posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Emily_Cragg
In the long-haul, cancer and aids don't matter.
Souls matter.
Disease makes people take stock of their Souls and work at understanding.
Disease is not all bad; it's just very inconvenient and humiliating. The one who is sick is forced to take time to reflect--time that the healthy
Soul will not have to bother with.
Its all very rhetoric though the whole belief side of abductions.
"it did happen to me, I can't prove it, but you can't prove it didn't happen" < thats usually what I see on most thread about abductions.. and so
Does it come down to a leap of faith for non experiencers?
Em, you make some big claims in your above post, I suppose the bigger picture
perhaps you are right, but at the same time thinking big picture
always , makes you miss the treasures that this existance presents...
Also that said the whole 'soul' thing is another questionable reality -
You can't blame people being skeptical on theoretical topics - our race is just at the point in time where we still need physical prrof - perhaps its
not the best practice, but I am sure 'superior beings/ET's would understand this evolutionary process.
I can't swallow the point 'it makes them mad' that doesn't sound advanced to me.
I too hope one day we'll see, but until that day, faith isn't enough, because sitting around doesn't make the world turn.