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Is the American culture suffering from PTSD. (And is it intentional?)

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posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by ObservingYou

Infiltration into much more than just government. Its in your churches synagogues and mosques, its in your sciences...its everywhere.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 12:40 PM
America suffers from MIND CONTROL. Almost everybody is brainwashed and mind control is a LOT more prevalent than anyone thinks. We have all be programmed and conditioned ever since the ending of the Nazi Era.. During the Holocaust Mind Control techniques and abuse were perfected and brought over to the states.

If anything, PTSD is a symptom of mind control. There are over 40,000 sleepers in America, all have been sexually and satanically abused into having multiple personality disorder so they can hide the abuse from themselves and within these personalities is different triggers which hold different tasks the handlers have placed within them.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by schadenfreude
911, Iraq/ Afghanistan war's, Drone war, and other threats; Boston bombing, see say something; Prism, The home market bust, floods, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” and GMO foods; Monseto, Obama care.

Is it intentional? Some things on the above list could bee seen as such, If you have a society on drugs or marked as suffering from a disorder, the easier it is to control them." we know what is best for you, now take your meds"

It is of no wounder that the people suffer from PTSD, one word used to fit a multitude of Psychological disorder's. I to took some Psy 101 classes to help those that suffered from Schizophrenia, or Bi polar conditions. [Pills is the answer to all,] [yea right, just to have Big Pharm make money and to make the condition worse, in some cases, not all] Some do need pills or IV doses, this is new my GF suffers form depression, now in a new study to see if this work's, for the pills she was on was making her worse off, adding to her med condition [will not in to that , dif subject]. Yes she has tried all that her Med Insurance or Doc will issue, non seemed to help but listing to her and talking to her does help, for a time.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 01:00 PM
The internet has had a very undesired effect on humanity, it's caused many to become selfish, self entitled ego driven friendster fad loving popularity seekers. Basically it's turned many into Paris Hilton, without the money and fame.

To replace physical interaction with written non physical interaction is a recipe for detachment of humanity, in essence it's how to create a cold, robotic, self oriented drone really hell bent on battling with sarcasm and popularity driven statements that reality of the matter takes a backseat.

It's how truth and integrity become fossilized behaviors.

Humanity isn't PTSD, that means that they had to " feel " in the 1st place, an action I feel many are spreading to the others through hateful statements and cold digital shoulders.
edit on 11-7-2013 by Tranceopticalinclined because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 01:37 PM
As a Veteran who has been diagnosed with PTSD I find it laughable that you would suggest that about the American public.

Americans are not traumatized. They are generally spoiled to an amazing degree.

If anything the common American suffers from being indifferent to the events in the world today. Not traumatized. The fact that all of these news stories (Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA) have come out and people still don't really care is very telling to me.

And the few people who do care about these things generally have the feeling that there is nothing that can be done. So we get behind our computers and type away at our anger and "breathe together".

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by clairvoyantrose
America suffers from MIND CONTROL. Almost everybody is brainwashed and mind control is a LOT more prevalent than anyone thinks. We have all be programmed and conditioned ever since the ending of the Nazi Era.. During the Holocaust Mind Control techniques and abuse were perfected and brought over to the states.

If anything, PTSD is a symptom of mind control. There are over 40,000 sleepers in America, all have been sexually and satanically abused into having multiple personality disorder so they can hide the abuse from themselves and within these personalities is different triggers which hold different tasks the handlers have placed within them.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
As a Veteran who has been diagnosed with PTSD I find it laughable that you would suggest that about the American public.

Americans are not traumatized. They are generally spoiled to an amazing degree.

If anything the common American suffers from being indifferent to the events in the world today. Not traumatized. The fact that all of these news stories (Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA) have come out and people still don't really care is very telling to me.

And the few people who do care about these things generally have the feeling that there is nothing that can be done. So we get behind our computers and type away at our anger and "breathe together".

Americans are not traumatized. Really? I see Americans traumatized every darn day on the news & youtube.

