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Alien Mysteries. The Reed Family

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posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by sled735

Originally posted by Beavers
Do you believe it's also possible that they were hypnotised into believing they'd seen aliens?



Then you're not looking at all the possibilities. You've made up your mind as to what the truth is before actually discovering it. You're turning your belief in ETs into a religion rather than considering an already well-studied phenomenon which could explain this entire thing. I'm not saying you shouldn't wonder if what these people said is true or not, I'm just saying you should be open to more types of explanation than spoken testimonials.
edit on 7-7-2013 by HairlessApe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by felixjames20

I agree, we know nothing about them, but i think thats because they are not here, there is just too little proof, if they are here and have been here for sometimes they would surly be more proof than some shaky cam of a blury light and rambles from some people saying they got probed.

Aliens is a very vast label but deny that some alien intelligence is presence here is just impossible in my view, as for what or where they are that is open to speculation but time travel is on the bottom of my list and a Earth based or Sol system related species (even in a different dimension that is parallel/related to ours is an open possibility). You can even discard most events, but come up with a better description to what happened in the Colares incident were we have semi-open army reports and lots, lots of witnesses and you can't refute that something non-human was at work. Then put that together with the clear and active manipulation towards keeping the phenomena unknown and discredited and anyone can only come to at least one conclusion...


its not impossible to deny some form of alien inteligence is present on earth, as i just did - maybe i did the impossible :-)

hang on, time travel is at the bottom of your list but parallel worlds/dimensions is a better option? you do know there is most prob more science to support the ability of time travel than there is for parallel worlds right?

most of all strange sh*t like this is down to some military tech, could you imagine going back just 20yrs and showing someone and ipad? they would think that was some alien tech, the tech military have is wellmore advanced that 20yrs in the future, that im sure of

Heres and example for you, the weapon people say they where attacked by, a type of beam which caused burning has been released into the us armed forces, its called the Active Denial System, sounds like the same weapon.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by felixjames20
I agree, we know nothing about them, but i think thats because they are not here, there is just too little proof, if they are here and have been here for sometimes they would surly be more proof than some shaky cam of a blury light and rambles from some people saying they got probed.

Personally i think when they get here, if they do get here, they will either destroy us and take everything (just like we would, like we do to each other everyday) , be super nice and try and solve all of earth problems, or stop and look at the car crash which is the planet and carry on going.

I cant think of any reason why they would come here to gives a few light shows in the sky follwed by a countless abductions - there is no way humans are that interesting

Thats a pretty rough way to view what will happen
but i respect that you tell your opinion.
You just might have to take alot of other factors into consideration, like its possible our would is toxic to them, that we have a different atmosphere than them, communication is very difficult, we are hostile to them - theres alot of things that have to be claryfied before we even can imagine how they affected by our world.

I still believe your searching too much to find a reason behind their actions, try to much to debunk what they are about to do and not to do, if you want to view this open minded you have to let go of theese "justified reasons" for them to be here. there is a myriad of possibilities and reasons, and some of them we dont even comprehend yet. And that is said as if theres only 1 ET specie arround - cant you imagine if there are multiple species - then we have to deal with intergalactic politicts and much more before we understand whats goin on, do ou see where im getting at?
edit on 7-7-2013 by Minus because: corrected spelling

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Minus

Originally posted by felixjames20

Thats a pretty rough way to view what will happen
but i respect that you tell your opinion.
You just might have to take alot of other factors into consideration, like its possible our would is toxic to them, that we have a different atmosphere than them, communication is very difficult, we are hostile to them - theres alot of things that have to be claryfied before we even can imagine how they affected by our world.

I still believe your searching too much to find a reason behind their actions, try to much to debunk what they are about to do and not to do, if you want to view this open minded you have to let go of theese "justified reasons" for them to be here. there is a myriad of possibilities of reasons, and some of them we dont even comprehend yet. And that is said if theres only 1 ET specie arround - cant you imagine if there are multiple species - then we have to deal with intergalactic politicts and much more before we understand whats goin on, do ou see where im getting at?

