posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 09:27 PM
Just wondering. Is it not easier to purchase a brand new computer with all the innovations over the years instead of trying to add this, upgrade that
to an old system not built to keep up with changes? Oh, I agree with upgrades....but with all the tech talk about doing this, upping that,
re-installing this, changing that, new upgrades and all...on an OLD computer?
I never have any issues, ever. They say one should replace your cell phones, flat screens tvs and laptops every few years or so just to keep up with
innovations. Then I read here, it wont do this, it wont do that, it used to do this, it used to do that..I get it.
As cheap as notebooks, laptops and PCs are now-a-days...why not replace? Its real hard to get old computers trying to keep up with newer, faster and
more tech'd out websites....I have to keep up with things somewhat, right?. Otherwise...what do you expect?
I see these "screen-shots" of these long computer stats people post. I have never...ever... done anything with any such of these things because even
as I do the same things on mine as others...its never a problem.
I just save my money and when I can afford to...I replace with something newer, better and more efficient using todays gaming, videos, music and
internet itself, keeping up with all the industry is dishing out. They move ahead. How cant you with your own personal dinosaur????
Thats what I dont get. All this info folks are trying to change...bios, dns..whatever...Go to the store!
I myself went from the ages of DOS to WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWS 7....and have never done any of the tweeking I see
attempted here. I have ton of RAM, more than enough memory, 1 Terabite of storage, and external 1T drive to backup everything (and I throw it in a
drawer...not on some "online storage site-how crazy"....and I have a 4g, 2-8gs, and a 16g flash drive on my key ring.
We wouldnt keep a 45 year old car for 870,000 miles and ask for help on how to put on some fuel injectors...just becasue we own the car still. Or is
it just me?
Recently, I bought a DELL PC for the wife at home, and myself a laptop. Each new, and one for $500 (saved up for it...Im not rich either)...and one
for $399 (overtime money I made for the holidays last year).
So when I see posts like this....I dont wonder at all why these folks cant get their "dinosaurs to eat sushi" so to speak.
Ok...Im done now. Thanks for listening........................