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What Britain Really Thinks About UFO’s...

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posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 01:33 PM
Why There Are No Alien Visitors –But Maybe Time Travellers…
If you want to know what Britain’s political Establishment really thinks about UFO’s you should watch the BCC’s Daily Politics 21/06/13 at the 45 minute and 22 second mark.

Here they’re explaining why Britain’s Ministry Of Defence closed down its public UFO hotline –after 50 years of its existence. Basically: In addition to ever increasing misuse by people from “other psychological dimensions”, it appears (that although there have in fact been many well-documented, unexplained instances, of seriously advanced aircraft) the telephone line produced “no information of military value”. Mostly because ET (whoever that is) never stops to say hello –pass any meaningful information.

There then follows a very challenging debate about this subject…
Granted: it is very true that the chances of intelligent life somewhere else within this massive universe are all but certain.

1. But the distances between earth and just it’s nearest other star is over 4 light years! Between many stars it is billions of years.
2 A. The chances of intelligent life, that is as sophisticated as we (for most of our 3 million year existence we’ve been pretty primitive in technology, and for most of the Earths 4.54 billion year existence all creatures were incapable of space travel –barring certain fungi spores)
B. And which has not wiped itself out with nuclear war, or some other disaster.
C. And which has been able to create craft that travel at the speed of light (or above) which do not collide into space dust-debris (quite hard given radar works only at a maximum of half the speed of light –once send beam out, half to receive it back) and which quite possibly has to send craft on journeys 100 of years or more in duration
D. And (when it finally discovers intelligent life) resists the gift to us of making useful contact, is…
(When all this is considered together) extremely low.

3. One might also want to consider the government response in all this. There are now many, many, declassified government files showing multiple independent cases, of multiple military prfessionals (who had nothing to gain) reporting UFO phenomena, which is of craft achieving speeds far greater than anything the human race is likely to likely to possess today. Yet no government, anywhere says: “There are aliens trying to make contact”. But if any government is aware of Time Travellers it might not want to publicise this knowledge for fear of interfering with what would then be the time traveller’s future. This is especially true given time travellers are likely to possess capabilities far greater than any governments.

Some reckon if government did say: “Aliens have been visiting Earth for centuries as shown by religious artwork”
Everybody would be running to the Forth Bridge to commit mass suicide. I doubt this. I find it so absurd it does not even register why the government would keep UFO’s secret –only a distraction.

4. In addition to not making contact (perhaps because ET is so advanced they can gather all information needed about Earth in one trip, before travelling back?) ET also seems to suffer a chronic shortage of memory (as is deducible from their constant visits). I mean they visit Earth so often that they even appear on Google Earth (and I’m not denying that something with advanced craft does) but for it to be alien is just….
Then we have to take into account that UFO’s are often photographed-witnessed at key stages in human history. There was even one over Fukushima (although that could be foreign government monitoring).

5. Which raises the interesting question…

What the heck are all these advanced UFO sightings?
What for instance is The Black Knight satellite?

A product of ancient civilisation? Maybe, but for many reasons satellites normally lose their orbits after a few decades –never mind millennia. And this satellite also appears to periodically raise-lower its orbit today.
Or: A warning-detection system against time travellers from the distant future, placed by something of our own future?

Then consider there is good evidence for time travel.
Here is one of my favourite threads with the Chinese Tomb & Swiss Watch…

Unlike faster than light travel it does not actually break any known law of physics. Whilst it is true (at the moment) you would have to travel faster than light speed, or survive the gravity of a Black Hole to go backwards into time this does not mean it is the only means permissible. Perhaps just like it was one true the only way of starting fire was by rubbing sticks together.

Just Bare in Mind…
It is fact that the U.S government once manufactured evidence for alien craft as a way of disguising secret aircraft projects, and of causing the Soviets to waste money.

This book threatens to demolish that faith. Because here Mark Pilkington sets out to prove that the U.S. government really has been conducting a top-secret UFO conspiracy - only one designed not to hide UFOs but publicise them, fuelling and even creating the major UFO myths. Flying saucers, alien abductions, crash-landed spacecraft, secret underground bases in New Mexico - they were all created by the U.S. government.

The government is not scarred about you learning about aliens!
Government might fear you learning of ancient civilisations that wiped themselves out with advanced technologies…
See ancient megaliths NOT destroyed by anything like the Spanish of 300 years ago
See ancient nuclear reactor:
See ancient nuclear war:
Since this would then constitute a warning-message against today’s politics & policies.

