reply to post by Shiloh7
The simple answer to that, is that they cannot possibly have a clue what the people they are allegedly representing are thinking, feeling, needing and
what is affecting them, and what that really means.
Frankly we have not had a true Labour Party for about thirty years. The last bunch to be what I would consider proper working fellows, who had taken
up the banner for the common man, left office and politics well before I was born in 1985.
Since that, we have had increasing levels of disconnection between the Labour Party and the voting public. As a result, there is no longer a
socialist element in modern British politics, and I for one think that stinks. I do not think it is necessary for me to explain what I believe has
lead to this terrible state of affairs, which means a total lack of representation of the common man, by any party ,let alone the one which would
traditionally have done so. We all know the history of this particular farce, but the crucial thing now is to combat it.
Right now, socialist politics in the UK has taken such a bashing, that over the last ten years, the very term has become almost a dirty word, no
doubt as a result of failiures in education, and a lack of awareness in the newer generations, of what it actually is, or indeed of what anything that
happened before 1997 actually was.
Someone needs to take a stand, and announce PROUDLY that we SHOULD have a free, and equal access health service, that we SHOULD have a comprehensive
unemployment benifit, that we SHOULD be ensuring that all jobs offer a living wage, that we SHOULD prevent excess earnings in parliament and in
Whitehall, and we SHOULD be fighting Tory party theft at every turn.
We should be out in the streets announcing that blatant profiteering in ANY arena is not acceptable, that those who have the most should bear the
greatest burden in terms of tax, and I do not mean just by paying a greater number of pounds, but paying a VAST proportion of thier salaries to
government. Everyone knows that the people who earn bugger all, despite doing all the real work around this Godforsaken rock, pay HUGE percentages of
thier yearly wealth to government, to the point where a council tax bill can ruin a person if they havent got thier crap together.
But stupendously wealthy people? They can pay half a million and more and not even notice, because they have TEN million plus in various bank
accounts world wide. Why is that allowed? No one can earn tens of millions of pounds by hard graft. You earn that sort of money by ownership, which is
not work and therefore should have NO BLOODY REWARD! One should SWEAT for thier bread, not sit in an office rubbing ones hands together over ones
burgeoning property portfolio. And yet it is those who do just this, who currently populate the Labour Party, them and those you mention who were born
to thier money, and have never so much as received a splinter, nor changed a tap, nor a car battery, or even wiped thier own fundament after
performing thier toilet.