posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by SirMike
Do notice, please, that Mr. Bey -- and assumedly the Guantanamo detainees -- aren't drinking water, like the girl does, in order to deter the gag
reflex. And who knows if the Gitmo goons are as meticulous about hygiene of the tube or its lubrication. I'd also challenge the OP to undergo the
same treatment as the detainees, i.e. guards forcing it down his nasal passage, throat and esophagus.
Also note that 86 of the 166 current Gitmo
detainees prisoners, many of whom were falsely imprisoned in the first place and had
nothing to do with terrorism or militantism, have been cleared for release, but don't have a country that will take them, as being Gitmo captives,
they are virtual lepers. Many of these persons have been imprisoned there for more than a decade and they have no legal recourse; hence they have
lost all hope, and this hunger strike on their parts is the only action they can take to bring attention to their case.
Yet you have attempted with your thread to belittle this invasive and extremely unpleasant ordeal they are forced to go through each day for several
hours at the hands of what are for all intents and purposes thugs and goons.