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The Alien Agenda for Universal Conquest

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posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:00 AM
FINAL REPORT: RE: Concerning Humanoids, the planet Earth.
Break off all contact; Block headed species, limited imagination, limited intelligence, arrogant and egotistical
Humans as a species are regressive and incapable of advancing and must be contained on the Planet Earth
as their arrogance and war-like nature would pose a threat to advancing cultures and species throughout the
known and unknown galaxy. Species to be fed technological trinkets to satisfy their limited psyches.
Check back in 1000 years but prospects not promising - again Humanoids appear to be a hopelessly dull and
unimaginative race of beings not capable of advancement; Genetic experiments have also been failures as
the humanoid genetic flaw appears inherit to its existence.
Search will continue on other planets and other galaxies outside of Milky-way for intelligent life; Notify Pleiadian allies of failure to make meaningful contact.
We find no significant intelligent life on the Planet Earth!
edit on 30-6-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
FINAL REPORT: RE: Concerning Humanoids, the planet Earth.
Break off all contact; Block headed species, limited imagination, limited intelligence, arrogant and egotistical
Humans as a species are regressive and incapable of advancing and must be contained on the Planet Earth
as their arrogance and war-like nature would pose a threat to advancing cultures and species throughout the
known and unknown galaxy. Species to be fed technological trinkets to satisfy their limited psyches.
Check back in 1000 years but prospects not promising - again Humanoids appear to be a hopelessly dull and
unimaginative race of beings not capable of advancement; Genetic experiments have also been failures as
the humanoid genetic flaw appears inherit to its existence.
Search will continue on other planets and other galaxies outside of Milky-way for intelligent life; Notify Pleiadian allies of failure to make meaningful contact.
We find no significant intelligent life on the Planet Earth!
edit on 30-6-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

So that is it. Come in, make a mess and then take off.
Who is the intelligent species in this equation? I have a solution and i am a mere "block head". Well its actually ovoid and rather big. I saved a cockroach from dieing the other day, but that is because i imagined it "lord cocky" of the "vermin collective".

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:14 AM

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
FINAL REPORT: RE: Concerning Humanoids, the planet Earth.
Break off all contact; Block headed species, limited imagination, limited intelligence, arrogant and egotistical
Humans as a species are regressive and incapable of advancing and must be contained on the Planet Earth
as their arrogance and war-like nature would pose a threat to advancing cultures and species throughout the
known and unknown galaxy. Species to be fed technological trinkets to satisfy their limited psyches.
Check back in 1000 years but prospects not promising - again Humanoids appear to be a hopelessly dull and
unimaginative race of beings not capable of advancement; Genetic experiments have also been failures as
the humanoid genetic flaw appears inherit to its existence.
Search will continue on other planets and other galaxies outside of Milky-way for intelligent life; Notify Pleiadian allies of failure to make meaningful contact.
We find no significant intelligent life on the Planet Earth!
edit on 30-6-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)
This news is not good and most likely result in galactic war. I have been building an advanced robot army capable of destroying planets in the far reaches of the universe. This is your last chance. join me or prepare to be evaporated.
edit on 30-6-2013 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
Humans are obsessed by a need to dominate each other and continue to engage in an endless series of futile power struggles of death and destruction
Says who? The vast majority of humans are simply living, the fact that billions of us live within co-operative societies argues against your point that we are "obsessed with a need to dominate each other". I would argue that a minority of humans are obsessed with power and greed, which leeds them to control or manipulate others. It is this behaviour that results in war etc.

as they stay on the lower humanoid/animal plane of existence. We have historically tried many times to force human evolution but have meet with very limited success.
Why would you force anything on anyone? Isn't that merely domination and control?

We will again attempt to stimulate the human brain to see another paradigm and plane of existence where existence and all it entails should be the objective of a more advanced species of human. But as long as humans continue their obsession with power over each other the universe will remain out of reach and human destiny will continue to suck on the planet Earth.

Life on earth is awesome.
You just need to look for it.
If you cannot see the inherent beauty of the universe within the earth, then you will not see it anywhere else in the universe.
We are one with the universe.

"IF' we could spark the humanoid consciousness to see a greater universe where Man is more than an ant - A universe waiting to be conquered as we have conquered much of it then a possible
dialogue between our species can begin in earnest.
What makes you think we need your "spark"?

We do not see the universe as you do - a vast unfathomable
expanse that alludes human comprehension.
We do not see the universe as unfathomable? Most of us see it as amazing and incredible. Many of us are unravelling its mysteries, daily we strive to see further into the universe, we investigate it from its smallest aspect to the depths of space.

To us the universe is an intelligent energy pattern that we are part of. .A living energy source that can be controlled and conquered. We would like you humans to evolve up to our plane and join with us in the conquest of energy and the universe. The human perspective will give us more understanding of the limited dimensional space you exist in and will enhance our perspective and yours. Come with us humanoid there is a vast universe waiting to be conquered.. Give up your petty power plays and we will show you the real meaning of power and the vastness of space.