Yeah maybe, but im hoping for them coming and being all nice and helpful :-)
Yeah again true, but they dont have to land if its toxic. And comunication difficult, kinda find that hard to follow, im sure they could communacte if they wanted. But we are defo hostile, maybe they cant be bothered with the hassle which is the human race.

of couse im trying to find a reason, thats the type of person i am, there is always a reason for somthing. I cant just let go and blindly believe it, not in my nature. Oh yeah, i believe out there, there are millions of ET species, chances dictate there must be. oh noooooo, not more politics, there is enough politics on earth for the whole universe.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by felixjames20

hehe, think i just wanted to seperate the two things from eachother - to define what they want and to believe they are here

Yes it is a very interesting debate to speculate what they want, and i also have thoeries of that as you do - and there is no way i can say that you are wrong because we dont know

its just a huge topic with alot of ifs
edit on 7-7-2013 by Minus because: i can

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Minus
reply to post by felixjames20

hehe, think i just wanted to seperate the two things from eachother - to define what they want and to believe they are here

Yes it is a very interesting debate to speculate what they want, and i also have thoeries of that as you do - and there is no way i can say that you are wrong because we dont know

edit on 7-7-2013 by Minus because: i can


want to share your theories?

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by felixjames20

I did not say it was impossible (nothing is impossible) it just doesn't make any sense to me, I'm fully happy to let you keep your own mind on the subject it just seems a nonsensical and unjustifiable considering the factual unknowns and the factual evidence. I have a myriad of other beliefs that we will probably not share but I consider that I'm very down to earth (realistic and logic) on those I keep and I'm ready to change my mind if some rational is proven false...

time travel is at the bottom of your list but parallel worlds/dimensions is a better option? you do know there is most prob more science to support the ability of time travel than there is for parallel worlds right?

I strongly disagree with that view, time travel is indeed possible but it depends on how it is defined, we are all time travelers. Now useful technological time travel by my understanding is indeed an impossibility in my book, the requirements to resolve all the paradoxes and even to make a destination location certain would be so enormous that I would define any civilization/entity capable of doing so a semi-god. Discard the time issue and consider the complexity of removing yourself from this universe and reinserting again in the same universe at same or very near location (discarding other relativistic considerations), the universe would continue to be moving and you would lose any location relative information...

Now extra-dimensions can coexist in the same time frame and location, for example consider the dimension of size. Or how someone living in a 2D universe would never see a sphere at best it could hope to see a 2D representation of the 3D object, it would only note a line of its circumference represented on that 2D plane. These same relations may exist with higher detentions. Or we could explore the multi-verse hypothesis that preserves some constants (at least in some universes they will be similar) and could even be used to resolve some time travel paradoxes, but not be very useful as there wouldn't be a way back for travelers.

In any case I put extra.dimensional aliens above time traveling aliens based on our present understanding of reality. But as I said those are not my top options, as is not interstellar traveling...

most of all strange sh*t like this is down to some military tech, could you imagine going back just 20yrs and showing someone and ipad? they would think that was some alien tech, the tech military have is wellmore advanced that 20yrs in the future, that im sure of Heres and example for you, the weapon people say they where attacked by, a type of beam which caused burning has been released into the us armed forces, its called the Active Denial System, sounds like the same weapon.

I hope you do realize that there are UFOlogic phenomena before we even had the capability of flight, that argument does not get any traction with me at all. I agree that some (and increasingly so) reports do have human origin or are explainable but there is a small percentage (that consists in a significative number) that still do not. But it is not even that aspect of historic consistency that makes it relevant to me, it is the silence, the clear and criminal silence and an active suppression of any scientific effort to study the subject. People have die and more yet suffer from experiences that are not fully explained (and I'm not talking about abductions), the simple fact of contacting these objects and related entities is not only a social disturbance but a real security risk (for instance as the sledged interference with the nukes)..

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by sled735
They both were shown a binary code.
The code was sent to experts to see the message it contained.
It said... they are here to observe us, and they are time-travelers from the future... they are us!

Is that accurate? I mean I knew Penniston has the binary code in his notebook, but when and how did Burroughs come in contact with the binary code?

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by felixjames20
want to share your theories?

Sure, but again its huge subject and alot of possibilities, not just one theori will do.

I think we are of interest to them because we have evolved to a state where we interact with eachother on a higher level than regular species do - and we have the ability to become more than we are now very fast - and maybe they even designed us to be like this long ago - anyways we are to interesting to just just watch a car crash and move on. And it must be very interesting for another superior intelligence to watch every aspect of life on another planet, how every specie interact with eachother. there are so many reasons that alien scientist would love to see earth as a big lab rat where they can take samples of everything, and its all contained, we cant get away.

I dont think they are here to enslave us or eat us, if so they do it to an extent we do not pay attention to. its if they are in need of protien there are easier way to get it than use us for food. And are we slaves? if so we dont notice it, so it dont affect us.