I refuse to make a list other than the one I already (and others, including yourself) have already made.

Indifference IS a symptom. Do you think vets on the street that are homeless & turn to alcohol & drugs WANT to be there? Or do you think they see no hope & the vices they have picked are only a means of escape or a coping mechanism that helps them/gets them by with their current living situation? (Although clearly not good for them)

I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, I don't make excuses for everybody b/c "their daddy drank, or their uncle touched them in a "bad place". My father was an abusive drunk, I don't drink. Why? Cause I don't wanna be a dick to MY kids. It's called personal responsibility.

Having said THAT, there hass to be a reason why Americans have entered the land of "I don't give a damn" while their rights are being chipped away one amendment at a time. You want to blame it on indifference, or tech toys, or being fat/lazy, or tv be my guest. But that only covers a percentage, not the rest of us. You see it as the cause, I see it as a coping mechanism. That's all.

It's not the best theory out there, but it sure as heck aint the worst one out there either.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by MrSpad

Only people here could call the murder of 4 Americans to include a full rank, sitting Ambassador and the over-run and total destruction of a US Diplomatic facility a "low level scandal".

Good God..what would a major scandal be? A bioweapon popping off in times square?

Obama caught on camera with Ann Coulter?

Question becomes, who would wear the pants in that relationship?

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by schadenfreude

Americans are not traumatized. Really? I see Americans traumatized every darn day on the news & youtube.

Thats because sensationalism wins. Read the old news papers, no different now. As far as youtube goes, its really the first easily free and open way for anyone and everyone to make you question whether we have even evolved as a species. Not like people haven't always done stupid stuff, now we just have a way for average people to audition for the darwin awards.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by schadenfreude

Americans are not traumatized. Really? I see Americans traumatized every darn day on the news & youtube.

I think you are confusing "traumatized" with "don't care".

Indifference IS a symptom. Do you think vets on the street that are homeless & turn to alcohol & drugs WANT to be there? Or do you think they see no hope & the vices they have picked are only a means of escape or a coping mechanism that helps them/gets them by with their current living situation? (Although clearly not good for them)

I don't think indifference is a symptom of PTSD. It is a symptom of depression. Maybe Americans are depressed. Makes sense when you see how many take SSRI's and anti-depressants.

I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, I don't make excuses for everybody b/c "their daddy drank, or their uncle touched them in a "bad place". My father was an abusive drunk, I don't drink. Why? Cause I don't wanna be a dick to MY kids. It's called personal responsibility.

I never called you a liberal or an excuse maker or anything of the sort. Funny you defended yourself as not being one right off the bat.

Having said THAT, there hass to be a reason why Americans have entered the land of "I don't give a damn" while their rights are being chipped away one amendment at a time. You want to blame it on indifference, or tech toys, or being fat/lazy, or tv be my guest. But that only covers a percentage, not the rest of us. You see it as the cause, I see it as a coping mechanism. That's all.

Of course there is a reason. Because NOBODY cares enough to give a damn. Like it or not, it is the cause. A self centered society that has no idea about the rest of the world and completely addicted to entertainment and drugs. But we can agree to disagree on this point.

It's not the best theory out there, but it sure as heck aint the worst one out there either.

Your theory is plausible. Just not very probable.
edit on 11-7-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by MrSpad

Only people here could call the murder of 4 Americans to include a full rank, sitting Ambassador and the over-run and total destruction of a US Diplomatic facility a "low level scandal".

Good God..what would a major scandal be? A bioweapon popping off in times square?

this particular poster is too far gone into shill land to be taken seriously. mr. spad that is.
edit on 11-7-2013 by ninepointfive because: spud

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 10:15 PM
I wouldn't call it PTSD so much as mass Stockholm Syndrome.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 10:48 PM
What is happening to America is happening to all of us world wide. We all suffer the fate of the USA. If the US is suffering from PTSD we all are in one form or another.

edit on 11-7-2013 by angrymartian because: edited for small errors

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