And it might fear you learning of time travellers, if time travellers have warned them not to publicise their interference.
Or: Time travellers haven’t even been in contact with government, but do evade capture, and cause a huge amount of unexplained sightings, yet ultimately all “of no military value”.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Liberal1984

If there are time travelers we will never get a shred of proof because it would be in their records and be easy enough to avoid. Paradox much….

If warp drive is ever proven feasible I will rethink the alien possibility however it would still be slim.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 01:54 PM
A lot to digest there.

Your link to the Daily Politics Show is out of date now as it's expired on I-Player.

Try this one

The problem I have with time travel is that it's a similar issue with space travel. The earth travels through space at an estimated 390km per second. So to travel through time it is also necessary to travel through space as well. The longer the gap in time then obviously the larger the distance in space. So whatever time travel method is devised then we would also need to conquer the issue of where this would take you in the universe.

Now I am not saying either are impossible. A society that is a million years ahead of us may well have conquered these issues. Just as we might one day. If we survive. But time travel and deep space travel are not as mutually exclusive as perhaps they first seem.

edit on 30/6/13 by mirageman because: Link provided

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Liberal1984

Your instances of A-D are void if even a simple alien society equal maybe to us today, came across the secrets of space manipulation or some form of travel that we as yet have not even come across.

We really are on the verge of knowing more but we know to little to make judgements about the difficulties of travel in light year distances.

We also fail to have an open mind, there may be lifeforms more knowledgeable then us right here in or on earth or neighboring planets, none of this can yet be ruled out.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:16 PM
To be honest I couldn't really give a rats ass about what politicians or the general public say about UFO's in the UK. I know they are real, I have seen them

Thanks for sharing though.

Be safe be well, and rememeber, truth is only seen with your own eyes


posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Spiro

Be safe be well, and rememeber, truth is only seen with your own eyes


Or as George Carlin might say............

If you "HAVE" Eyes.............

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Liberal1984

Very nice post

but its very hard to rule out ET's just because we humans are not able to comprehend the the physics behind long distance travels at the moment. And to then boil it down to something we can understand and accept right now just seem to convenient.

Just look at this universe simulation below and repeat yourself " but for it to be alien is just…. "
Its not hard to imagine the massive power and tech a million year old ET civ would/could have.

One thing is for sure, there are something not human flying arround out there ETs or timetravellers who knows

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Nasa is reportedly working on a version of 'warp drive' right now..only a century after we managed to get off the ground in flimsy wood and canvas aircraft..imagine what we'd be doing in just another century or two!

The idea is not to drive the craft to and beyond the speed of light, at the moment that isn't possible for us to do (we haven't worked out or discovered the exotic physics required to get around the mass/energy problem), so the theory is to keep the craft stationary, and move spacetime around the craft instead.

It's interesting to note that this tactic could be the perfect explaination for some of the stranger phenomena UFOs display...the light bubble enveloping the craft, the rapid acceleration, the ball of light suddenly morphing into a solid nuts and bolts craft and other things.

As for advanced ETs probably killing themselves off in warfare...we haven't yet, and if we have any sense we never will either..perhaps a million ET civilisations did kill themselves off, millions more came close but didn't, and maybe millions more don't even have a concept of what warfare is.

But it does raise a possibility. If ET knows war and has survived a war like planet, it's reasonable that once they venture into space they might well reason that the best way to survive any other hostile species out there is to go on the offensive and seek out and destroy any other / all species they encounter, even those that are primitive by their standards, as an insurance against future attack.

The best defense and all that.

I'm sure there are all sorts out there...aggressive, peaceful, primitive, advanced, super-advanced, unimaginably-advanced..we just better hope that those we come across are of the peaceful kind..although saying that, our wonderful leaders will probably try to kill them.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by MysterX
reply to post by Grimpachi

.although saying that, our wonderful leaders will probably try to kill them.

Haha, Amen to that! battleship style, they are killed or forced to leave within 24 hours - thats how tough we are

well with all those ET abductions recorded, many of them of children and alot that did no return, i wouldnt call that entirely peacefull - looks like they show more human behavior than we would like, they are curious bout various species, pinning them up like butterfly collectors, controlling their enviroment and such - if thats the case we are pretty much screwed.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Minus

Thing is though, depending on the technology they use to get about in deep space, people taken by them in say..1947 might have only left a few days ago. If they are using a propulsion that travels using a warp device, time would pass faster for us, than for them. They may have only been travelling for a few days, but over 60 years might have shot by for us.

Other possibilities exist too.

Their technology may have the ability to dimensionaly travel..perhaps the people they took, who didn't return...would have died anyway. ET may actually have saved their lives by taking them.

