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The NSA slide you haven’t seen!

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posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Personally from Experience I don't see any of that as classified info..That's not TS at all..I seen the slides, there isn't anything really classified about it, and not at TS level that's certain. Looks like any amateur can make that lol and put TS on it..And that's not the proper layout for TS material..

I'd say it's Unclass stuff at most..

Also, didn't we know this stuff for years lol..And every country is Guilty of this stuff, they just haven't got caught yet..
edit on 10-7-2013 by live2beknown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 07:40 PM
I wrote an entire thread dedicated to this subject already, and explained it in full long before the "newest" slide was revealed, and with much criticism from others who did not believe what I was saying, even though I presented full technical details on how it is accomplished.

This is no revelation, not at all. Those of us who work in the industry have long known about this capability, and if you want the details on how it's done, read the post.

There is no way to get around it, they have access to every digital transmission that crosses US wires. Period.


posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 10:34 PM
Well they are already using PRISM to gather information about protests and anti government from social networks and emails. They will use the label " Terrorist " to arrest you and stop any anti government protests. Just look at people being arrested now for even mentioning " lets start a protest ". This is getting way out of hand and it just proves that our freedom was BS to begin with a sense of false security.

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 11:51 PM
People think those "slides" are real?

P.T. Barnum, you gotta come back from the dead to see the suckers of today.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Are companies still going to run that little disclaimer in the future about "How much they care about our privacy", hahahaha!

They are in a sticky situation. If they remove that disclaimer, we will freak.
If they don't, everyone will consider them a laughing stock and no one will take their "legal speak" seriously any longer.

From this particular perspective, this is a win-win.

As the public opinion of their governance wanes, my opinion of the public waxes.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Sk8ergrl
Well they are already using PRISM to gather information about protests and anti government from social networks and emails. They will use the label " Terrorist " to arrest you and stop any anti government protests. Just look at people being arrested now for even mentioning " lets start a protest ". This is getting way out of hand and it just proves that our freedom was BS to begin with a sense of false security.

I came to the realization I couldn't actually stop them from spying on me a long time ago. I don't think I am spied on usually but I assume when I raise some flags they check up on me briefly, get bored, and move on considering inaction the best action.

So I have decided since this "situation" remains persistent in real time and does not really change too much aside of that their surveillance capacity is increasing exponentially, that we can take this time to actively exploit loopholes in the entire system. And there is always a weakness or a loophole or "a catch" to everything.

One weakness I have identified and am beginning to exploit is information itself. See as they "spy on us", they will gather "intelligence and data" on our ideas. If we can craft exceptionally cunning ideas, than we can even convert these spies on the spot as they review our case files. That is my hypothesis and that is the impression I have been working under for the most part.

It seems to me that education and information awareness are reliable working solutions that have proved themselves many times in the past.

Let's finish this off with some Sun Tzu strategy:

For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.

We cannot fight a superior force head on, that is suicide. Instead we should focus on attrition and conversion attempts. Using the power of our minds and voices to "level the playing field" so to speak.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
I wrote an entire thread dedicated to this subject already, and explained it in full long before the "newest" slide was revealed, and with much criticism from others who did not believe what I was saying, even though I presented full technical details on how it is accomplished.

This is no revelation, not at all. Those of us who work in the industry have long known about this capability, and if you want the details on how it's done, read the post.

There is no way to get around it, they have access to every digital transmission that crosses US wires. Period.


Awesome, I personally wouldn't and do not doubt you at all. Hell it's worse than you think probably even.

In Alchemy the goal is to convert something crappy into something awesome. That works for anything, it's just a big metaphor / allegory / symbolic system.

My post above is sort of an example of how that works. How to convert crappy energies of the mind into awesome energies that rock.

We cannot stop them spying, but we can take advantage of the situation and educate the govt and corporate employees who eavesdrop on us. If you can change the mind of one person, the world will forever be altered especially in the distant future.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by DaTroof
I take it you have not seen a power point for dummy's 101 have you ?well this is a "KISS" power point for them that might have an IQ of 70, ie: MSM, NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX. Most of the Govs power point is done in a 65 or lower PPP power point presentation. 2 color Black and white or white and green, if your real lucky it is a Warner brothers production cartoon for you that have an IQ of 90 or higher.

for you that have a IQ of 110 or higher from the link

What’s in the Rest of the Top-Secret NSA PowerPoint Deck?

