I have questions that it is impossible for us to know complete answers for but I would bet everything I own that we know enough to make an informed
Start with this terribly insufficient list of sacrifice so I can make a point afterward:
• The name son the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall (52,286 and counting as of June, 2013)
• Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan, 2300 plus
• War in Iraq, up to $1.9 TRILLION dollars in financial expenses with estimates up to $6 trillion in economic losses in the US, probably in excess
of 100,000 innocents killed on there homeland, more than 4,400 American service men and women
• 418,000 US citizens and soldiers dead in WWII
• 117,000 US citizens and soldiers in WWI
And the following from
Rank War Years Deaths Deaths per Day US Population in First Year of War Deaths per Population
1 American Civil War
1861–1865 625,000 599 31,443,000 1.988% (1860)
2 World War II
1941–1945 405,399 416 133,402,000 0.307% (1940)
3 World War I
1917–1918 116,516 279 103,268,000 0.110% (1920)
4 Vietnam War
1961–1975 58,209 11 179,323,175 (1960) 0.030% (1970)
5 Korean War
1950–1953 36,516 45 151,325,000 0.020% (1950)
6 American Revolutionary War
1775–1783 25,000 11 2,500,000 0.899% (1780)
7 War of 1812
1812–1815 15,000 15 8,000,000 0.207% (1810)
8 Mexican–American War
1846–1848 13,283 29 21,406,000 0.057% (1850)
9 War on Terror
2001–present 6,717 1.57 294,043,000 0.002% (2010)
10 Philippine–American War
1899–1902 4,196 1 72,129,000 0.006% (1900)
"Deaths per day" is the total number of US military killed, divided by the number of days between the dates of the commencement and end of
hostilities. "Deaths per population" is the total number of US military deaths, divided by the US population of the year indicated.
Total American Deaths by War
American Civil War 625,000
World War II 405,399
World War I 116,516
Vietnam 58,151
Korean War 36,516
American Revolutionary War 25,000
War of 1812 15,000
Mexican American War 13,283
War on terror*present 6,717
Philippine–American War
• Even the often reviled CIA Memorial Wall which contains more than 100 names itself
• The Founding Fathers who each put their lives , the lives of their families, their wealth , and all possessions into the mix
• And we all realize there are a most likely quite large of unknown acts of heroism resulting in the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the citizens
and safety of the US we will never be told of
Now the point as simple as I can make it: how many of these hundreds of thousands of heroes would want to see what their sacrifice has accomplished?
Anything? What they believed they were fighting for? I believe that the manner our government operates in today’s self-serving, selfish, secretive,
and most likely illegal and full of the very war crimes we portend to be opposing is far more than an insult or a simple slap in the face to all those
who have given so much for such a result. In fact, the adage of someone rolling over in their graves (those fortunate to have been given proper
burials) should be re-imagined to such an extent that our politicians and powers behind the scenes may as well exhume each of our heroes from their
resting place, slap them in the face, then discard them as carelessly as they already treat their memories. This administration directly and
indirectly disrespect all that has come before them to such an extent that they not only do not deserve our respect, but by their actions require
anyone of good conscience to fight for our rights, the memories of those mentioned above, the safety of the rest of the world from American
interference, oppression, and hypocritically sponsored terrorism which at any moment could trigger unimaginable with today’s technology.
We as Americans must get to the polls at every opportunity to make appropriate change, make every effort possible to lobby forcefully enough to make
necessary changes. We must peacefully but without surrender make the voice of reason heard by the decision makers and help them understand we as a
nation can truly be pushed far enough to react en mass strongly enough to begin a positive change with or without our government’s approval (this
must be peaceful to avoid hypocrisy of our own, but there is strength in numbers). If all able bodied men and women who are well aware of the
horrendous path we are following do not gather to repair the broken system and do it fast, then I suggest we should consider ourselves as guilty as
those who we hold in such low esteem.
It is very late, so I hope I have made sense. Please feel free to edit, add, or correct as you see fit, but I am convinced we are very near the point
of no return if we don’t act immediately.
My best wishes to all and thank you for reading.