Personally, I'm all for Transhumanity or Post Human options.
1. Effective Immortality could very well be achieved through body replacement; either artificial synthetic bodies, or even full biological 3D printed
bodies using your own DNA (similar to 5th Element).
Anyone could essentially be any race, body type, or sex, or apparent age they wanted.
Anyone could look however they wanted and never be stuck with what their born with ever again.
2. Enhancement and Self-guided evolution: We'd no longer be slaves to Darwin. We could potentially adapt at will for any situation depending on
available technology possibly in an instant, or with just a little preparation.
We can be smarter, stronger, faster, etc.
We can finally get off this rock and begin building on the Moon, Mars, and any other rock we can put our feet on, as well as beginning our first
interstellar journeys that could last hundreds, if not thousands of years in our effectively immortal bodies, so that we could actually start and
finish journeys out to the stars.
3. More real estate; with more adaptable/programmable bodies, we could effectively live quite comfortably with little to no discomfort in regions all
over the planet considered inhospitable. More water efficient body adaptations could live in desert environments potentially even getting nutritional
value from sunlight through photosynthesis adaptations. People could become real actual mermaids living and even breathing underwater. Any currently
desolate or uninhabitable climate or area could be adapted to, and with projected interconnectivity and data linking, distance and location would
likely not have any negative effect on anyone.
There's much more, but, for many, it's not their cup of tea.
Me; bring it.