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Vatican bank chiefs resign amid scandal

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posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 05:13 PM

Vatican bank chiefs resign amid scandal

The director of the Vatican bank Paolo Cipriani and his deputy Massimo Tulli have resigned following the latest developments in a broadening financial scandal.

Cipriani and Tulli handed in their resignations on Monday "in the best interest of the institute and the Holy See", the Vatican said in a statement.

Their resignations came three days after Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, a senior cleric with close connections to the bank, was arrested along with Giovanni Zito, a secret services agent, and Giovanni Carenzio, a financial broker, on suspicion of corruption and fraud.

They are accuse
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 05:13 PM
Director and deputy resign.

Easiest escape route.

They handed in their resignations in best interest of the holy see.

Off into the sunset with your earnings never to be heard of again.

This is what the politicians did, its what the bankers did.

When it looks like you might get found out , its time to disappear.

This needs to be swept under the carpet as quickly as possible. Otherwise you could end an explosive enough story that could actually finish the catholic church and the vatican
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by lacrimaererum

This needs to be swept under the carpet as quickly as possible. Otherwise you could end an explosive enough story that could actually finish the catholic church and the vatican

Lots of skeletons in the vatican closet. I have contempt for all churches and religions, but vatican is way above and beyond going back 2000 years.

This is almost a non-story but thanks anyway.

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 10:08 PM
I see that Pope Francis set up the investigative commission and obviously something was found if they resigned. Does anyone have the power to prosecute these criminals?

Also it claims one of the party's members is a secret services agent. Agent of who exactly?

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 10:16 PM
Is this all that life has been reduced to even on the level of religious institutions? Fraud, corruption, and deceit? /sigh I wonder about the state of things at this point. Given the way the church portrays itself you would think that they would be a bit above this. I guess it is as they say one does not simply showcase the mindset of the whole; rather just one bad apple from the bunch or in this case two.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by MystiqueAgent
Is this all that life has been reduced to even on the level of religious institutions? Fraud, corruption, and deceit? /sigh I wonder about the state of things at this point. Given the way the church portrays itself you would think that they would be a bit above this. I guess it is as they say one does not simply showcase the mindset of the whole; rather just one bad apple from the bunch or in this case two.

If I robbed a bank even for 100 euro I would be in jail the same day waiting for the court to issue bail.

The government and church can do almost anything they want, call it scandal, then resign and everything is forgotten.

Its not about this financial scandal either. Did people forget the massive priest pedophelia ring that has been plaguing the catholic church now for a decade? Bishops, Cardinals, Pope all covering it up and making the victims sound dellusional.

Or the indulgences. Or the secret library.

Many, many skeletons!

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Oh yes I am very aware of the two sides of the law how it is different from those in higher positions than it is for us down on Earth ( it seems ). It's not right and frankly don't think it will ever be fixed since they are probably holding hands as much as couples do.


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