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‘Ima kill me a [snipped]: Death threats against George Zimmerman, random white people explode duri

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+10 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:11 AM
[link removed]

Above is the link.

T&C forbids me from posting offensive material so I would urge anyone to read the link provided. Too many swears for me to edit out.

It's 2013 for heavens sake! And we have to deal with this garbage! Personally, I think it's mostly bull poop. Threats, talk, is just that.


As a firm believer in the 1st Amendment, I think people should be free o speak their mind.

But with the recent events with Paula Deen, I see a dichotomy here. I guess it's just socially acceptable to hate on whitey.

Post, don't post, reply, don't reply. Just wanted to share a sad slice of society.

Why does it seem like for every step forward, we take 5 steps back?

edit on Sat Jun 29 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: 15b.) Profanity: You will not use profanity in our forums on the Websites, and will neither Post with language or content that is obscene, sexually oriented, or sexually suggestive nor link to sites that contain such content. You will also not use common alternative spellings or net-speak alternative for profane words. Terms and Conditions of Use--Please Review

**ALL MEMBERS** The recent surge in Hatred, Racism, and Sheer Stupidity STOPS NOW
edit on Sat Jun 29 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: The END of Hate Speech, subtle or otherwise, on ATS

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Because unfortunately, people suck.

It's a sad mad world we live in.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:17 AM
Folks should be careful about their tweets.

Some kid in Texas has been sitting in jail for months now on charges of making "terroristic threats" because of a joke he made while chatting in an MMO.

Here we have threats of a specific action with a specific target named. Sounds actionable to me. Round'em up oh mighty NSA.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:18 AM

Why does it seem like for every step forward, we take 5 steps back?

Because the people in charge want it this way.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

They won't round these people up!
These peoples' actions would cause chaos.
They like chaos.

+13 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:22 AM
This whole thing is being spun to cause a race war and distract us from the real issues.

Sadly too many of us are falling into the trap.

Black, White, anyone for that matter, we all need to unite.

George Zimmerman does not represent every white person, and Trayvon Martin does not represent all black people. If Zimmerman is found not guilty, things will probably get ugly...I can easily foresee agent provocation and martial law coming to the USA.

edit on 6/29/2013 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

+14 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
If Zimmerman is found not guilty, things will probably get ugly...I can easily foresee agent provocation and martial law coming to the USA.

Based on what I saw this week in the trial .. if Zimmerman is found guilty of Murder 2 it will be because the jury felt pressure to do so. Heck, at this point even the Martin cheer leaders at MSNBC have started saying that Zimmerman acted in self defense.

If there are riots, it'll be because the MSM hyped this case up ... because Obama put his nose in it and further stirred the pot with his 'if I had a son he'd look like Martin' crap .... because it's the middle of the biggest heat of summer and the inner city will be looking for a stres release and a reason to loot to get free stuff ... because the New Black Panthers and other race baiters have been blabbing for months and months and getting people worked up.

Certain segments of the population won't care about truth .. they'll only want to get their looting in. And the 'not guilty of murder' verdict that is coming will give them an excuse.

It'll also be an excuse for the government to 'crack down' on civilians. So we all have to wonder a bit if that wasn't part of the plan by certain parts of the government and media ... to flame the fire of black anger and make this a race thing when it wasn't. The government will take advantage of what is coming ... in fact, they helped build the dam that is going to break. IMHO

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:29 AM
I have to believe that the majority are too busy with their lives and just a few want to express their opinion on the matter.

But the very nature of their expression leads me to believe that there is an underlying systemic problem with our society.

Something far beyond a white/black split.

If we could look past the symptoms (expressed in the link in the OP) and discover the root problem, we might stand a chance at building a better society.

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:29 AM
If you ever get a deep splinter, one of those that you just don't seem to be able to get out easily, you have two options. One is to let it fester just enough, then lance it to let the poison drain and remove the splinter. It hurts for just a minute, but it will heal up. The other is to put a bandaid over the splinter and try to ignore it. It'll look a lot better a lot quicker, but underneath that bandaid an infection is setting up and growing.

Slavery was a splinter for this country. It was too deep to dig out directly. We tried to dig it out too quickly and left a pretty big scar. Then we slapped a bandaid on it (the Civil Rights Act) and called it done. Underneath that bandaid, the infection of racism started to grow in earnest. We talked about changing the bandaid, adding more bandaids, going with a different color bandaid... but we never took the bandaid off and let the infection drain.

Now the infection is spreading, and it has grown so much that it is becoming noticeable through the bandaids. The scar is still sore, and now it is going to hurt really bad if we open those bandaids and lance it so the poison can drain. So, like a spoiled child, we will sit by and try to ignore the pain and swelling for fear of the greater pain that fixing the problem will temporarily cause, until the infection becomes life-threatening.

And we will continue to amuse ourselves by considering different colored bandaids. It helps us ignore the infection.


+3 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
But with the recent events with Paula Deen, I see a dichotomy here. I guess it's just socially acceptable to hate on whitey.

Yep .. people were upset with Paul Deen ... (and rightly so IMHO) ... but then they gave Martin a free pass for his 'crazy ass cracker' racial slur. Supposedly it was horrid of Dean, but Martin gets a free pass because his great great grandpappy was probably a slave.

Hate is hate. Racism is racism. Bigotry is bigotry.

Those posts you referenced are just as evil and disgusting as when people in the KKK use the 'n' word. Actually, the posts you are referencing are worse ... they carry death threats of random people based on skin color. That's barbaric.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by beezzer

"Why does it seem like for every step forward, we take 5 steps back?"

