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My headless dream.

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posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 06:54 AM
I had a series of strange and disturbing dreams last night, i wonder if anyone can explain...?

The first part of my dream involved me being alone in the town centre, the air was dark and gloomy and filled with smoke, like there had been some sort of terrorist atrocity. I was stood near a phone booth and the windows were covered in blood, there was a terrible sight apparantly someone had lost there head, when the emergency services began to arrive at the scene they all fainted at the sight, and i remained standing as the lone witness as they all fell nearby around me.

The dream then moved on to a fight between two teenage boys i had known from school, one of them fell against the other on the pavement such that his neck caught on the kerb and his head was severed, i helped put it back on as best i could but things clearly weren't right and though he was still animate moving he was dead.

Next i was at that boys house, or so it seemed, and relatives were arriving from both families as there was to be a funeral and a discussion was going on about what was to be done and who should pay, it seemed i was the best person to sort things out satisfactorily.

As we were getting into the cars to go to the funeral the boy who had caused the death of the other seemed to catch his head slightly as he was getting into the car, and his head also came off and fell into the car and there was blood and everyone was horrified, again i got into the car and sort of put it back on, but he was also dead.

Next i was in the town centre with the two dead boys who's heads were not very well attatched, when the one who had been killed first began to be chased by some dead beat type zombies, i and the other boy set out in pursuit to save him, in my hands i held what was like a guillotine blade, large and heavy with the wooden casing, but i had to wield it like a scythe, and chop off the heads of the dead beat zombies, this i did to at least three of them.

This dream ended on the flat roof of a building with myself and the two boys, i ordered that a crate be brought for the first boy to sit on, as after all he was a King, or so i said, to the other boy i wished good fortune in the afterlife and that we would always be bound in friendship and i would see him again when we were both reborn into this world.

With regards to the characters of the two boys, the first was gentle, refined and well spoken, he played the piano and was a gifted accademic, the second was a more rough and ready rogue type but good hearted, and i remained friends with him after school until he moved away, the first i never really liked.

edit on 5-7-2013 by Madrusa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 07:30 AM
Wow, you should have easily been able to tell that the dream was not real. I haven't seen a phone booth in at least five years around here. I wonder if big airports still have them

I hate nights like that, one weird dream after another. It makes a person happy to wake up in the morning.

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

That's a point, the dream actually took place in the old told centre, only the day before i noticed that they were demolishing a large fenced off section of this, so the dream was initially set in the fairly recent past.

I did wonder if the two boys were representing historic figures from the past, in Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, who was beheaded posthumously, they were of the right character types to represent this, and this is why the dream intrigues me, conflict and reconcilliation between the Catholic and Protestant.

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by Madrusa
Believe me you don't want know what your dream means,and let it remain that way.

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
Wow, you should have easily been able to tell that the dream was not real. I haven't seen a phone booth in at least five years around here. I wonder if big airports still have them

I hate nights like that, one weird dream after another. It makes a person happy to wake up in the morning.

The phone booth?!? In that entire story what you found to be odd was the mention of a phone booth?

Too funny!

I was thinking heads popping off like champagne corks was a little strange. You're right though the phone booth was a dead giveaway.

Creepy dream - good story.

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by piequal3because14

Noooo i do!

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Madrusa

How detail was the chopped heads? can you see veins and spinal columns or was it like cartoon chops?

Was the body conscious after severed head or were they "alive and moving"?

Was the eyes moving after severing?


Did you see any videos or documentaries recently? any massacre? did you read a biological book? some tell you a story?

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Madrusa
reply to post by piequal3because14

Noooo i do!

Blood in dreams if you actually see it as color can mean an ilness for the person who dreamed,or even worse,can be someone that want to hurt you,in a way in which you may never get recovered mentally and that fact or happening of the future can be compared with something that has already happened to you in the past in the period when you were in touch with the persons involved in your dream.

In the same time heads cutted means that the person who wants to harm you has already began this working process behind your back and you have some suspicions about that ,but you cannot believe that someone so close and which you care very much about is working to do so much bad to you.

Ahhh and I promised to my self to not tell the future ever,but it seems that I am helpless....
edit on 5-7-2013 by piequal3because14 because: grammar

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by 2getherwestand

I think that in our dreams there are clues to them being dreams so they do not cause us to get so stressed that we die. These clues make us think..WTF..and we wake up knowing it was all a dream.

