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Judge allows Yoga in Public schools, rejects Church-State Fight

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posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Afewloosescrews

if we set up confession booths and priests for children to admit wrongdoings, even if they didn't understand that they were participating in what we understand to be a religious practice, would that make it acceptable in your view?

Well according to their logic if you called these booths "secret booths", called the confessional "bad secret time" and made the confession lingo non religious , something like "Im sorry daddy i haz a bad secret, it has been a fortnight since my last bad secret time" instead of the forgive me father for i have sinned then it would be acceptable. Well it would be if it was any religion besides the abrahamic ones, the people who get crazy against this stuff are either super against the whole christian/catholic/jew things or christian themselves. Any other religion gets spun as something else.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by firemonkey

And they stripped all sanskrit language and hindu references from Yoga in this case. They don't call it the "Lotus" pose, they call it "criss cross applesauce".

And? They stripped the word 'Christmas' from 'Christmas tree' and simply call it a 'holiday tree.' And they were still banned at some schools.

My point is, *I* don't care if a public school has a Santa Claus or Christmas tree or Easter egg hunt or yoga classes or whatever.

My point is the hypocrisy of allowing some because of some alleged difference but not all and specifically overly scrutinizing anything remotely related to Christianity in any way.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by captaintyinknots

So Yoga has more a benefit than someone playing a game of football?

Or running a mile

Or a game of hoops?

Don't think so.
edit on 2-7-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)'s debatable. Mentally...defo.'s a non impact physical workout for the body and mind...why would anyone...mind ? Perhaps someone has some negative experience from it ? I'm all ears...

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by neo96
Well color me hateful since I think schools should actually be teaching:

mathematics,science.history, and other stuff that would prepare them for 'REAL LIFE".

Instead of things that most people can't use to put a roof over their heads,food on their plates,clothes on their backs.

yay Yoga!.

Only thing missing is a government subsidy no wait.

Your previous post. Where does physical education fit into mathematics, science and history? Why can't schools teach math, science and history AND have a physical education program that includes Yoga - I mean Pilates?

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by neo96
Well color me hateful since I think schools should actually be teaching:

mathematics,science.history, and other stuff that would prepare them for 'REAL LIFE".

Instead of things that most people can't use to put a roof over their heads,food on their plates,clothes on their backs.

yay Yoga!.

Only thing missing is a government subsidy no wait.

Your previous post. Where does physical education fit into mathematics, science and history? Why can't schools teach math, science and history AND have a physical education program that includes Yoga - I mean Pilates?
I already tried to point this out. Its lost on the poster you are responding to. He is convinced that adding yoga means math and science and history will be put on the back burner.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Superhans

Well according to their logic if you called these booths "secret booths", called the confessional "bad secret time" and made the confession lingo non religious , something like "Im sorry daddy i haz a bad secret, it has been a fortnight since my last bad secret time" instead of the forgive me father for i have sinned then it would be acceptable. Well it would be if it was any religion besides the abrahamic ones, the people who get crazy against this stuff are either super against the whole christian/catholic/jew things or christian themselves. Any other religion gets spun as something else.

Ha ha. But as far as I can see they aren't even changing the names/language. This "no ties to religion" argument is even more preposterous than you paint it. I suppose you are just being kind.

I have to say that even though I might not agree with your general life philosophy, I truly appreciate that you stand for common sense in this matter. The obvious double standard here is at the point of absurdity, and it's a breath of fresh air to see an unbiased view coming from the atheist camp.

Again, I have to ask. Religion in school or not...which is it people?

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:41 PM
For something to be religious, it requires religious intent. If there is no religious intent in a practice, it is not religious. I don't see how this violates church and state, as unless they are indoctrinating the students into Hinduism, it's a non-issue.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:43 PM
lets be clear.

religion is not spirituality.

hatha yoga, which is what we are discussing, has tremendous benefits for body and mind if practiced correctly. it is the greatest or equally greatest body/mind maintainence program ever divised. it will keep you healthy, restore your hormonal balance and calm your mind. if government intelligence was not an oxymoron, they would introduce it to every school in every nation. the high cost of ill-health would reduce over decades because it promotes the health of all bodily organs. the whole nation would benefit, even its christian members.

it has nothing to do with religion!

it is one of the pillars of raja yoga or the royal path towards spiritual completion where the ego, which clamors to be "saved", is removed from dominance or focus. (bare in mind that what can be saved is in fear and can also be lost and is without value).
religion is ok for a starting point but should culminate in spirituality.

there are other yogas which do/may not include hatha.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

OMG LOL.. are you frking serious here? this is what American Home school is like, omg i gave them much more credit before.

Man thats scary... the kid seems.. eh..nevermind.

oh well, im glad my kids will have less competition in the future for jobs.

Nothing says "Hire me!" like a diploma from Disney land!! -Unknown ATS user

edit on 7/2/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Taissa
If we cannot allow Christian or other religious prayers in school, then it's not fair to teach Yoga either.

Ok lets break it down.

Lets say we make "Christian Prayers" a class. At the end of the class, are the students learning stuff about Christianity? The Answer is Yes.

