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Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal the BILL OF RIGHTS

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posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 01:03 AM
My favorite way this was shown was the petition that kid did
as an example that people will sign anything, so long as you
sell it properly, he had people sign a petition to ban water
by simply listing only the negatives.

Ironically enough its the same type of thing that keeps religion
in power, people take what they are told as true without even
bothering to research and question it. This can be seen in action
by those theists who love to argue but haven't even bothered
reading the bible.

People need to be taught critical thinking so badly, don't just listen
to what some person tells you, go and find a real answer, its out
there, just like with religion, the answers are out there, they just
aren't what most people want to accept as true. Sometimes the
truth hurts.
edit on 9-7-2013 by bloodreviara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 01:30 AM
Why would i think for myself? I don't have time for that, i need to play my games and watch football!
Didn't you hear Obama? We're doing things right!

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by filledcup
if you dont believe in God, then u shall have no God given inalienable rights. serves u right for not fighting the atheist establishment tooth and nail as it came forward. instead u allowed it, supported it and even participated in allowing every aspect of God that was being tampered with over time. now ur not even allowed to mention God in the presence of atheists as they work closely aligned with the gay movement.

the atheist should be happy, since they should not have had benefit of inalienable rights anyway since to them there is no God and thus no God given rights. america will suffer the pain it has caused the world. and dont try to pull urself out by blaming the politicians. u voted for them, u left them in power, and did not oversee their performance and direction as your representatives, otherwise ud have seen all this coming just as i did. each to what they deserve! americans dont seem so proud now do they.
edit on 8-7-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

Seriously, who starred this drivel?

God didn't give you those rights. God didn't write the Bill of Rights.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by dave_welch
God didn't give you those rights. God didn't write the Bill of Rights.

Then is it the State who decides? A cabal of people? Who and/or what decides on our basic freedoms? Left to Man, we surely know the outcome; left to faith, we know the outcome. So it is natural for us to be free no? To be secure in our homes? To be able to defend ourselves as a bear would -- or a rose would? To hold power over those who have declared they are the powers that be and require them to prove you are guilty? To show that no matter what the State declares or enumerates as a right, that they cannot be enumerated as they are many?

God surely didn't write the Bill of Rights nor the Constitution. They are the pinnacle of human ingenuity in terms of securing our freedoms though.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

I completely agree with you. I was just pointing out the ridiculousness of that posters anti-athiest rant.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by loam

WOW! I can't believe how Stupid a Lot of People are! I'm thinkin' Most don't even know what the word Repeal means so they don't want to appear ignorant and sign away...... Syx.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by SWCCFAN
And you can bet these idiots vote blindly.

Time for an IQ test to register to vote!

You do need an IQ test if you believe there's a significant difference between Romney and Obama.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by filledcup
if you dont believe in God, then u shall have no God given inalienable rights. serves u right for not fighting the atheist establishment tooth and nail as it came forward. instead u allowed it, supported it and even participated in allowing every aspect of God that was being tampered with over time. now ur not even allowed to mention God in the presence of atheists as they work closely aligned with the gay movement.

the atheist should be happy, since they should not have had benefit of inalienable rights anyway since to them there is no God and thus no God given rights. america will suffer the pain it has caused the world. and dont try to pull urself out by blaming the politicians. u voted for them, u left them in power, and did not oversee their performance and direction as your representatives, otherwise ud have seen all this coming just as i did. each to what they deserve! americans dont seem so proud now do they.
edit on 8-7-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)
What a joke. You are the problem with this world.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by bozzchem
Consent of the Governed

At the end of the day, it matters not about petitions, polls nor popularity contests.

What matters is consent.

To what do you consent freely? To what do you consent out of fear? The only thing that allows this charade of justice to continue is our consent.

Consent doesn't mean we walk up and check a block and say YES, we agree. Consent means that we read about something we vehemently disagree with yet do NOTHING to remedy.

Obama/Bush.....please realize that neither has the intellectual capacity for the tyranny they are credited with. Both are puppets and are blamed to keep the false left/right paradigm in tact for the full divide and conquer strategy to continue it's diabolical ploy that has been successful for the past 100 years. Long before either of those slow witted POTUS stole their place in office.

Consent. To what do you consent? At what point do you wake up and say......bull-effing-shizz, I'm not putting up with this any matter the cost to ME. Until we are willing to make the same sacrifice that the founders did, we will continue to be manipulated by those who realize our apathy.