By Kevin Poulsen
3:49 PM

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Photo: The Washington Post

What’s in Edward Snowden’s 41-slide PowerPoint deck that’s so hot that nobody dare publish it?

Now that Snowden has revealed himself to the world as the NSA whistleblower, details about his interaction with the press are surfacing. And at the center of the drama is a still mostly unpublished 41-slide presentation, classified top secret, that Snowden gave to the Washington Post and the Guardian to expose the NSA’s internet spying operation “PRISM.”

Only five slides from the presentation have been published. The other 36 remain a mystery. Both the Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald and the Post’s Barton Gellman have made it clear that the rest of the PowerPoint is dynamite stuff … which we’re not going to be seeing any time soon. “If you saw all the slides you wouldn’t publish them,” wrote Gellman on Twitter, adding in a second tweet: “I know a few absolutists, but most people would want to defer judgment if they didn’t know the full contents.”
still think it is not real , then your either in self denial, or a "plant" that thinks we can be fooled in to thinking this is not real if one says it enough.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 01:42 AM
This is not truly an American issue here...It is a global Issue as we the people are being corralled into our little pens in which we will have to live our entire lives as slaves purely for the greed of the corporations....

Small IT company stands up

just to show you can stop it from happening...but the problem is you would have to just take some ones word they are not supplying info to the NSA.

Should we just accept we are being watched...HELL NO.

I suggest to people that we Open All Access accounts all over the net...I am opening a few now as we speak...I am making up names for the accounts and will hand out the passwords to the sign in say what you will and sign out...and the next person will do the same.....All should start doing house accounts that make it extremely difficult for the courts to PROVE who wrote what when and where to these said accounts.

Beware they will get closed...they will...get abused...but when it comes to criminality it will be very difficult for it to stand up in court.

The revolution to fight spying and prying into peoples lives on false pretences by your governments has begun.




posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Now they are also declining people's request through the FOIA for their own copies of the NSA data collected.

On the topic of Snowden being a patsy for them: If that's the case, then it's elaborate, in-your-face- fear conditioning. Obey because you can't do a thing! They must have worried it would get out in another way besides a staged whistle blower. The again and as discussed on ATS before, whose listening anyway, and who cares? Either way

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 03:06 AM
well! its a good thing I use bing instead of google!

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by whyamIhere

I agree totally. What terrorist plots have any of the number agencies stopped since 911? Not many. It was all designed to take away our freedoms. Most Americans fell for it hook line and sinker.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by GrantedBail

What is the Post doing, printing TS information? Does it seem as though our press picks and chooses which classified material it chooses to publish? They hold onto some things but release others. I wonder why.

Credibility. As soon as there are leaks there are people in the US government claiming that the leak threatens the lives and safety of Americans. Those releasing this information do not want to give them the excuse to use that attack.

They are releasing things that are IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, not the things that could threaten the lives of people or the security of the US.

Originally posted by charles1952
Besides the (probably classified) code names, is there something here we didn't already know? I think all of the companies had been identified, and we've known for years that they get information from them. I also assumed that NSA could listen in as we were talking, if they wanted. Is that new?

This was not public knowledge. There was a minority of people who assumed that this was happening, but if you tried to talk about it, or write about it, who would believe you? People need evidence, and now we have it.

There were always suspicions, but seeing the evidence and the reach of this is shocking to millions of people. Before now people could just ignore it because there was no proof. Now there is evidence, people cannot deny it or ignore it.

Plus, it breaches Human rights, and it directly contradicts the US Constitution - which Obama and others swore to uphold under oath. They have breached their oath to the American public.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Foxy1
well! its a good thing I use bing instead of google!

I'm not sure if you're trying to be funny.
Bing is owned by Microsoft.

Besides, when they can gather the information directly from cable tapping it doesn't really matter what service you use, they can intercept, decrypt, read and store everything you do in the US, and every communication that travels through US systems from elsewhere.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by DaTroof
People think those "slides" are real?

P.T. Barnum, you gotta come back from the dead to see the suckers of today.

I guess you've been living under a rock for the last month.