You are a fool, for you only seek to conquer yourself.

Your are an alien to the universe.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by AlienView

again Humanoids appear to be a hopelessly dull and unimaginative race of beings not capable of advancement; Genetic experiments have also been failures as the humanoid genetic flaw appears inherit to its existence.

Ok, I'm confused.

First you talk about humans.

Then you start talking about humanoids, denoting a being that is human-like (resembling a human).

Don't the "aliens" know the difference about who they are even talking about?

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
FINAL REPORT: RE: Concerning Humanoids, the planet Earth.
Break off all contact; Block headed species, limited imagination, limited intelligence, arrogant and egotistical
Humans as a species are regressive and incapable of advancing and must be contained on the Planet Earth
as their arrogance and war-like nature would pose a threat to advancing cultures and species throughout the
known and unknown galaxy. Species to be fed technological trinkets to satisfy their limited psyches.
Check back in 1000 years but prospects not promising - again Humanoids appear to be a hopelessly dull and
unimaginative race of beings not capable of advancement; Genetic experiments have also been failures as
the humanoid genetic flaw appears inherit to its existence.
Search will continue on other planets and other galaxies outside of Milky-way for intelligent life; Notify Pleiadian allies of failure to make meaningful contact.
We find no significant intelligent life on the Planet Earth!
edit on 30-6-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

Ha, ha! Love it!
Although I think maybe checking back in FIVE years would be more prudent.
Withing 5 years the cumulative effects of global warming, political conflict, economic disparity, and social unrest will be so extreme that mankind as a whole will be forced to stop and realize that "Hey, things aren't working out so good!"

This will prod the masses out of their Kardashian-induced slumber as the flood waters reach knee level, and the hair is baked off the tops of their heads, and the chemical laced food supply continues to poison us. They will finally reach out for a spiritual solution to their material ego-centrism, and the New Age, new dimension, New Earth prophets will finally have their say. Ha!

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 01:21 PM
If aliens are considered to be much more complex life form then we as human being are considered, then they definitely have had their dark moments in history like us. However, their advances in science has push the envelope on that, so they wouldn't have a need for resource especially if they transform matter into energy.

As far as universal conquest can go, there are plenty of worlds out there with life. Some new, some old, and some I don't want to try to think about. As for governments well, stone walls could only stand for so long.

And yes our governments and their obsessions with oil and currency oppression is pathetic in terms of evolution of a species as a whole.

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 11:45 PM
FINAL REPORT: RE Humanoids, the planet Earth.

A) Assessment:
Earth humans are a block-headed species, limited imagination; limited intelligence; arrogant and egotistical.
They are regressive and incapable of original thinking.
Their faith is in weapons and hardware, and the use of force and deception.
They worship money and material possessions.

B) Minority View:
A few exceptional human candidates may be open to learning.
Some expansive thinkers may be receptive to the idea of a benevolent galactic brotherhood.
A very rare few may volunteer as pioneers in disseminating evolutionary and spiritual information that may help advance the species.

C) Conclusion:
Earthlings need our help. They are on a collision course with disaster.
Since governments spurn and ridicule our advances, we suggest contacting those open-minded individuals and groups that are willing to listen and learn.
We may, through the cooperation of enlightened individuals, use the internet and social media to convey concept of kinship of earthlings with their inter-dimensional neighbors.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by UncleVinnys

Indeed UncleVinnys, apparently you are a fellow traveler of the intergalactic realm.
Some may wonder why I would post hypothetical posts of alien beings who may be no more than my imagination?
A large percentage of unknown and even known existence is based upon our imagination -- it is the false belief in
a fixed and absolute realiy that is the grand delusion of the unimaginative who need a fixed delusion or illusion of
reality to cling to. 'IF' my hypothetical advanced alien beings exist, and I do believe they exist, then only by allowing for them to enter into our psyche will we one day be able to communicate with our super-creative, super-intelligent intergalactic space brothers.[and sisters if they are gender type beings].

As you say, and as I agree:

Earthlings need our help. They are on a collision course with disaster. Since governments spurn and ridicule our advances, we suggest contacting those open-minded individuals and groups that are willing to listen and learn. We may, through the cooperation of enlightened individuals, use the internet and social media to convey concept of kinship of earthlings with their inter-dimensional neighbors.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by AlienView

A large percentage of unknown and even known existence is based upon our imagination -- [color=cyan] it is the false belief in
a fixed and absolute realiy that is the grand delusion of the unimaginative who need a fixed delusion or illusion of
reality to cling to. 'IF' my hypothetical advanced alien beings exist, and I do believe they exist, then only by allowing for them to enter into our psyche will we one day be able to communicate with our super-creative, super-intelligent intergalactic space brothers.[and sisters if they are gender type beings].

