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It's happened, world seen USA dangers.

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posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 01:53 PM

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by nrd101
W e H ave N o C ontrol. I'm sorry if the United States government bothers you, but we still are the most powerful country on earth, with more secret weaponry than you can spit at. When it comes down to it, America will always be here, best territories on earth, with the best military and strategic position. I can see why you're scared. A lot of US citizens don't like our government, but most of us are waiting for a tipping point before we go jump of a bridge. The bridge has to be breaking apart not just structurally outdated...

lol why do Americans always like to think they are the most powerful nation makes me laugh

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by zedy63

lol why do Americans always like to think they are the most powerful nation makes me laugh

Erm they are.

As much as you hate the US goverment it has enough nukes to glass the earth and nearly 8X the millitary budget of the next country China. Of course they dont seem to be able to use it right
But its there.

Of course in 20 years time it may be very diffrent or at least (I hope) more balanced.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by zedy63

lol why do Americans always like to think they are the most powerful nation makes me laugh

America is the most powerful nation, as an individual country.

The problem arises when one thinks they are invincible, they will underestimate their enemies, and slowly fall over, but from the looks of it, America will not explode but implode.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by luciddream

Yes. Most powerful yes! Invincible defiantly not!

Just ask vietnam

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by whatzshaken

You will know the tipping point when you see it. I don't know what it is either, but when it arrives you will know it. The American Spirit is definitely not dead, it is merely strategically positioning itself for the opening shock and awe that will come immediately after the tipping point. No need to goad us into running around willy nilly to become useless martyrs. I am a former Airborne Infantryman and trust me when I say the American Spirit will rise to the occasion. It will soar like the Bald Eagle that represents it. It will not go down like Syria or Egypt, brother against brother, we have been there and done that. The military will NOT fire on Americans. I say again, NOT fire on Americans. If you think that than you need to get off this site cause you are drinking some nut job's kool aid.
We have a lot of idiots in this country, the ones you love to watch on our TV shows. The ones you don't see are the muscle and blood of this country and if you think we will go quietly into that great night without a battle you are sadly mistaken my friend. Timing is everything. I am not worried about anything. When it happens, it happens. Now breath deep, exhale, and keep loading your magazines. Hawkeye ,OUT!

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 03:14 PM
There are nearly 312 million people living in the United States. Of that group, there are approximately 1-2 million law enforcement officers full and part time, volunteer or partially active but retired. There are another 2-4 million military personnel following orders of approximately 2000 law makers and politicians. Among those leadership officials, there are perhaps 45-75 who have the people's interest at heart. If there were a foreign conflict with the United States, it would be the remaining 1900 or so individuals who are either fence sitters or would be tyrants that are essentially holding the 307 million hostage with the firepower wielded by the remaining minority of a few million.

When someone like a leader of Libya, Iraq, or Egypt is taken down by a foreign power's intervention, by an angry riot, or by a military coup de tat, those leaders and their cabinets are the primary target, while the body of the people are relatively innocent.

One of the great farces of the media is the idea that the people elect dictators. Rather it is a small number of people, on the television, in newspapers, in the computer rooms "counting" votes, and in smoke filled rooms of back deals that determine who the people vote for. Between dissemination of disinformation and slander of good candidates, and the media blackout on any positive momentum of their cause and a similar blackout of any negative reporting on the potential puppet candidates, the bulk of the population remains largely uninformed and their choices are false.

Even still, the choices of a few are correct, but even those choices are abolished through legal artifice such as district zoning and lion share voting of an electoral college. That failing, the votes themselves can be manipulated through enrollment of deceased citizens, or multiple votes being cast by single individuals, or the votes of one being digitally changed to the votes of another. At the end of this road of deception, the concept of democracy, republic, or representative government is null and avoid.

So when foreign citizens themselves ruled by foreign powers elected by foreign farces mock the modern day Rome and call for a David to end this Goliath, they perhaps should look where they are least likely to imagine for salvation: the same media lies that created revolutionary wars and toppled dictators are in reality a truth that should come to pass with the focal point being the very nation that enslaved itself in the process of shouting for liberty.

Someone needs to save the United States from it's government, because her people cannot save themselves.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 03:25 PM
Since many here feel they should point out how U.S citizens should fix the U.S. of A, i would like to know, how do you, personally, work to make your respective countries better places?

Do you go out and work at homeless shelters? Do you give money to charities? Do you stage coup attempts on a corrupt government?