I herd Paula Abdul has some kind of understanding of the above. LoL

As to the subject of your thread i'm in total agreement with you! It seems as a species we are doomed to repeat our mistakes. Human nature needs to change i'm afraid!

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 08:42 AM
TV is the biggest instigator of them all.

They put on shows everyday that pokes fun at every race.

We have shows like "Swamp People", "Jersey Shore", "Redneck Island", "Duck Dynasty","Cops","Bait Car", "Hardcore Pawn".

TV makes everyone look dumb and retarded.

TV makes people think its ok to be racist.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by beezzer

First thing I noticed when I read that information is how these people destroy the english language. I have no idea what is a "cracka". I don't want to know it neither.

That shows me their cultural level, we can't ask better comments from them.

....And english is not my first language.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 09:14 AM
It's the negative aspect of free speech. These people can say whatever they like, and there is very little that can be done... And, honestly, I wouldn't want it curbed. If you restrict their free speech, you're well on your way to restricting everybody's rights as well. The problem lies in the event talk turns into action. In a little twist of irony. If these were a bunch of Caucasians speaking like this in a public forum there would more than likely be a public outcry that they be charged with hate crimes. I don't condone hate speech, but on the other hand, I don't condone double standards either. Where's Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton fighting for equal rights when you need them? /sarcasm

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 09:20 AM
Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond, Al Sharpton, and Tavis Smiley are but a few examples of those who would perpetuate race as an issue for its own sake, and for the sake of their own racist agenda. They immediately go after non-black offenders of political correctness regarding race, while - as a matter of Justice Dept policy under Holder - they will not go after a black transgressor - ever!

On a lighter note:
That's just the way its gonna be until the American people again decide to elect a white "cracker" into the "Cracker House" so that we can have a cracker for a president who can appoint a cracker as Attorney General. I really love the idea of re-naming the Tea Party to the "Cracker Party" then we can all have Crackers and Tea huh?
edit on 29-6-2013 by Guadeloupe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 09:30 AM
Who says that it's socially acceptable to hate white people? Paula Deen was exposed and the Food Network dropped her because they didn't want to offend anyone, the Network has that right.

Are you suggesting the Government round up everyone that says those stupid things on twitter?

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 09:34 AM
I know this disturbs a lot of people, it disturbs me greatly as well.

If you really think about it, it's not about race, how people talk or any other difference. It's about fear.

Black people living in urban areas have fear of just living to the next day, fear of not having any money to buy food, fear for their children safety and future, fear of unjust persecution (and they have had plenty).

This fear breeds contempt and hate for anyone that threatens their social system. And how do they lash out? The only way they know how to. Violently. As demonstrated by history (see below, courtesy of Wikepedia), no matter what happens with Zimmerman, there will be a riot, at least in Florida. Will it spread? Who knows.

Recent Racial Riots
1980: Miami Riot 1980 - May. Another riot occurred there in January 1989 and again in October 1995. The causes of riots by local Blacks against cases of police brutality by the Miami Police Department and competition with Cubans, Haitians and other Latinos.
1989: Bensonhurst and Elmhurst, Queens - stand-off between Black and Italian communities of Queens in New York City, following the death of Yusuf Hawkins.
1989: Virginia Beach, Virginia - Violent incidents by African Americans and whites occurred in a public beach.
1991: Crown Heights Riot - May - between African Americans and the area's large Hasidic Jewish community, over the killing of a 10-year old black child by a Jewish motorist.
1991: Overtown, Miami - In the heavily Black section against Cuban Americans, alike earlier riots there in 1982 and 1984.
1992: 1992 Los Angeles riots - April 29 to May 5 - among the worst rioting in U.S. History.
1992: Harlem, Manhattan in New York City - July - involved Blacks and Puerto Ricans against the New York Police Department, around the time of the 1992 Democratic National Convention being held there.
1995: St. Petersburg, Florida Riot, caused by protests against racial profiling and police brutality.
2001: 2001 Cincinnati Riots - April - in the African-American section of Over-the-Rhine.
2005: Toledo, Ohio - Neo-Nazis and white supremacists marched in North Park, a mostly African-American section of town.
2006: Los Angeles - In MacArthur Park, Hispanic activists clashed with LAPD in pro-amnesty demonstration for illegal immigrants.
2009: Oakland CA, Oscar Grant Murder Riots.


For white people, It's not the fear of violence from blacks (for white people have shown a great propensity for this in the past) but the fear of losing what they have, material and personal (possessions, families, freedoms, social status, income, jobs).

Again, this is my formed opinion from what I have seen and researched, but would explain why blacks seem to be in the middle of social unrest within the United Staes and Whites aren't. When you think about it, what do blacks really have to lose?

edit on 29-6-2013 by Ahabstar because: EX tags and source is always needed when quoting external sources for proper attribution.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by muse7
Who says that it's socially acceptable to hate white people? Paula Deen was exposed and the Food Network dropped her because they didn't want to offend anyone, the Network has that right.

Are you suggesting the Government round up everyone that says those stupid things on twitter?
I wouldn't necessarily say it's socially acceptable, but it definitely isn't as socially frowned upon as if a group of white people were conducting themselves in the same manner.

+12 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

George Zimmerman does not represent every white person,

Im not sure why he would represent ANY white person... hes hispanic from his mothers side, and on his voter registration record, 1/2 white from fathers side, and actually has some black in him from his mothers side

People are just stupid, I guess. Like saying barack hussein obama is black... hes not. Hes half black.

The tweeter and anyone saying they are going to kill white people because of what a hispanic man who is partially black did to a black man who violently assaulted him are obviously uneducated morons.

edit on 6/29/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: grammar

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by muse7

Are you suggesting the Government round up everyone that says those stupid things on twitter?

Can you point out where I might have suggested that?

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