I read research on dreams and the research stated that the communication of the conscious and subconscious is possibly occurring during the dreams we have after we fall asleep and before we wake. This seems sensible when I compared it to the information I read about the primordial part of our brain being formed from birth till it becomes set at between five and nine years of age. After that age, the information we received is layered into the subconscious which translates what we see and compares it to the information and desires/morals we were taught at the younger age. It is very important to teach honesty and civility to young people, it helps them to form a good basis for their future integration into society, which may happen through this comparison in dreams. Information that will be saved by the creation of new memories, or disgarded because it does not match our youthful beliefs is why we can't sometimes see out of our box.

The theory that we learn from the minute we are born seems very real to me. I think there may also be knowledge stored in our DNA that gives us intellect, much of which we are taught to ignore in youth because it goes against the consensus of society at the time. This DNA knowledge is what gives us creativity and helps form our curiosity though, suppressing it too much doesn't seem good either, we don't want our kids to be clones of everyone else either, society would be very boring. I think some of us have friendly DNA knowledge and some of us have mean and overpowering DNA. This is just speculation though

All of what I have said here is speculation, most not from me, it is speculation of the research of other people. This scientific research is fairly new, maybe thirty years, how to apply the evidence is hard. The researchers see something with the new technology they have acquired in brain MRI integration and use this information to form hypothesis and theories. This may be very good research and well worth the investment, maybe they can get rid of some of the bad food chemistry that is causing most of our mental illnesses by comparing the relationship of this research to the good and bad psychotropic effects of certain foods. I suppose tptb will try to use this information to control us or to break our spirit though, something I understand is necessary in society but know is causing more harm to our health than any benefit that is being realized.

Metabolism seems to be the most important difference in people as related to psychiatric problems and even our ability to deal with stress. Everyone has to eat differently to get along. We can't all eat the same thing, if we did, that food would disappear from existence, mother nature made us all different so this problem would not occur. I seem to get off topic, I have to work on controlling that.
Notice I didn't remove any content, that is because I feel it all ties together, everything is related.

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by luciddream

There wasn't so much grapic detail, there was blood. When i put the heads back on they were animated and moving, could speak and move their eyes etc, it's just that there was a red line around the neck and the sense that the head was held in balance and could easily topple off again.

There was more detail really when i had to get up close to the necks of the zombie dead beats before wielding the clumsy blade with sufficient force to take the head off in one swing.

reply to post by piequal3because14

But i wasn't subject to any injury and none of the blood was mine, my role was as the person who doesn't lose their head and tries to minimize the effect on others, and will act effectively toward forseen threats, as in chasing down the zombies, so i don't really see any implied threat against myself.
edit on 5-7-2013 by Madrusa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Madrusa

Did you recently read where people could one day choose a new head.

It will be a repeat of the days back in Atlantis (ancient Greece) with Minatours, Griffons, Pegesus's, Medusa's + more trolls on ATS. Oh No, not more trolls.

It has until now been the work of science fiction and horror films, but scientists could soon be carrying out complete human head transplants, a leading surgeon has said.

The procedure has previously been performed on monkeys but recent technological breakthroughs that make it possible to reconnect spinal cords could see the operation carried out on humans.

Neurosurgeon Dr Sergio Canavero, from the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, believes the operation would take 100 surgeons up to 36 hours and would cost £8.5million.

As these people in the dream are throwing away their human genes, they are hence eternally dead and write their names out of the Book of Life. Then they die.

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Madrusa

But i wasn't subject to any injury and none of the blood was mine, my role was as the person who doesn't lose their head and tries to minimize the effect on others, and will act effectively toward forseen threats, as in chasing down the zombies, so i don't really see any implied threat against myself.
Yes but is your dream because you dream it,therefore it speaks about your future either you believe or not.

Sorry but this is the truth.

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Rapha

No i hadn't read that, it would have been really freaky if they'd started switching heads lol

reply to post by piequal3because14

Maybe, it might just mean get to meet people who've had their heads chopped off in a former life or something
edit on 5-7-2013 by Madrusa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Madrusa

What did u eat?

It is just a weird dream, thanks 4 sharing.

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Madrusa

Maybe, it might just mean get to meet people who've had their heads chopped off in a former life or something
No,because you have dreamed about people you meet long time ago and about which you have dreamed recently.

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