Or, more likely, do you sit around on the computer and tell everyone else what they should do to improve their country?

Just curious...

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom

Originally posted by tigershark1988
I agree completely.
Its quite relieving to hear you say that. I do believe peaceful protest is the only method for us to free ourselves. "An eye for an eye leaves us all blind' The amount of lives lost would be devastating considering the weaponry of both the citizens and the military/police. There is potential for foreign troops to be brought in and help stabilize the situation. However, a peaceful protest operates with a different energy. Like a light to a room filled with darkness, a frequency of love and peace will overcome the darkness. We must break free from fear.

It did not work in the 60s and it wont work now!

It was prematurely silenced in the 60's, more are awake now. I disagree, History has shown what violence breeds..

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Hawkeyewatching

Amen, brother.

Does anyone think it's strange that the democrats want to be able to "vote" from their homes, and not attend the senate/house hearings in Washington? Wonder why?
edit on 8-7-2013 by Happy1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 03:52 PM

the Middle East has woken up to see what America under Obama has been up too the last 5 years
reply to post by Alternative4u

Just 5 years? Try again my friend 2001-2013...and even longer IMO...

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 04:01 PM
until the ME wakes up to who wrote islam, they are gonna continue to cause a "sierra 2" everywhere.

sierra 2 : phonetically "sierra sierra" = s s [ess] h i t storm

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by tigershark1988

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom

Originally posted by tigershark1988
I agree completely.
Its quite relieving to hear you say that. I do believe peaceful protest is the only method for us to free ourselves. "An eye for an eye leaves us all blind' The amount of lives lost would be devastating considering the weaponry of both the citizens and the military/police. There is potential for foreign troops to be brought in and help stabilize the situation. However, a peaceful protest operates with a different energy. Like a light to a room filled with darkness, a frequency of love and peace will overcome the darkness. We must break free from fear.

It did not work in the 60s and it wont work now!

It was prematurely silenced in the 60's, more are awake now. I disagree, History has shown what violence breeds..

I am not advocating violence but I don't think that enough people will get off their butts and do what is needed to oust the corrupt majority that runs the show! Too many people are too afraid to take a stand against the powers that be! Too many people have that attitude "let someone else stand up for our freedom"! Too many people are distracted by media disinformation just like in the 60s! Too many people just don't care what happens because
they believe they are prepared for whatever will happen! Too many people are part of the problem! Though there may be more people awake now, there are not enough of us that are willing to sacrifice what is needed to have any positive impact! Occupy was an indicator of this! Until things get a hell of a lot tougher, with a lot less distractions we will not have the numbers needed to create change!
One more thing; If it should ever look like we did have the numbers to do anything we would see another Arab spring but instead of in Egypt it would be here in the US! There would be an illusion of change but nothing really would! TPTB would use some kind of outspoken sleeper in our movement!
I realize none of this is any reason not to try but I have a very negative outlook for positive change!
I honestly believe there are just too many selfish people in this world whom are only interested in looking out for themselves!

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by zedy63
lol why do Americans always like to think they are the most powerful nation makes me laugh

I wouldn't go around claiming to be laughing at facts...strong ignorance on your part.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by GargIndia

Originally posted by inverslyproportional

Originally posted by sevensheeps
reply to post by nrd101

W e H ave N o C ontrol. I'm sorry if the United States government bothers you, but we still are the most powerful country on earth, with more secret weaponry than you can spit at. When it comes down to it, America will always be here, best territories on earth, with the best military and strategic position.

Wanna bet 1 Euro that the Romans thought the same as what you wrote down

edit on 7/7/13 by sevensheeps because: inserting quote

The Romans never landed on the moon, they did not even know the scope and scale of the earth, they haven't killed hundreds of thousands in the blink of an eye, they could not harness and unleash fire many times hotter than the surface of the sun........

There is a stark difference between America and Rome, but yes, I will admit you make a very clever comparison, as I am at present, sitting in Rome, watching it all burn around me.

All empires die natural death, even the technologically advanced.

Science is not a unique to USA. All countries are advancing in science.

The guiding principles matter a lot to nations. USA has ditched it's guiding principles, the foremost is individual freedom. The all-pervasive spying and police state has made a mockery of US's democracy. The reverse brain drain has already started. More people will leave American shores for Asia in coming years as people realize the nature of American power.

