posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 12:09 AM
I agree though, I shouldn't attack the opponent just fight for my position.
Well I did just this in "The Soldier" thread, and was attacked in the worst of way by Dragonrider.
Now I doubt he realizes just the severity of "What is your combat experience?" but to me that is worse than death.
And I'd kill a man on the street for less than that.
I live my life by Bushido, I have nothing in me to stop me from doing any assigned task in War, and I am fearless when it comes to battle. However
I'm missing one thing.
And it's not the first time Dragonrider responded in such a way, hence why we probably had a big falling out a ways back.
But that was the response that was given when I mentioned a very valid point.
Something happend I'm very thankful of but that has NEVER HAPPEND BEFORE.
Some one actually pointed out the wrong that was done to me, publically.
I've been wronged many times as much as I've wronged, but the difference has always been, no one stands up for me, but everyone stands up against me
when I do the same.
Thank you John Nada for breaking that curse.