Lets say They do "American Yoga" as a class, At the End of the class, are the students learning about Hinduism? The Answer is No.

What i see here is bunch of religious folks trying to label "American Yoga" as religious to get it out of school. I don;t know the thing about Christmas tree, i still see it in principals office, and stickers on windows at school. People are trying to pull a Slippery Sloper here!

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:59 PM
And nobody can touch my analogy because they know its a huge double standard and if yoga had Christian roots people would be stroking out over it being in public school. And it would be seen as theists "sneaking" their religion into class rooms.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Afewloosescrews
Again, I have to ask. Religion in school or not...which is it people?

People are okay with religion in school as long as its not any of the Christian ones. I always roll my eyes when i see these other "atheists" do stupid crap like rail against Christmas everywhere and then turn around and celebrate some obscure pagan holiday instead of it. The truth is, a majority of the "atheists" i meet and dealt with in the past are not actually atheists just anti-christian. They will often say crap about how they believe in all types of eastern "philosophies", go on about how illogical god is, pretend to talk about science and facts only to start rambling about some new age crap like energies or karma.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:19 PM
Id just like to point out that all olympic sports have a religious history.

Are people upset that track and field is allowed in schools?

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Id just like to point out that all olympic sports have a religious history.

Are people upset that track and field is allowed in schools?

Only when they do it naked.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by MichaelPMaccabee

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Id just like to point out that all olympic sports have a religious history.

Are people upset that track and field is allowed in schools?

Only when they do it naked.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

At first sight this looked like good news to me. I practice Yoga and I believe that it can be very, very, very beneficial to school-children for both mental and physical strength.

But looking at the details of this ruling, there are two things wrong with it: First of all, the claim that Yoga is not religious is complete hogwash. Its something that the secular part of society is making up and being dishonest about to justify the use of something as beneficial as Yoga. Yoga is deeply religious. It is a Hindu practice and its aims are religious as well.

Secondly, it being religious, allowing Yoga violates the separation of church and state. If Yoga is allowed, praying in school should also be allowed.

My guess is that whoever is in charge of Academia cant get themselves to admit that something religious might be beneficial for the kids so they have to pretend that it is not religious. Otherwise Christians and Muslims could request that prayers not be banned from school.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 2-7-2013 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

Last two broads I dated both did Yoga. I NEVER heard a reference to anything remotely religious in their classes...nor did they mention to me that they did it for any other reason than the physical/health/well being benefits they got from it. BTW...both were christians. And no, I don't capitalize that because it doesn't deserve respect enough to.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:03 PM
Yoga is about as religious as the practice of kneeling.

Kneeling may be in religion

Kneeling is not a religion in itself.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:08 PM
If those parents don't want their kid to do yoga, and the school wants the kid to do yoga, that's going to need some adjustments. Even if a Judge rules something for the school, it'd only be really odd if the judge forced the kid to do yoga, but the only stubborn person there would be a teacher.

Even if it's not being used by a religious person, it's a religious-based exercise. That's why it's called yoga and not stretching, or calisthenics or gymnastics. The sun salute, cobra, corpse pose, proud warrior... some religious people object to that. You think it's all generic Christian dissent, but it could be unique like the religious family that thinks music is of the devil, or no meat or hospitals, or no candles and playing cards, no Pokemon or wearing clothes of a certain color, or fish on Friday, it still needs a place for respect.

I pity these kids, because the gym teachers are foolish for not being honest about where yoga comes from and it's disappointing that they can't design a smarter exercise system that doesn't press so many buttons.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by SpearMint

Perhaps you should read this book: Raja Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka which was published in 1906. Just to let you know, exercise and stretching is never metioned, and it is a spiritual book, not a religous one (there is a vast difference).

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:53 PM
so much ignorance
and hypocrisy

the judge was smart enough to see these xtians "concerns for maintaining separation of church and state"
as so much BS,
and actually a stealthy attempt to impose a religious prohibition [note plaintiffs projection of stealthy behavior]

after all parents have the choice of opting out, but NOOOOOOOOOOO! god forbid the eventual unhealthiness of their choice be eventually exposed

no doubt the yoga [or any form of self-empowerment] is SATAN!!! crowd is here in force and responsible for the 13 pages [which I'll examine at leisure later] so far

the real reason behind the yoga [or any form of self-empowerment] is SATAN!!! crusade
will be the subject of another thread
but I'll let you all in on a little secret: the historical atrocities perpetrated by xtiandom on pagans [and "heretics"] pales before the sheer genocidal hatred and actions the controllers of xtiandom, the other abrahamic religions, psychopathic opportunists, and their hordes of ignorant dupes in their thrall has carried out against the Oldest "Religion" which goes back to the paleolithic, Yoga, Qigong, and suchlike being cultural remnants thereof.
the Burning Times, and the 600 year reign of terror of the inquisitors being the best known historical examples.

the current "war on terror" being a "secular" rerun. managed by the same

Take it from One Who Knows

but feel free to disregard my words for I Am quite "Insane".

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