Do they want to destroy us? well we are still here and we havent seen no global military ground attacks yet - however we cannot rule out they have other ways to controle our population in form af diseases, disasters and such - but to us it all looks very natural. Maybe we are even under protection of intergalactic rules of destroying planets and and newfound species and such, what do we know. If they wanted us dead, they would be able to do it, and it would be very easy.

thats just a fractment of my assumptions, and that may be very far from the truth, and i cant boil it down to one simple agenda.

What do you think?

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 12:33 PM
Published on Mar 25, 2013

In this segment Micah talks about time travel and UFO's with Kingman-Art

Micah Hanks book on "us from the future"

He has articles and stories every day here

Aliens are us from the future. How far in the future are they coming from? Could they be from a future that is past an event that destroy our present? Who knows

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by felixjames20

Originally posted by Minus

Originally posted by felixjames20
Well one they are not ET's but humans from the future and two, yes I do.

Dont get me wrong i believe in Aliens, what i dont believe is most of the stories people make up to explain why they are here just dont make sense at all. They might not be here at all, that makes more sense than they are here to anal probe the population, or to enslave mankind, or help mankind or are really demons.

You are right not to believe any story that are explained by people of why the aliens are here - nobody knows, and ist pure speculation to claim so. We dont know their motive, we dont know how they interact socialy with eachother, we dont know how they feel or if they even do that, we dont know the reason behind their curiosity and we are not able to comprehend the agenda of a supernatural intelligence, so forget about all that - you will not get the truth of why - anywhere - and thats no matter if they are ET's or ourselves from the future, or another species on earth from the future. All we know is that they are here now as you said yourself "Dont get me wrong i believe in Aliens"

I agree, we know nothing about them, but i think thats because they are not here, there is just too little proof, if they are here and have been here for sometimes they would surly be more proof than some shaky cam of a blury light and rambles from some people saying they got probed.

Personally i think when they get here, if they do get here, they will either destroy us and take everything (just like we would, like we do to each other everyday) , be super nice and try and solve all of earth problems, or stop and look at the car crash which is the planet and carry on going.

I cant think of any reason why they would come here to gives a few light shows in the sky follwed by a countless abductions - there is no way humans are that interesting

It is funny how people say "they" have this or that agenda about extraterrestrials. "They" as in one species with one interest in humankind.I think it is obvious that there isn't only one kind, but many kind of extraterrestrials ( we are also extraterrestrials to "them"). Some have visited Earth some hasn't. We are simply not alone in the Universe. It is impossible.

And I also think it is funny that we keep saying that there are no proof. Well, that is just not right. There a plenty of proof, but we have to make up our mind if we a bold enough to believe what is presented to us or we still want a saucer parking in our backyard before we dare to say that "they" exist. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is one place to get information and make up your mind.

Former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer said among other things during the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, that at least 4 alien species have been (and still are) visiting Earth for the last thousands of years. They are even working side by side humans on military ground. Other witnesses have also given testimony to the fact that we are (of course) not alone in the Universe or even on planet Earth. It is worth a look.


edit on 7-7-2013 by HamP1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by sled735

I can't believe you actually posted that here. I've never made my own thread, but recently I've been thinking about this very thing and that these orbs might be people from our future. My instinct about it was exactly that. Glad you stayed this post can't wait to read other atsers comments about this.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by sled735

I can't believe you actually posted that here. I've never made my own thread, but recently I've been thinking about this very thing and that these orbs might be people from our future. My instinct about it was exactly that. Glad you stayed this post can't wait to read other atsers comments about this.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Originally posted by texasgirl

Hi Druscilla,

While I agree with most of this, this particular one didn't ask any leading questions, just let the guy talk. It was impressive.

Well, the other side of anything requiring hypnosis is; what equipment is on hand to verify the person supposedly under hypnosis is actually under hypnosis, and not just using the "hypnosis" as a certification stamp of approval to validate their, um, experience, erm, made up story?

"I told the same story under hypnosis so it MUST be true!"

I hear the word Hypnosis as it applies to validating anything, red flags pop up everywhere for me.

Certainly there are legitimate uses for hypnosis, but validating UFO or Alien claims is not one. If anything, hypnosis could constitute as tampering with "evidence", said evidence being the natural recollection of a witness; not that is worth anything at all either, but, that's that.

Precisely this.

My buddy that lives in San Diego told me he faked being under hypnosis when his wife forced him to go to one, to quit smoking. He said the guy doing the hypnosis was thoroughly fooled and affirmed with confidence that he was indeed hypnotized and charged his fee. He kept smoking in hiding for a few months before he voluntarily quit when a co-worker who also smoked, was diagnosed with cancer. That worked better than the fake hypnosis session to get him to quit.

