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Help identifying Orange Orbs

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posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Interesting story.

What is this Angel hair? Can you describe it further? What did it do to you?

posted on Jun, 7 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: EcFnDoubleU

The angel hair is a phrase somebody used to describe a similar event involving mothership flyovers and the stuff dropped by them. It is something that you can actually see descending very slowly from the sky when a mothership has flown over your head. A bit like cotton wool/very fine candyfloss that evaporates when it lands on your body and the ground. It doesn't really do anything to you, it just is something totally different to anything ever seen before and my friend was greally excited by it.

In the Bible it has been pointed out to me by another ufoorbologist that the same event is described as 'manna' and as far as I know mean Hebrew/Aramaic for Gods food. Something God in his chariot, described in the Bible as Merkava, literally Hebrew/Aramaic for chariot and the name still in use today for the IDF's main battle tank, crop sprays onto his people below.

Somebody claimed angel hair is the effect of a mothership departing from this dimension as it enters another one, it is supposedly the radioactive discharge of this event. This obviously is a concern to me and others who have been crop sprayed with this angel hair.

posted on Jun, 7 2016 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: DieSektor

Orange Orbs have been reported rising from water in Myrtle Beach, SC. I have seen some videos, perhaps you can search on the web for them. They seem to be like plasma. I am also familiar with ball lightning, but these do not seem to be that. These are controlled and purposeful.

posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
a reply to: EcFnDoubleU

Here's an amber/orange type that we filmed after seeing many of them we filmed for about half an hour earlier that night. This was day break at 5am, we were so tired but this solitary orb was still with us.

You have shown the video before the problem is there are so many issues with it. Digital zoom is waste of time as you can clearly see but what I cant understand if the claimed orb left why didn't you walk over to the location and film there. Also phone cameras have the equivalent of a wide angle lens so objects look further away than they actually are. To me I looks like someone camping/working over at the trees as you can see houses on the left at the start of the video.

All these orb threads jump to the same conclusion from POOR quality video/images and from what it seems GREATLY exaggerated claims about these events.

The other common thing is the people making the claims ALL seem to have multiple / regular sightings yet never seem to be prepared to document them with some descent equipment that makes the BS detector go wild.

Always the same LAME excuses for the some quality evidence every time.

posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: aaa12585

It actually stayed orange afterwards instead of switching between red and orange. Not sure about brightness, but it appeared to keep the same brightness throughout until it took the 10-20 second dim-session.

What sort of brightness was the orb in when it went just into the orange mode following the electrical discharge, say in a range 1 - 10 of its normal output?

I can't say for certain. I thought it was a helicopter as there was an actual helicopter flying past it from my point of view (turns out, it was a bit further out from the orb), so I had diverted my eyes to look for a song to play in the car. It was the sudden burst of discharge that I caught from peripheral to bolt for a look (no pun intended).

So, specific change in brightness, I can't say. But it appeared to be the same brightness as it had presented when I originally gazed upon it.

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008

All these orb threads jump to the same conclusion from POOR quality video/images and from what it seems GREATLY exaggerated claims about these events.

What greatly exaggerated claims? This footage from 2006 is the only true ufo orb for sure on this site because it was real. A real amber/orange type ufo orb. No exaggeration at all. Debunk all you will but never forget that you have now seen an actual ufo orb.

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: aaa12585

Thank you so much for the information, Catching a ufo orb in discharge mode is so rare. Of all the reports out there and people I've been in contact with who have had a Close Encounter, only two other people have reported the same.

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
but what I cant understand if the claimed orb left why didn't you walk over to the location and film there.

Ok you make a valid point.

I was sort of pretty scared being honest and realistic about it. I saw this (last solitary) ufo orb on our departure from the bulk of them maybe twenty minutes behind us as we walked back. We were stunned by what we had just seen. In addition to the fact that we were just out to check up to see if there were still ufo orbs around after our main sighting five days earlier that was up there with Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. To put it bluntly we were pretty stunned by the whole ordeal and you could have offered me loads of money but I was going to go close up after nearly getting abducted five days earlier, believe me it was totally absolutely weird.
edit on 9-6-2016 by ufoorbhunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: DieSektor

The most likely explanation is that these "orbs" are simply sky lanterns (alternative Chinese lanterns, etc.)

A sky lantern, also known as Kongming lantern or Chinese lantern, is a small hot air balloon made of paper, with an opening at the bottom where a small fire is suspended.
In Asia and elsewhere around the world, sky lanterns have been traditionally made for centuries, to be launched for play or as part of long-established festivities. The name "sky lantern" is a translation of the Chinese name tiān dēng (天燈, 天灯). Sky lanterns have also been referred to as sky candles or fire balloons, however the latter term is also used to refer to balloon munitions used during World War II.



posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 01:09 AM
I joined the forum to post in this thread. While Occam's Razor can be a useful tool, the red balls of light are emphatically not chinese lanterns.

We have had a the fortune to witness these balls of light on various occasion as close as within metres. These balls of light do appear as a plasma form, ethereal in nature and are seen with the naked eye. They also appear on camera of you are well timed to catch them and have a decent one to use. We have seen them bright white and orange/red (mufon has a project ongoing called Project Orange with Terry Ray and others contributing but the information seems off in some respect for me personally). They are about the size of soccer balls and move in a floating/gliding manner with intelligence to avoid solid structures. They have the ability to turn off or what appears to be reabsorbing their light source so as to be unseen. In this mode they can be seen as a translucent dark form. We have twice seen them travel in this darkened mode clustered together with other spheres as if you were looking at a sack of netballs. The first time it was several metres above us and looked like a dark cloaked mass several metres across. The second time it was even closer and we made sure to get close enough that detail could be seen and found that they were clustered together in the form previously described.

I have uploaded recreated images here:

We have some video footage of these balls of light in red/orange colour. They often appear when pyrotechnic displays are going off - but are not to be confused with fireworks. They are as far as I can gather the same as the balls of light seen in relation to crop formations and descriptions of the foo fighters.

They are very real, not holographic projections, can travel high in the sky various hundreds of metres and descend to a metre or so off ground. They are not chinese lanterns but similar in appearance at a high altitude.

There has been some experience of the sphere or ball of light morphing, as one of us experienced. But will keep that experience for the moment. Here is a similar experience someone recorded:

If anyone has genuine insights into what these are and whats going on beyond stating they are chinese lanterns please feel free to drop us a message at [email protected]
edit on 10-6-2016 by Wyrmspleen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: DieSektor

Have you tried looking at them through a telescope? A telescope might give you a closer view of those orange orbs and you might find more details about them. Is it a or miltary project or something else all together? No can tell for sure!
edit on Aug 8th 2016 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: tracy18
a reply to: DieSektor

Have you tried looking at them through a telescope? A telescope might give you a closer view of those orange orbs and you might find more details about them. Is it a UFO or miltary project or something else all together? No can tell for sure!

If it's a military project as you put it then it's been going on at the very least since Mr Christ got born and the 'star' of Bethlehem emerged. There is no way that the (real) ufo orbs are a military project, for sure our scientists could be copying these devices/life forms but these things go back in records right back to the year dot.

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