posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Frankenchrist
There was one.
At least I believe there was ONE.
Many "predictions" come true simply because of probability, nothing else.
I can predict right now that in the next three months there will be a massive flood which kills more than a hundred people. I can add in all kinds of
imagery into that, making it look like there are a lot of details, things that people can later fixate on. The fact is that somewhere in the world
there WILL BE a massive flood in the next three months. The probability of it is very high.
I could predict that there will be a mass shooting in the next six months. Does it make me psychic? No, it just means that I know these things seem to
happen in the US every few months and nothing has changed to prevent it, it's going to happen again at some point.
But with this, a nuclear detonation, the probability of it happening is a million to one. It's one of the most unlikely possibilities, it's
reasonable for logical people to come to the conclusion that it's not going to happen.
I don't refuse the possibility that some are able to predict the *likely* future on a subconscious level, and I believe that this is because some
have extremely analytical minds and can come to conclusions when given enough information, like forming a puzzle from millions of little pieces of
information that might not make sense on their own to the conscious mind.
But this prediction has no basis in reality that I can see, and is nothing more than someone being dramatic. It's doom porn.