The US government has basically confirmed that they are indeed real.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 06:04 AM
I'm a little confused. Maybe first because these government slides are so amateurish. I'm wondering if this is on purpose, that there's a secret Snowden code in these slides, that maybe a real government worker will see a forgery, like the direction letters in red in the corner should officially be blue or black. See this intelligence stuff is so partitioned this could be the slides they let hang around as bogus slides, that should the computers ever get hacked, they'd know at what computer was the data breach. I'm saddened that the Internet elites that snoop around the data of the nation are making these slides and calling it a finished work for the government. Please tell me this was their rough draft and the finished product is still unseen.

PRISM, it was developed in the 1990s with some of the most advanced knowledge computer programmers of the time. I read about it on the Internet. Which is a surprise in itself because if it's so up there in the secrecy why even publicize it just as it was developing, then turn around and shock-n-awe the public in 2013?

So there is this slide that shows Gmail, Facebook, and Skype. Those weren't exactly around when PRISM was started. I reminisce, where I had the sprynet and Earthlink and the internet was free when you agreed to have an ad banner bar at NetZero, and cascading style sheets were the breakthrough code to revolutionize websites. Where it would take like three minutes to download a three minute video from YouTube, and Amazon was the supersite of the Internet, not Google.

This is bunk that it's just the service providers, unless there is another program that was mentioned in 90's news. See the NSA has the PRISM, but the military had something totalitarian just the same through the Intel chips, which just about every computer has. But that program, which name escapes me, isn't being hyped. Something with a "key" in it. Maybe that was thin thread.
edit on 11-7-2013 by Sandalphon because: there that then thusly

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 09:54 AM
All i gonna say is this. You reap what you sowed. Usa people and if fact the world now reap. Those who could do something did not so now you have this powerful, lawless entity who think the world belong to them.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by whyamIhere
Their paranoia has devolved into a pathology.

I have not seen any terrorists in my neighborhood.

This is beyond anything they can justify.

There is no reason to fear the American people...Unless you removed American Idol.
edit on 10-7-2013 by whyamIhere because: (no reason given)

YES...there is reason to fear certain Americans...

And YES I agree with your 2nd point that mass survellience won't save us.

The Boston Bombers and dozens of other terrorist plots were carried out or attempted by Americans in recent years.

But...abandoning the constitutional principles that make us America is surrendering to terrorists in my very strong opinion.

Our security aparatus has advanced rapidly through technology, whilst our constitutional safeguards that define our way of life, have been discarded by that same security aparatus. I would argue that the gaping hole that represents equals our founding principles that all Americans have held to for over two centuries.

We don't need to abandon survelience technology...but we sure as crap need to reconcile it with the constitution...otherwise we are just the USSR posing as the "Leader of the free world"....and for me, that is is pissing on the graves of my family who fought in every war from the American Revolution to Afghanistan.

The effen balls of the US Gov. astounds me. To deny Snowden Whistleblower status, when his disclosure has prompted congressional hearings, public debates, exposed constituional over-reach and forced the Director of National Intelligence to admit he lied to Congress...and yet Snowden is the bad guy? The argument that somehow known terrorists will stop using twitter to plan attacks is stupid too. For 10 years Osama Bin Laden only communicated via written messages via a currior...and that currior...even when he called his own mother...would lie about his location on his cell phone and only talk for a minute or two at a time....Tell me again about how AL-Qaida didn't know the NSA was listening!!!

Just utter effen BS. Heads need to roll...I have no doubt the architects responsible for ignoring the constitution are patriots in thier own mind and hearts, but they need to be reconciled and held accountable...not shift blame for thier indescretions to the man who chose to honor his oath and uphold the constituion.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

What saw no terorist in your neighborhood. Look out your window they are also called goverment officials, military and most importantly THE POLICE. So the terrorist are there.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 11:08 AM
If they are going to think of me as a terrorist. Spy on me like I am a terrorist. Violate my privacy like I am a terrorist. Send uniformed thugs into the street to assault me like I am a terrorist. Take away my right to self defense like I am a terrorist. Kill my dog like I am a terrorist. Continue to subject me to a train of abuse like I am a terrorist. Then why should I not begin to actually BE a terrorist?

Mr. President
Your occupying army has undertaken tactics that create terrorists. You need an exit strategy NOW!
You entered into this endevor with no clear cut plan.
You simply smashed the existing dictatorship and replaced it with one of your own making.
Dismantle the systems that have been put into place to continue the oppression of the people before the situation devolves into sectarian violence and bloodshed. The blood will be on your hands Mr. President!

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