posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 05:49 PM
Well read the article - the drug itself isn't for one minority group, it was just tested on black people and is being marketted to black americans.
The author quotes the doctor in the study as saying that the drug "could benefit whites" but was just not given to them in trials. It could be that
black americans are 2.5 times more likely to develop the kind of heart disease this medication is set to help, so they were the best group for such a
study as they would show much more dramatic results.
Earlier research suggested that standard drugs called ACE inhibitors don't work as well in blacks. It also suggested that blacks may have lower
amounts of nitric oxide, which plays many roles in heart health, in their blood.
The new pill has two chemicals which boost nitric oxide.
There is a lot of "suggesting" and not a lot of "proven" going on here too. If its effective, then GREAT, and if it helps black americans more
than white americans or hispanic americans, then more power to it. I see no problem at all with that kind of "bias" if its more helpful than an
"equal oppourtunity" drug. I hope, however, that it is not pushed aside or assumed to be not profitable enough to be fully developed if black
americans are less likely to have pricey health care than other groups or some other BS reason.
Bentov, the part you mentioned about the drug for one minority group making males sterile can be a real fear in many parts of the world thinking the
US and all the aid and medicines and condoms given are a secret way to prevent reproduction and stop their group from growing. I would hope that
doesn't happen, and that with all the testing done on drugs int he US that it wouldnt and couldnt happen. The article mentioned the approval of black
cardiologists - I wonder if they were involved in the creation of this drug and might reduce some fears of conspiracy.