[color=cyan] The reality of the actual self inflicted
MATRIX mind state or being content existing within a subjective reality based mind state-lifestyle, (perhaps comfort zone /fear related) why at the same time not realizing the subjective boxed in/blocked consciousness IS being HELD BACK -trapped within a transparent or unseen conscious ignorance CAGE-illusion attachment from subjective thinking-lifestyles -reality.

This cage is designed from thinking processes which basically deny the objective reality related to outside Concepts of communications and Truths of the ALL* Connections, that those formulating MATRIX mind states may not be considering... So the humanoid species man NEEDS to MATURE and began to look and ACCEPT beyond EA*RTH related influences and reality..

edit on 7/2/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:16 AM
What are the chances aliens HAVE come to Earth but with the US governments control of the sky, basically snatch them up as soon as they come in to orbit and hide them from the general public?

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Infest
What are the chances aliens HAVE come to Earth but with the US governments control of the sky, basically snatch them up as soon as they come in to orbit and hide them from the general public?

Bigger ships would be harder snatch up. If they can get to earth, getting snatched up should be easy to overcome. If they are getting snatched up.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by TheomExperience

Originally posted by Infest
What are the chances aliens HAVE come to Earth but with the US governments control of the sky, basically snatch them up as soon as they come in to orbit and hide them from the general public?

Bigger ships would be harder snatch up. If they can get to earth, getting snatched up should be easy to overcome. If they are getting snatched up.

Ah very true. But again, the government could be much more advanced than the general public could even imagine... Hyptohetically speaking of course.

Also, maybe Aliens don't have bigger ships. Whose to say how advanced they are.. Maybe they've only been able to construct drones or singular cockpits..

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Infest

Ah very true. But again, the government could be much more advanced than the general public could even imagine... Hyptohetically speaking of course.

Also, maybe Aliens don't have bigger ships. Whose to say how advanced they are.. Maybe they've only been able to construct drones or singular cockpits..

Valid points. Lets "hope" they are more advanced than humans and can find a way around this. Assuming they are being snatched up of course

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 09:53 AM
Thanks.. As you can see I'm new to the forum and I have not had much experience in any of these matters.. It's become a real interest to me in literally, the last two days. So I thank you for "validating" my points. Makes me feel smart!!!!

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Infest
What are the chances aliens HAVE come to Earth but with the US governments control of the sky, basically snatch them up as soon as they come in to orbit and hide them from the general public?

Any species of alien being capable of traveling to this planet would be so far advance so as to not need to worry about human technology - some who are paranoid worry about their technology. But if you consider how advanced
they would be you have nothing to worry about because what ever they decide ot do with humans is way beyond
your control.

Also consider that their technology would probably render them invisible most of the time. This might explain why
many so-called sightings of alien craft can suddently appear from nowhere and then suddenly disappear - and in
cases where they can be oibserved for any length of time it becomes obvious that their technology is way above
any human technology currently available

Also consider that the being[s] I'm hypothetically channeling may not need to travel in a physhical craft.
They many travel through space as energy sttreams and may be able to travel at the speed of mind.
Do you know what the speed of mind is? Use your imagination and multipy it a thousand times!.
edit on 3-7-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
But if you consider how advanced they would be you have nothing to worry about because what ever they decide to do with humans is way beyond your control.

Didn't they gave up on humanity on Earth? Any intelligent species would know how to deal with us and could be like a psychologist and educate us. Or can I assume I and many others are more intelligent in some respects (being tolerant, patient and understanding) since we have found ways to deal with eachother. Since there is no physical weapon to threaten me to listen and consider what they have to say and I have power over my own mind I do not see how they can exert control over me.
edit on 13/7/2013 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

Without stretching your imagination there are obvious ways that humans control each other from as simple a
concept as the psychology used in marketing where you are coerced into buying things you do not need. For this
a little awareness can be a defense. But if you are dealing with a theoretically highly advanced species with an agenda that you are not aware of 'they' could be influencing your behavior and will without you being aware of it.
I [as a human] would even consider the possibility of different types of computer code being released through the
internet and in ways still beyond current human comprehension, be affecting how you think and act - sort of like
subconscious hypnotic programming that you do not perceive consciously. If my hypothetical aliens exist - hope they are with us not against us!

edit on 14-7-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by UncleVinnys

C) Conclusion:
Earthlings need our help. They are on a collision course with disaster.
Since governments spurn and ridicule our advances, we suggest contacting those open-minded individuals and groups that are willing to listen and learn.
We may, through the cooperation of enlightened individuals, use the internet and social media to convey concept of kinship of earthlings with their inter-dimensional neighbors.

I'm not sure humans even want help at this point. Secrecy, violence, corruption, and fear is at an all-time high and the world we live in is getting progressively worse. I'm not a pessimist but I'm afraid the spiral we're in seems irreparable. The only way anything would ever change is if there were massive UFO landings all over the world at one specific time. This is probably the closest we will ever get to disclosure...

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