History indicates that those who founded this nation were willing to sacrifice their property, their families and their fortunes.

What are we willing to sacrifice to maintain what they gave to provide us? If we aren't willing to sacrifice the same as those who founded this nation for our benefit, do we even deserve to benefit?

Every now and then the tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants. Jefferson didn't say that because he was bored and realized that the government was a wonderful entity that had the best interest of all involved. He KNEW that government was the enemy of freedom and the current criminal cabal in DS has PROVEN him to be right.

It's all about consent. Rest assured your lack of consent could and may cost you some time in the prison of these criminals. Hopefully, you will be freed and vindicated by your brothers in arms who realize that the price of freedom is not mere words.

NOW we are getting somewhere and dangit wish I was on laptop so I could Really get I to this one...CONSENT, yes of the governed, OR a host of Other issues regarding CONSENT, but for now let's just focus on the Consent to be Governed.

You are right, the need for or moral need for consent, ETHICAL may be better term of word but can be ruled without consent but IS that rule Ethical? Or even Wise? Even Practical? hardly, it takes far more energy to consistently stamp out dissent and the free spirit within humans than it does to have Consent. However, being that the Lords want to preserve energy yet maintain tyrannical or self interested rule, is there a manner in which they can offer a system that appears to be consensual but that is DECEPTIVE??? Ah, yes, the

UNINFORMED CONSENT. To have That, one must needs CONTROL INFORMATION and the TOOLS FOR DECEPTION thereby controlling access or no access to TRUTH, ah, the IRON CURTAIN INDEED.!!!

This is WHY Dicktators (misspelled on purpose) through out time have gone to great lengths to control access to LITERACY and LANGUAGE and WHO GETS ACCESS TO THOSE and who does NOT GET ACCESS, etc. which is why in the most Oppressive Misogynist nations, females, the poor, certain ethnic Groups, etc are forbidden language, LITERACY and why their status is so poor. Because Once the ENSLAVED can READ the language of the master then that SLAVE can QUESTION the LEGITIAMACY OR NOT of the DOCTRINES THAT RULE OVER THEM!

Ever since the WORD the battle has been Over WHO HAS CONTROL over that WORD. And who has access, be it the Bible or Scrolls or History or Artifacts, etc. ah, the INFORMATION AGE...the AGE OF LANGUAGE.

But now, alas...what's a DickTator to do if Many have not only access to the WORD but the ability to Demand certain changes to benefit them or Challenge the LEGITIAMACY of the DickTator/S??

Why, the DickTator then has to MANIPULATE AND TWIST the WORD, to DECEIVE the ENSLAVED! So, now what we have is Years of Consent by Fraud. Now, here's where it gets interesting...Use to be the Enslaved demanded Truth and Transparency, to be Able to give Informed Consent. The question then, is When did the Enslaved stop demanding Truth and began to get lazy and NOT SEEK TRUTH? Before giving consent? And Why?

It matters little How Dice presented the Petition and he's done several that don't even mention Obama..people have signed that 1. They are morons, 2. To ban Freedom of speech Only for religious, 3. To support Jews having a Holocaust "Celebration" where they re-act graves which, sorry, that borders on retardation, seriously yet people Signed it, 4. To give up the Fourth amendment, on and on...not including the Numerous who couldn't even name ONE AUTHOR (cont)
edit on 9-7-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 11:28 AM
Continued from above reply...

Not only could they not name one author, when Dice called a few Zombies, they "laughed". Being IGNORANT isn't looked upon with Shame anymore, that applies to Females as well as it was several females who laughed when Dice said, "oh you can just get through life on your looks" to which the females replied, "Hee Hee Hee Hee". I'm sorry it just borders on some Extreme by choice Retardation....a Bimbo Gomer Pyle culture on steroids.

So even if you presented these types of people Truth, they wouldn't even bother to discern it, THEY FLAT DO NOT CARE. They are Apathetc, lazy, indifferent and I would go as far to say decadent and evil. Because its Not just that they give Consent to untruthful petitions or legis, etc., oh no, THEY GIVE WILLING CONSENT TO BE


And THAT is really makes one question whether or not people even deserve any choice Horrible as that is BUT it IS the basis for the entire debate between Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy and I cannot recall the two fathers of that debate but I do believe it was Mill, John Stuart verses?? I would have to look it up as its been a few years since hashing over that reading material but my point being, the choice I believe was that the fathers of that time chose Representative and of course that opens the door to Elitism, and of course, Lazy Servant Citizens who like a SUBMISSIVE CHILD WIFE become mentally LAZY and COMPLACENT about their enslaved Status and no longer object to oppressive treatment as long as you throw them a bone once in a while, no pun intended.