The truth is we don't have enough information to draw any firm conclusions about any aspects of Ufology or ET. Even our speculations are going to be wild beyond wild, because the facts may be even wilder than we realise.

We know they exist and probably exist in billions of different species on billions of different worlds, and we also know from our own experience that todays cutting edge science and technology is tomorrows quaint and backwards tinkerings, so it's a certainty our science and technology will continue to advance exponentially...already tasks that took months only a few years ago, are now being done in minutes, tomorrow they may be done in nanoseconds...or less.

IOW, we will discover the physics to either beat/get around/nullify the mass/energy problem regarding FTL travel, or to do away with the need to even move through space at all, as mentioned in the 'warp drive' research being done now.

And when we do, it's certain there will be many species humans will visit and some of them will be saying it would be impossible for humans to travel through interstellar space to reach them, it must be all delusion and missidentification!

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by MysterX

I agree to all you say. We need information and we cannot conclude anything specificly by what we know now, we can only asume things - we are a very impatient and curious race us humans, want to solve and explain everything right now

i like your little twist at the end of your post:

And when we do, it's certain there will be many species humans will visit and some of them will be saying it would be impossible for humans to travel through interstellar space to reach them, it must be all delusion and missidentification!

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:05 PM
Interesting points, the time element is beyond me, but I want to throw a thought into the mix, at least:

I came to the conclusion the other day, imagine if Earth was a quarter the size it is, or a quarter the size of a quarter sized Earth. Can a planet like that exist and support life? It it can they are probably more likely to work in unity (as a planet) a lot quicker than our larger Earth's. So could a gigantic planet, in effect, just be a gigantic mess? You only need to look at ours to see a simple oceanic gap discerns global unity or not.

We've achieved a lot of science in our years as a barely unified earth. Imagine what a smaller planet could do
And maybe they have figured out time (and space) a little better than we have

My personal belief, yes, there is something to do with time in it. But I can barely fathom algebra, I'll never understand what it could mean in terms of time, how it may be manipulated or what role it plays exactly - other than that co-incidence (and the UFO phenomena) either go hand in hand or there's true time manipulation going on. No proof of this for internet readers though sorry this is all based on personal experience and how it makes me feel. And I can't describe my feelings at the best of times

PS. UFOs: A British Standpoint book, published in the 70's, read it in 2012....could not believe, after 5 years of research (and no book reading) relevant it seemed. UFO phenomena is almost timeless, all the ancient ideas and how a book can be relevant 32 years after publishing... Like I said co-incidence or clear time manipulation of some kind?

I got this feeling that solving more about "co-incidence" may lead us to more understanding of UFO's, the phenomena, or time, or something. When I truly understand co-incidence I think I will have a clear understanding of the UFO/paranormal phenomena. Something causes co-incidence to happen, and co-incidence's occur for all manner of emotions, feelings and of all the wackiest things we can ever imagine, that's what makes them a co-incidence. Can't connect the dots myself. But I think it has answers about time in it. And time may have answers about the UFO phenomena. And I'm British


Edit. I just clicked your link about the swiss watch, and am happy to see that photo of the shades wearing chap in 1940 in the same thread. And it reminded me of something when I first saw it - so I've just tagged my friend on FB who is a spitting image of the guy bottom left, I mean, spitting. Directly into your mouth. Another completely unexplainable co-incidence that occurs when I delve into issues of time. Let alone the shades guy looks a bit like me. And he's wearing a top with an "M" on it, my name begins with M...da furrkk..??!! Me and my mate dopplegangers in a time travel photo? Please someone else must be having these kind of bizarre co-incidences?
Icing on the cake. Go to ATS talk about co-incidence and be reminded of a massive co-incidence. and I did put in some effort elsewhere today all the nice co-incidences happen when you spread the love
edit on 30-6-2013 by markymint because: Found more co-incidences

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:20 PM
Maybe we are the time travelers...Maybe the UFO/Alien phenomena is does time travel work....if we could go back in time, say, like Marty McFly...can we really interact with ourselves..what's to say The Grey's aint us from the future...Just a thought ...

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:31 PM
If so, ohh god, why did we let the beauty of women die through the ages? Was it because we banned Page 3?

Why did we do away with our noses and grow our eyes so huge? Did something so terrible happen to us that we mutated into some non clothes wearing species that need to study cows to survive?

Man, with that in mind, I pity our future

Only one thing to say really: Goobacks.


posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by markymint

I came to the conclusion the other day, imagine if Earth was a quarter the size it is, or a quarter the size of a quarter sized Earth. Can a planet like that exist and support life? It it can they are probably more likely to work in unity (as a planet) a lot quicker than our larger Earth's. So could a gigantic planet, in effect, just be a gigantic mess? You only need to look at ours to see a simple oceanic gap discerns global unity or not.

