posted on May, 15 2003 @ 05:32 PM
The 'dreams', if you want to call them that. Revolved around survival. Many times the animals I was killing were my own pets. This was quite
disturbing, and still to this day I often wonder why I have thoughts like these.
I think it is because of my mental capabilites. I think that if the mind is manipulating into think about something a lot, then the mind is capable
of being transformed by the incessant thought.
The incessant thoughts that I have about animals revolve around the possibilites that the animals themselves have human souls and are really nothing
more than people. I often analyze my pets, and wonder if I will be able to speak to them in the after life. So my thoughts about life and about
animals drive me to dream things I wouldn't normally be dreaming.
The only other thing in my dreams that was more constant than animals is my schools and my classmates. Yet even then, I would have several violent
dreams about school.
Like one time, I had a dream that Nazi's were storming my school and all the students were taking up arms and killing off the invaders by the
hundreds. The dream itself wasn't scary, it was more exciting than anything.
The question we must ask is, "Do our dreams have meaning???"
That is the real question everyone wants to know. This is a question that cannot be answered by just one person. I think that the vast array of dream
thought allows for a whole new reality, or perception of life. I think that all of our dreams have some sort of meaning, but I doubt I can accurately
place them all with a reasonable meaning. The dream world is a world that exists but to what extent???
Is it only within the dreamer, or is the dreamer within it???
That is the most pressing question of them all.
[Edited on 20-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]