And loe and behold that's EXACTLY what we have in good ole America, a Citizenry that is the CODEPENDENT MENTALLY LAZY CHILD SUBMISSIVE WIFE TO AN ABUSIVE PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSIST LYING CHEATING HUSBAND. It's NOT EVEN a Republic anymore much less a Democracy, though democracy can be rule of the majority tyrannical but alas that's a whole other topic...

So now you have a codependent wife popular who is not only Willingly Illiterate but happy to LOVE THE LIE,

So much in fact that even when her master lords oppress and humiliate her, she offers the lords love, worship and favors....even her own Soul. Death, she'll prefer, Anything to Maintain the security and delusions of the LIE.

They don't even bother with consent long as the master gives the dog wife a bone, she will beg and bark and jump when the master snaps his finger....

And it took the masters Years to get her to this point. But what's tragic, is how EASILY she was duped and deceived, and when she Realized the deception, and HAD A CHOICE, SHE CHOSE THE LIE.

So it matters not about information or petitions or even consent...she gave Uninformed consent for decades, Willingly. And the thing is, THE MASTERS KNOW THIS.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 11:36 AM
Can someone on ATS who is in America try to replicate this for me?

I always suspect these types of things are cleverly edited together to make it look amusing or confirm that Americans are stupid ... I mean come on, really? This is the dumbest thing since I last put my hand in a blender.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 12:01 PM
Oh, so when i make posts about petitions they get removed cause I was "advertising"....

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by loam

I have come to understand that the biggest conspiracy of them all is the ease with which free systems die at the willing hands of the people.


edit on 8-7-2013 by loam because: (no reason given)

Scariest thing in any democracy is unquestionable support in government!
This video shows the ignorance and stupidity of the majority!

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 02:27 PM
Eh, Obama supporters are no dumber than the people who vote for establishment Republicans like Rand Paul and then claim to be Libertarian freedom fighters.

Delusion comes in all flavors.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 03:30 PM

edit on 9-7-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by filledcup

I've noticed a pattern in this members behavior. He acts suspiciously like a troll. Wild assertions with no content or contextual application; finger pointing and generalizations; pot-stirring; disagreeing for what seems to be merely the sake of disagreeing; no tact.......

Never really adds any content to his arguments even though he is asked repeatedly to elucidate.....Just an observation based on personal experience. If anyone has had a different one than I, I am willing to reconsider my opinion.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Not so much mind numbingly stupid, as stupidly apathetic. Semantics, I know... But I know some really smart people who've bought into what Mr. Obama is selling. Twice. ...and nothing that is happening is his's always those nasty obstructionist Republicans. While they're up for some of the blame, they're not the party in power just now...that would be those oh, so progressive Democrats...

They pretend to care, but are so caught up mundane BS, that they just don't care. Apathetic. 'course that is kinda stupid, so maybe they are...?
edit on 7/9/2013 by seagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:58 PM
I've never been fond of this guy's videos. I find it hard to believe that nobody told him they wouldn't sign something so stupid.

It's like the Bush supporters of 10 years ago. You could have done the same thing with the same results, especially when you only show the people that signed. Not that I am an Obama supporter, but It's a pretty one-sided video.

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 03:54 AM
this is less proof of people wanting to repeal the bill of rights or the IQ of obama supporters and more of an example of human nature when it comes to people shoving petitions in peoples faces.

i mean there have been a number of examples of people signing petitions to ban "dihydrogen monoxide" does that mean people are dumb enough to sign a paper to ban water or is it more of a knee-jerk reaction to having the thing shoved in their faces?

sure it's funny but it doesn't mean much, most people aren't comfortable with being put on the spot and will sign or agree with whatever the person doing it wants.
this is why cold calling works still, even with caller ID.

by the way thanks for showing your bias OP, it's disgusting how you believe that anyone who signs it is an obama supporter, talk about partisanship!

edit on 10-7-2013 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by Pinke

This is exactly what is going on here.

I even posted another video of his where he does the same thing, but asking people about the 4th of July.

I'm amazed that so few here can actually see what's going on here, thank you Pinke and the few others who see this for what it is.

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