Anyway, my point is that there's no way to know when someone has been hypnotized so, its very unscientific to use any accounts or stories told under hypnosis as proof of anything. It just simply isn't evidence.
edit on 7-7-2013 by WilliamOckham because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 03:35 PM
I watched half of the first video so far and that is exactly...well almost exactly what the orange orb I saw looked like. Mine was more orange and smaller than what he said his was.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by HairlessApe

Originally posted by sled735

Originally posted by Beavers
Do you believe it's also possible that they were hypnotised into believing they'd seen aliens?



Then you're not looking at all the possibilities. You've made up your mind as to what the truth is before actually discovering it. You're turning your belief in ETs into a religion rather than considering an already well-studied phenomenon which could explain this entire thing. I'm not saying you shouldn't wonder if what these people said is true or not, I'm just saying you should be open to more types of explanation than spoken testimonials.
edit on 7-7-2013 by HairlessApe because: (no reason given)

I don't believe in religion. It is a form of controlling people.
I based my answer on the information these men received during their contact with the light/ship. And I was only referring to this case you asked about, not all of them. These two particular videos are what I'm discussing when I respond in this thread.
How could two different people be shown the same binary code, that wasn't known to them, containing the same message if it was a made-up story on their part?
That is the basis of my opinion that their experience was real.

I have one of the most open minds you will ever come across. I consider all possibilities before coming to a decision that "rings true" for me. I discard all the rest. I have been researching this topic for many years, and I still haven't come to a solid belief in what I think about the E.T.s

But, recently I have come to the conclusion that some so-called E.T.s are demon-related imposters. But I still believe there are others who come from afar to assist us in our progression as a people.

I have had my own UFO experience, up close and personal, so no one is going to be able to tell me these things aren't up there. Could it be military? I really don't think so, but I won't rule it out.

Did you watch the videos?

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by sled735
They both were shown a binary code.
The code was sent to experts to see the message it contained.
It said... they are here to observe us, and they are time-travelers from the future... they are us!

Is that accurate? I mean I knew Penniston has the binary code in his notebook, but when and how did Burroughs come in contact with the binary code?

It's all in the video... the first one done by Alien Mysteries Didn't you watch it?

To answer your question, Burroughs revealed it under hypnosis. He didn't remember what all happened during his missing time until then.
This is also why I think the hypnosis session was real.
The film of his session is in the video, and you can see the therapist is not "leading" him at all.

To all posters,
Sorry for my late arrival. I sleep during the day (third shift worker), and then I have to pour a pot of coffee in before I can answer your questions with any logical response when I get up.

I hope everyone will watch the videos. They are both worth your time, and will answer a lot of questions I see in this thread.

Thanks to everyone who has responded. I appreciate your input.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by cheesy
if they still denying alien exsist they must blame to canadian defence ministry that say 4 alien race is already here..

really interesting OP..
my question is why they watching us by come to here..why they not just sit back on hi tech chair and watch us over hologram monitor from other dimension???..i think they have such tect to watch us remotely from other dimension..

I can't answer that question, but I can give my own theory as to why they are coming:

Yes, I think they DO watch us at all times from their "hi-tech hologram monitors". But it is important for the human race to realize they exist. So this is why they come to reveal themselves.

Also, different species have different agendas concerning us. Some are good, while others are bad.
Some come to help us progress, some to study us, some to make hybrids of us and them, some just to observe, some to collect samples of our Earth for fuel, and many more reasons I don't have time to go into.

I think the answer to your question will be revealed in the not-to-distant future. Until then, all we can do is speculate what the answer is.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by felixjames20

Thanks for sharing, was interesting. However im not coinvinced,

If they are really us from the future then why not just sit down and have a conversation?
Why all the strange #?
Why abduct people?
Surly they are going fck up the timeline even being here?

i just cant see it

They aren't allowed to interfere in certain areas, but I think they already have sat down and had conversations with the PTB. There is too much documented evidence to refute this.

The one's who are abducting people are the one's who wish to continue their specie's existence by using the human reproductive system to accomplish this. They may also be trying to introduce a race/species that could live on Earth while having a greater intelligence than we currently do.

There are stronger powers that will not allow anything to be "messed up" without facing severe consequences.
Hopefully, this will keep them in check.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Beavers

Literally just watched an x-files episode with that exact premise. Crazy.

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