I can tell you no worthwhile human likes to be spied upon or subjected to indignation by the government.

People are already deciding not to to migrate to the USA because, of the Rape-O-Scanners and the attitude of the TSA. Even engineering jobs in Europe are left unfilled because of the need to have to travel to the USA.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 05:07 PM

It's everybody's fault!
reply to post by sevensheeps

Really is that what you think, then your country is just as much to blame, Was it the East or West Germans to be blame when the wall came down, to me it did not look like they blame each other I should know I was there when it came down.

Trying to blame Everyone is mind blowing, I think Rabbit said it best, we all have tried to better ourselves but those that are to be our voice in the government have forgot to listen to us once they reached that palace on the hill. Its seems like once they get there they are untouchable and its so darn hard to remove them, they are like cockroaches and the only solution to get them out of there is to make everyone aware on what they are doing, that is why I like coming to ATS because I learn more about what is going on in the world than the politicallly corrupted news.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 06:26 PM
These anti American idiotic posts are getting more ignorant by the day. You know what is really annoying to me about it is that if I sit around dogging your pathetic country I am some sort of tyrant all the while you're justified. The real problem here is the fact Americans are prisoners to an unfathomable amount of tolerance. What's even more ridiculous is I am sitting here being told my country sucks by a guy who cannot form a sentence. At the end of the day you can bad mouth this government all you want, the difference is you will be alive tomorrow to regurgitate more vomit to post instead of being in a mass grave, locked up, or shot in the street. It isn't perfect here but I'm not packing my bags anytime soon.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 06:51 PM
In terms of military force, America is perceived as the most technological, but since the end of WW2, they haven't really fought a similarly technological foe, and still haven't won a single war on their own. As for being the most powerful, well that is a moot argument, as the possession of nukes by other countries makes it so. In a nuclear exchange, America would be just as annihilated as the other countries, and that understanding places American military power in perspective.

It seems the hardest thing for an American to accept, that his/her country is not the only powerful nation on the planet, that they are not, nor ever have been, the land of the free or the home of the brave, that its political systems are as corrupt as any feudal society that ever existed, and that it has only ever been a land of opposing extremes. So, to comfort themselves, they mastered the art of self-delusion and self-deception by uttering banal and untrue superlatives about military might even though in doing so it showed a self-disparaging mask of ridiculous hypocrisy.

Its capitalistic business systems are based upon the shallow precept that nothing is sacred, not even its own founding principles and Constitution, and that anything can be bought or bribed, because everything has its price, but if you can't afford the price, then tough, you do without.

Of course, other countries have their issues, none escape criticism, but criticism of America is not to be perceived as anti-American, but to pull aside the veils of self-delusion that many Americans wear like a burka.

Britain, too, has its comfort blanket in still retaining a monarchy, and all the pomp and circumstance that goes with it. Fondly remembering when this tiny island ruled three quarters of the world through its naval might, and that it took 2 world wars to break its back, but its irrelevant now. Its as irrelevant as the concept of monarchy in the 21st century. America is not the only western nation that needs to get off its arse and sort its internal problems out. Britain is nearly 500 years overdue a monarchy-dissolving revolution.

When you fly over this small green and pleasant land...

This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle, this earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, this other Eden, demi-paradise, this fortress built by Nature for herself against infection and the hand of war, this happy breed of men, this little world, this precious stone set in the silver sea, which serves it in the office of a wall, or as a moat defensive to a house, against the envy of less happier lands, this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this Britain
...all you will see is the faded lustre of a once glittering jewel in the world's crown collecting the dust of the nations it once ravaged.

Be under no illusion, America's decline will be far more rapid and less illustrious than that of Britain.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 07:05 PM
Interesting thread and I found the responses most interesting.
This link might pertain to this thread........

To the OP S&F for the good read.
Regards, Iwinder

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Mythos13
Since many here feel they should point out how U.S citizens should fix the U.S. of A, i would like to know, how do you, personally, work to make your respective countries better places?

Do you go out and work at homeless shelters? Do you give money to charities? Do you stage coup attempts on a corrupt government?

Or, more likely, do you sit around on the computer and tell everyone else what they should do to improve their country?

Just curious...

We are only doing this because YOUR country is commiting an international crime against OUR countries (friendly countries by the way). Simple, isn't? Try the other way around and you can have your answer.
edit on 8-7-2013 by LordAdef because: (no reason given)

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