Why There Are No Alien Visitors –But Maybe Time Travellers…
If you want to know what Britain’s political Establishment really thinks about UFO’s you should watch the BCC’s Daily Politics 21/06/13 at the
45 minute and 22 second mark.
Here they’re explaining why Britain’s Ministry Of Defence closed down its public UFO hotline –after 50 years of its existence. Basically: In
addition to ever increasing misuse by people from “other psychological dimensions”, it appears (that although there have
in fact been many
well-documented, unexplained instances, of seriously advanced aircraft) the telephone line produced “no information of military value”. Mostly
because ET (whoever that is) never stops to say hello –pass any meaningful information.
There then follows a very challenging debate about this subject…
Granted: it is very true that the chances of intelligent life somewhere else within this massive universe are all but certain.
1. But the distances between earth and just it’s nearest other star is over 4 light years! Between many stars it is billions of years.
2 A. The chances of intelligent life, that is as sophisticated as we (for most of our 3 million year existence we’ve been pretty primitive in
technology, and for most of the Earths 4.54 billion year existence all creatures were incapable of space travel –barring certain fungi spores)
B. And which has not wiped itself out with nuclear war, or some other disaster.
C. And which has been able to create craft that travel at the speed of light (or above)
which do not collide into space dust-debris
(quite hard given radar works only at a maximum of half the speed of light –once send beam out, half to receive it back) and which quite possibly
has to send craft on journeys 100 of years or more in duration
D. And (when it finally discovers intelligent life) resists the gift to us of making useful contact, is…
(When all this is considered together) extremely low.
3. One might also want to consider the government response in all this. There are
now many, many, declassified government files showing
multiple independent cases, of multiple military prfessionals (who had nothing to gain) reporting UFO phenomena, which is of craft achieving speeds
far greater than anything the human race is likely to likely to possess today. Yet no government, anywhere says:
“There are aliens trying to make
contact”. But if any government is aware of Time Travellers it might not want to publicise this knowledge for fear of interfering with what
would then be the time traveller’s future. This is especially true given time travellers are likely to possess capabilities far greater than any
Some reckon if government did say: “Aliens have been visiting Earth for centuries as shown by religious artwork”
Everybody would be running to the Forth Bridge to commit mass suicide. I doubt this. I find it so absurd it does not even register why the government
would keep UFO’s secret –only a distraction.
4. In addition to not making contact (perhaps because ET is so advanced they can gather all information needed about Earth in one trip, before
travelling back?) ET also seems to suffer a chronic shortage of memory (as is deducible from their constant visits). I mean they visit Earth so often
that they even appear on Google Earth (and I’m not denying that something with advanced craft does) but for it to be alien is just….
Then we have to take into account that UFO’s are often photographed-witnessed at key stages in human history. There was even one over Fukushima
(although that could be foreign government monitoring).
5. Which raises the interesting question…
What the heck are all these advanced UFO sightings?
What for instance is The Black Knight satellite?
A product of ancient civilisation? Maybe, but for many reasons satellites normally lose their orbits after a few decades –never mind millennia. And
this satellite also appears to periodically raise-lower its orbit today.
A warning-detection system against time travellers from the distant future, placed by something of our own future?
Then consider there is good evidence for time travel.
Here is one of my favourite threads with the Chinese Tomb & Swiss Watch…
Unlike faster than light travel it does not actually break any known law of physics. Whilst it is true (at the moment) you would have to travel faster
than light speed, or survive the gravity of a Black Hole to go backwards into time this does not mean it is the only means permissible. Perhaps just
like it was one true the only way of starting fire was by rubbing sticks together.
Just Bare in Mind…
It is fact that the U.S government once manufactured evidence for alien craft as a way of disguising secret aircraft projects, and of causing the
Soviets to waste money.
This book threatens to demolish that faith. Because here Mark Pilkington sets out to prove that the U.S. government really has been conducting
a top-secret UFO conspiracy - only one designed not to hide UFOs but publicise them, fuelling and even creating the major UFO myths. Flying saucers,
alien abductions, crash-landed spacecraft, secret underground bases in New Mexico - they were all created by the U.S. government.
The government is not scarred about you learning about aliens!
Government might fear you learning of ancient civilisations that wiped themselves out with advanced technologies…
See ancient megaliths NOT destroyed by anything like the Spanish of 300 years ago
See ancient nuclear reactor:
See ancient nuclear war:
Since this would then constitute a warning-message against today’s politics & policies.
And it might fear you learning of time travellers, if time travellers have warned them not to publicise their interference.
Or: Time travellers haven’t even been in contact with government, but do evade capture, and cause a huge amount of unexplained sightings, yet
ultimately all “of no military value”.