Interesting thought - how small a planet can be to no longer be able support intelligent life that can travel out into space (lets say a local moon landing), taking into consideration that intelligent cretures can be relatively small.
For 3 inch tall intelligent being, a quarter of a quarter of an earts size planet would appear larger then the earth do to us.
There is also alot of other variables needed to be considered when estimating how fast it will take, like behavior, their mentality, their curiosity and much more.
A human size specie living on a jupiter size planet could with the right set of skills get their home united as one way faster than we are doin. so i dont think size of the planet matter that much compared to the skillset of the specie living on it.

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 12:23 AM
This hypothesis is not new. The only problem is that one of the main reasons you dismiss alien visitation (the distance between the stars) can also be used to dismiss the possibility of time travelers. If you believe backwards time travel is even possible, then you are forced to accept that faster than light vehicles are also equally possible. The two are physically equivalent. You can't have one and not the other. Hence, a civilization capable of practical backwards time travel is equally capable of colonizing the entire galaxy.

edit on 1-7-2013 by Diablos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 08:03 AM
Everyone: It’s not just a question of reaching Earth with its intelligent life, it’s a question of finding it (since most Earth’s found by telescope, would still be at the animal level of intelligence).

markymint Interesting point you have about the Earth being smaller, yet appearing bigger to its smaller inhabitants. Which raises another question…

Why does ET always look like human beings? The “Grey Alien” became the face of aliens because it’s also the most widely seen. However aliens could have looked like ants-flies-spiders. Or they could have been man shaped but 3 times our height, or a third our height. But no…
Turns out Mr ET has to look just like one of us wearing a face mask.

Full Body Suits…
A time traveller coming from the future would need to wear a full body suit. Not to protect itself, but to protect us from coming into contact with any (seemingly) benign germs they have on their body, but that have had the benefit of a few extra hundred-thousand extra years’ worth of evolution compared with our own. Because If one of those germs got out, and mated with our germs, then in a few thousand years time this germs ancestors would find itself on the body of the time traveller, and then have the benefit of another few thousand years of evolution, and again, and again…
In short bad supper plagues would be bound to happen because it would have no trouble evolving outside equilibrium with its environment.

Diablos The only problem is that one of the main reasons you dismiss alien visitation (the distance between the stars) can also be used to dismiss the possibility of time travelers. If you believe backwards time travel is even possible, then you are forced to accept that faster than light vehicles are also equally possible.

Not so, on two counts…
Travelling faster than light does not mean travelling through unsafe space filled with dust. It could simply mean travelling round & round a safe circuit. Secondly: Travelling faster than light is not the only means to go backwards in time (as said in the OP). Extreme gravity does it, as does extreme magnetism, as does this principle that (I was reading elsewhere) may enable us to do it with ultra-powerful laser beams in a cone shape i.e. beams so powerful they have their own mass…

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by markymint
If so, ohh god, why did we let the beauty of women die through the ages? Was it because we banned Page 3?

Why did we do away with our noses and grow our eyes so huge? Did something so terrible happen to us that we mutated into some non clothes wearing species that need to study cows to survive?

Man, with that in mind, I pity our future

Only one thing to say really: Goobacks.


Radiation effects due to world war 3 and gross mutations of the genetic code. Anything is possible
Maybe their here to take genetic material to re-establish pre-world war 3 genetics in the future.
That's assuming any of this is true or even possible in the future

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 09:20 AM
I always felt the time traveller theory is a strong argument. It could help explain why UFOs seem to improve over the decades. Perhaps they (we humans in the future) can travel back a maximum amount of time, say 100 years.

So the craft we saw in the 1940s travelled back in time from the 2040s, and the craft we see now, like the black triangles and rectangles, are from the 2100s.

One big question for me is why are we not overrun with time travellers. I know that UFO sightings are growing year on year, but they are still few and far between. Maybe time travel technology is highly regulated in the future, only feasible for military / academic applications, because it requires anti-matter, or some other scarce resource.

Interesting discussion though, perhaps the most coherent theory about UFOs.

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 10:10 AM

One big question for me is why are we not overrun with time travellers.
It doesn’t sound like that any of the technologies for time travel will allow Joe Blog’s to go time travelling from his back yard.

And if artificial intelligence ever becomes dominant over humanity, it could be that it is it a lot more uniform in obeying regulation than we would ever be.
I’d imagine that the nature of time travel (being available to all future civilisations) lends it to becoming dominated-controlled by whichever one of all future civilisations is most able & willing to dominate.

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