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Conviced ssex offender gets custody of six year old girl

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posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

So your saying if your found guilty of murder one and didnt do it when its found out your innocent people should still see you as a murderer?

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

Lets make this easy. Stop worrying about if the sex offender was male or female. The sex of the offender is irrelevant. What is relevant is that an Oklahoma judge gave custody of a 6 year old child to a sex offender. What ever the reason you are trying to tell me that these was the best option for the child?

Seeing as how the father was wrongfully accused of his crime to begin with? Absolutely was the best option for the child. In this case, the mother was the one who was truly abusing the child by not letting her see her father, and by brainwashing the child into thinking the father had done something that he never did.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 12:17 PM

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears


posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears

I didnt get to see your post that was scrapped but I guess you must be someone thats actually close to the mother.
Your absolutly right good men shouldnt defend a convicted sex offender, wait for it,... unless said man was WRONGFULLY convicted do you even understand what that means? There are alot of documented cases of mothers using there children in this manner, of women claiming rape and later it comes to light it was a lie and even mothers pimping out there own daughters so please just stop.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 01:41 PM
70% lets try 10-15%

According to some estimates, only about 10 percent to 15 percent of divorced or single fathers have sole custody of their children. The remaining fathers have either joint custody or no custody of their children. Why do women win custody in such high numbers? There are many reasons. First, it's important to remember that statistics don't tell the whole story. They fail to take into account the fact that: Couples often privately negotiate custody agreements, and these statistics include couples who have voluntarily agreed that the mother should have sole custody as well as couples that have agreed to joint custody. When children are born to single mothers, the mother automatically has physical and legal custody unless the father steps forward to claim paternity and ask for some form of custody. It's also important to realize that men are being awarded custody more frequently today than they were 10 or 20 years ago.

Census data from 17.8% to Dads

About 1 in 6 custodial parents were fathers (17.8 percent).

This is what I punched into the little thing called the magic Google ball

"percentage of fathers that win custody"

I know a guy that got convicted of a sex crime because he had a bathtub photo of his daughter developed and was reported by the fine people at the wal mart photo desk. He is a registered sex offender and has to seek counsling he has to pay for along with of course the 5 years of probation and state monitoring he had to go through prior to that and then the whole cannot own firearms along with registering every year, he still has joint custody even after that period he was only allowed to see his child with monitering from a state counsler. I am not saying this is the case here but sometimes circumstances we don't know about allow for rulings some people just dont understand.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 02:07 PM

The media is all over it now so there should be more info, this piece has a picture of this Adorable little girl.

I wanted to post it, so the DEFENDERS can LOOK THIS CHILD IN THE FACE

And tell her,

His rights Trump Hers.

There, feel like Good anti MISANDRISTS now? Good.

I hope to God you are right, that this man is a good man and this CHILD won't be DAMAGED FOR LIFE,

She's Female, so we Know she isn't worth much, in Our society except as "goods"

Breeder, etc. But I SEE HER



IF this man was innocent, then at Least, he should be demanded to Move to OK where he could be Monitered, rather than shipping this CHILD off to another State where she has ZERO supervision.

If That offends because it's Misandry,

Well boo hoo. TELL THAT, TO THIS GIRL.

Go ahead, delete this too...cowards. It speaks Volumes IF YOU DO. And as GOD AS WITNESS,

IF you take This child and Protect status quo or agenda, etc. then YOU are just as Guilty in what happens TO HER.

A Monkey could see this Case, is Political Madness and Corruption, and a CHILD is at stake. A CHILD.

Pathetic, I've lost all respect for this nation.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears

IF this man was innocent, then at Least, he should be demanded to Move to OK where he could be Monitered, rather than shipping this CHILD off to another State where she has ZERO supervision.

Yea, here's the thing, even though he now has custody, he's going to have to go through at least 6 months of evaluations. There are going to be numerous alphabet agencies contacting him on a regular and surprise basis. (believe me, I'm going through this right now). If they deem that longer supervision is required, they will do it.

Typically, once or twice a week is someone from California's version of Safe Childrens Coalition, then there's of course Child Protection Services, and the Guardian Ad Litem Program. All who get to come in to the home, whenever they see fit, and talk to his child. This is what I am currently going through and I'm considered a non offending parent which means I have done nothing to ever have had my child removed from my custody. And I still get this treatment.

She's Female, so we Know she isn't worth much, in Our society except as "goods"

Breeder, etc. But I SEE HER



Women aren't viewed that in our society anymore. I think my female boss would take exception to your victimization of women's rights in this day and age.

If That offends because it's Misandry,

Well boo hoo. TELL THAT, TO THIS GIRL.

Go ahead, delete this too...cowards. It speaks Volumes IF YOU DO. And as GOD AS WITNESS,

IF you take This child and Protect status quo or agenda, etc. then YOU are just as Guilty in what happens TO HER.

A Monkey could see this Case, is Political Madness and Corruption, and a CHILD is at stake. A CHILD.

Pathetic, I've lost all respect for this nation.

Nice rant.

But time will tell. He's not off the hook yet, he's going to have to prove himself to the state in order for them to back off completely. And even though it appears that his sex offender status was due to the mother brainwashing the daughter into testifying against her own father for something he never did, it's still going to haunt him in this case all the way to the end.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 03:22 PM
Here in Ca. I saw a judge side with the father in every case but one. The only reason the judge didn't side with the father in that case was because the father had never seen the child before. Weeks later a read a letter to the editor in the local newspaper that brought up the fact that all attempts to remove this misogynist judge who was bitter about his on divorce case 40 years ago, had failed because he was an appointed judge and not an elected official.

There is a real push here to side with the fathers over the mothers to make up for the past of always siding with mothers. It has become a mothers versus fathers fight and they have forgotten the best interest of the child.

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears

As for the facts about the custody, those are well known, in Contested cases, it's 70%.


Cherry picking at its best.

If 90% of cases aren't contested, but 70% of contested cases are awarded to the fathers, that means only 7 out of 100 fathers are getting custody.

Seriously, we get it, you were abused or mistreated by a man, you are a misandrist whatever.. Please disclose these things (whatever the case may be) before making up your own "stats".

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