posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 12:14 AM
Chris Barrett was filming fireworks this 4th of July with his Google Glass device and happened upon a fight. He filmed the brawl and resulting
Chris said the fact that the Glass is relatively unnoticeable made a big difference.
"I think if I had a bigger camera there, the kid would
probably have punched me," Barrett told me. "But I was able to capture the action with Glass and I didn't have to hold up a cell phone and press
Christophe Gevrey wrote in his blog;
"More notable than the video itself is the ease at which it was captured without the knowledge of those in
the middle of the melee. His footage foreshadows the rapidly approaching future where everything can be filmed serendipitously by folks wearing
devices like Google Glass without the knowledge of the parties involved."
Personally I think you should assume you are being filmed any time you are in public.
There are more and more municipal cameras every day. Here in New Orleans many crimes have been solved because of them and they have demonstrated a
decrease in crime in certain areas.
I was talking to a couple of my cop friends the other day and asked them how they felt about being filmed.
They told me that they didn't mind but often times the person filming was pacing back and forth, talking smack and being a jerk. When that happens
they respond predictably.
They said if the public would calmly back away and quietly film, it would not be a problem. They said they wished it would happen more but they also
said they would prefer if all the videos were published, the good and the bad.
If more and more people get on board with Glass type devices, cops will know they are being filmed anytime they are in public.
The only thing that troubles me about this article;
(Google) is "thinking carefully" about the feedback it's getting from lawmakers.
If this tech gets shot down by lawmakers because of privacy concerns, I will see it as an indication that the police state many of you warn about is
upon us.