of Souls, but one persons nothing will be another persons everything.

edit on Kam531125vAmerica/ChicagoWednesday0631 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt
Ya well that's how it is, its a mistake to assume that one persons somethings is another persons something as well, to assume were in the same dimension is folly, even the smallest things can and be expanded to be about as easy to traverse as the expanse of the void between celestial objects or galaxies are. Literally dimension are exactly that, take any word or thing you can think off and that would be a dimension, numbers, sight, taste, distance, velocity, and even discrepancy and luck.

For instance, its likely that my night, is your morning. So to that there ends this nothing nonsense conversation, and to that a good night.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: Direne
Something must be done, and I am sure you now understand why I have issued orders to my R&D department to come with a concrete formulation that gets rid of that quantum tunneling effect before my business gets ruined. Let me guess, perhaps those dwarves just want to establish their own wall building business?

I cannot just go to my customers and tell them that those dwarves are just a figment of their minds and that crossing the walls is just a mirage. I need to solve the problem. Perform tests. Research thoroughly, ponder all possibilities.

Wonderful post Direne, one of the best that I have read in a good long time.

You helped add insight into a question that has been suspended in my mind for a couple of months or so. Why would a ceramics manufacturer be funding research into the Hessdalen Valley lights?

As they approach the earth, these particles are deflected by the earth’s magnetic field toward the poles, creating the beautiful Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis), but this deflection is not complete, and more than 70% of the stream reaches earth, even at the magnetic equator. [Ryan’s description of “an electrically charged gas” (Ryan 2008) is extremely misleading, but understandable, since the term plasma is often applied to a cloud of electrically charged particles, and some dictionaries defi ne the word as “a hot gas.” In this case the difference is vital.] The effects of these particles on earth must be considered with reference to their ability to penetrate deeply into material objects. Every human head in the world has more than a hundred of them travelling right through it every minute, and the more powerful particles can go through several centimeters of lead or about ten meters of sea water. Each particle is so small that only one in several million will actually collide with the nucleus of an atom, but when it does, it can split it into two or three parts (Millikan 1939:53ff). A particle can “zap” a transistor (being the only known “wearout” mechanism for the computers in a spaceship and so of great interest to NASA). So one would expect it to be quite capable of affecting a cell in the human body or brain, either by physically damaging it, or by passing so close to an axon as to set up a large (but extremely brief) magnetic pulse in it.

Magnetic Anomalies and the Paranormal
JOHN D. RALPHS, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 781–790, 2012

Thank you Direne for such a beautifully simple explanation

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Anaana

Yes, but we need to find the answers step by step, in a smooth way. Now we have someone posting the question about geometrized unit system in the "Ask anything you wish about physics" thread but...
... we got the wrong answer!

Let's take a shortcut, we have no time to lose. Here is the answer:

Geometrized Unit System

The reference is Wald, Robert M. (1984). General Relativity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-87033-2. See Appendix F. So yes, we can express length and mass in seconds.

This ends step 1 in our "Viking Numerology Course". Now we begin step 2, where we will show that a flying disk can distort matter using a focused beam which, by Cerenkov effect, will glow in a bluish light and that, by virtue of QM, solid objects can cross through solid objects (a process that needs be done carefully and slowly) without violating any law of physics. To do this we need to do some maths but don't panic, we will express everything in seconds so that we will all have a clear understanding of what's going on. This will allow us to be convinced that at least someone has the technology to perform the magic and ruin my business.

Recommended reading: Planck length.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 11:36 AM

I cannot just go to my customers and tell them that those dwarves are just a figment of their minds and that crossing the walls is just a mirage.


That reminded me of a phrase that I learned when I once worked construction:

"You can't see it from my house".

Apparently the British use the phrase as well.

Fulcanelli strikes again.

edit on 6-5-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

Hahaha! yes, Bybyots, you are right there. I've been thinking. Let's forget about QM. In the end, physicists are the new alchemists, the new priests. Let's go back to the nitty gritty. Those dwarves have kids, too. Where do their children play? (a là Cat Stevens). Don't they just love their children too? Why abducting people and subject them to terrible tests?

Yes, you are right Bybyots, I can see your house from here (a là Camel). Your love is stranger than mine:

Your love is stranger than mine

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: Direne
...we have no time to lose...

I am now feeling as thick as two short Plan(c)ks.

If you're in a hurry, better go on without me, I'll only hold you back...a bullet might be the decent thing.

As Oates said, I may be some time...

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Direne

. Now we begin step 2, where we will show that a flying disk can distort matter using a focused beam which, by Cerenkov effect, will glow in a bluish light and that, by virtue of QM, solid objects can cross through solid objects (a process that needs be done carefully and slowly) without violating any law of physics. To do this we need to do some maths but don't panic, we will express everything in seconds so that we will all have a clear understanding of what's going on. This will allow us to be convinced that at least someone has the technology to perform the magic and ruin my business.

Recommended reading: Planck length.

I am really looking forward to "step 2"...I have done the reading on Planck length and a bit on quantum physics, but my math skills are terrible, so I hope I will have the capacity to understand your explanations.

Thank you for giving us so much of your time - I am enjoying your posts and only wish I had more ability to contribute toward discussion...

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:27 PM
This just looks like some kind of hobby website to me. Perhaps it's something more, but I simply can't put much stock in people claiming to be vampires.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Anaana

No, no bullets. I will talk with the guys in "Ask everything you wanted to..." and will rephrase the question. In any case, we will need those bullets, just to prove if that antigravity thing they rub in our faces really works. Just wait. Right?

a reply to: lostgirl

Step 2 is about building a wall using "bricks" with Planck's scale. But for now, we have suspended talking about QM. We will find a different "antilanguage", a more visual one. away from numbers.

a reply to: DiggerDogg

Sorry. This thread is about funny guys with horned helmets who know nothing about maths, yet they sailed storming the Irish coast... to just burn books written by other funny guys dressed like monks. And wait, there is more: they sailed with no sails. Just rowing! Must be... aliens!

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